About Our Programs of Study

Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Neurosciences
The Department of Neurobiology no longer maintains its own PhD Program. Students entering laboratories of faculty in the Department are primarily admitted through the Neuroscience Interdepartmental Program (NSIDP). The NSIDP is one of eighteen Graduate Programs in Biosciences at UCLA. The NSIDP has an independent admissions process and an independent curriculum, but all programs share some of the administrative structures.
Neurobiology Faculty are actively involved in all teaching and educational activities of this graduate program and, in particular, play a leadership role in the “Focused Areas of Research” (FARs), including “Learning and Memory,” “Neural Development, Degeneration and Repair,” and “Synapses, Cells, and Circuits.” Please consult the website and do not hesitate to contact Dr. Felix Schweizer, Director of the Neurosciences IDP and Vice-Chair for Education ( or Ms. Jenny Lee, Graduate Advisor ( for further information.
Learn More About the Interdepartmental Graduate Program
Graduate Programs in the Biosciences (GPB)
Graduate Programs in Bioscience is a consortium of 11 home areas and their affiliated PhD programs, organized to provide the best possible research training and professional development for graduate students pursuing PhDs in the life and biomedical sciences.
UCLA/Caltech Medical Science Training Program (MSTP)
MSTP students entering through the David Geffen School of Medicine must join a GPB home area and will be subject to requirements of that Program as modified by agreements between the MSTP program and the home area.