Dario Ringach, PhD
Department of Neurobiology
10833 Le Conte Avenue, Rm 73-210 CHS
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1763
Research Interest
Visual neurophysiology and perception
Lopour Beth A, Tavassoli Abtine, Fried Itzhak, Ringach Dario L Coding of information in the phase of local field potentials within human medial temporal lobe Neuron, 2013; 79(3): 594-606.
Paik Se-Bum, Ringach Dario L Link between orientation and retinotopic maps in primary visual cortex Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2012; 109(18): 7091-6.
Nauhaus Ian, Busse Laura, Ringach Dario L, Carandini Matteo Robustness of traveling waves in ongoing activity of visual cortex The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2012; 32(9): 3088-94.
Frey Jared, Ringach Dario L Binocular eye movements evoked by self-induced motion parallax The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2011; 31(47): 17069-73.
Paik Se-Bum, Ringach Dario L Retinal origin of orientation maps in visual cortex Nature neuroscience, 2011; 14(7): 919-25.
Ringach Dario L The use of nonhuman animals in biomedical research The American journal of the medical sciences, 2011; 342(4): 305-13.
Ringach Dario L You get what you get and you don’t get upset Nature neuroscience, 2011; 14(2): 123-4.
Pouget Alexander, Ringach Dario L, Landy Michael Data rules; but theory understands: an introduction to a special issue on “Mathematical models of visual coding” Vision research, 2010; 50(22): 2189.
Ringach Dario L Population coding under normalization Vision research, 2010; 50(22): 2223-32.
Theobald Jamie C, Ringach Dario L, Frye Mark A Visual stabilization dynamics are enhanced by standing flight velocity Biology letters, 2010; 6(3): 410-3.
Malone BJ, Ringach DL. Dynamics of tuning in the Fourier domain, J Neurophysiol, 2008; 100(1): 239-48.
Theobald JC, Duistermars BJ, Ringach DL, Frye MA. Flies see second-order motion, Curr Biol, 2008; 18(11): R464-5.
Nauhaus I, Benucci A, Carandini M, Ringach DL. Neuronal selectivity and local map structure in visual cortex, Neuron, 2008; 57(5): 673-9.
Malone BJ, Kumar VR, Ringach DL. Dynamics of receptive field size in primary visual cortex, J Neurophysiol, 2007; 97(1): 407-14. Ringach DL. On the origin of the functional architecture of the cortex, PLoS ONE, 2007; 28(2): e251.
Nauhaus I, Ringach DL. Precise alignment of micromachined electrode arrays with V1 functional maps, J Neurophysiol, 2007; 97(5): 3781-9.
Ringach DL, Malone BJ. The operating point of the cortex: neurons as large deviation detectors, J Neurosci, 2007; 27(29): 7673-83.
Xing D, Shapley RM, Hawken MJ, Ringach DL. Effect of stimulus size on the dynamics of orientation selectivity in Macaque V1, J Neurophysiol, 2005; 94(1): 799-812.
Mata ML, Ringach DL. Spatial overlap of ON and OFF subregions and its relation to response modulation ratio in macaque primary visual cortex, J Neurophysiol, 2005; 93(2): 919-28.
Xing D, Ringach DL, Shapley R, Hawken MJ. Correlation of local and global orientation and spatial frequency tuning in macaque V1, J Physiol, 2004; 557(Pt 3): 923-33.
Ringach DL. Haphazard wiring of simple receptive fields and orientation columns in visual cortex, J Neurophysiol, 2004; 92(1): 468-76.
Ringach DL. Mapping receptive fields in primary visual cortex, J Physiol, 2004; 558(Pt 3): 717-28.
Shapley R, Hawken M, Ringach DL. Dynamics of orientation selectivity in the primary visual cortex and the importance of cortical inhibition, Neuron, 2003; 38(5): 689-99.
Ringach, DL Hawken, MJ Shapley, R Dynamics of orientation tuning in macaque V1: the role of global and tuned suppression Journal of neurophysiology. , 2003; 90(1): 342-52.
Dorn JD, Ringach DL. Estimating membrane voltage correlations from extracellular spike trains, J Neurophysiol, 2003; 89(4): 2271-8.
Dorn, JD Ringach, DL Estimating membrane voltage correlations from extracellular spike trains Journal of neurophysiology. , 2003; 89(4): 2271-8.
Ringach DL. Look at the big picture (details will follow), Nat Neurosci, 2003; 6(1): 7-8.
Ringach DL. Neuroscience: states of mind, Nature, 2003; 425(6961): 912-3.
Bredfeldt, CE Ringach, DL Dynamics of spatial frequency tuning in macaque V1 The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. , 2002; 22(5): 1976-84.
Bredfeldt C, Ringach D Dynamics of spatial frequency tuning of macaque LGN, J Vis, 2002; 2(7): 219a.
Nykamp, DQ Ringach, DL Full identification of a linear-nonlinear system via cross-correlation analysis Journal of vision [electronic resource]. , 2002; 2(1): 1-11.
Nykamp DQ, Ringach DL. Full identification of a linear-nonlinear system via cross-correlation analysis, J Vis, 2002; 2(1): 1-11.
Dorn JD, Ringach DL Long-range interactions in macaque primary visual cortex, J Vis, 2002; 2(7): 108a.
Mechler F, Ringach DL On the classification of simple and complex cells, Vis Res, 2002; 42(8): 1017-33.
Mechler F, Ringach DL. On the classification of simple and complex cells, Vision Res, 2002; 42(8): 1017-33.
Ringach, DL Shapley, RM Hawken, MJ Orientation selectivity in macaque V1: diversity and laminar dependence The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. , 2002; 22(13): 5639-51.
Mechler F, Ringach jDL Re-evaluating the dichotomy between simple and complex cells in primary visual cortex (V1), J Vis, 2002; 2(7): 124a.
Ringach, DL Hawken, MJ Shapley, R Receptive field structure of neurons in monkey primary visual cortex revealed by stimulation with natural image sequences Journal of vision [electronic resource]. , 2002; 2(1): 12-24.
Ringach DL, Hawken MJ, Shapley R. Receptive field structure of neurons in monkey primary visual cortex revealed by stimulation with natural image sequences, J Vis, 2002; 2(1): 12-24.
Ringach, DL Spatial structure and symmetry of simple-cell receptive fields in macaque primary visual cortex Journal of neurophysiology. , 2002; 88(1): 455-63.
Ringach, DL Bredfeldt, CE Shapley, RM Hawken, MJ Suppression of neural responses to nonoptimal stimuli correlates with tuning selectivity in macaque V1 Journal of neurophysiology. , 2002; 87(2): 1018-27.
Hqwken MJ, Shapley RM, Ringach DL, Sceniak MP, Johnson EN, Mareschal I, Henrie JA Contrast gain as a function of the temporal frequency of macaque V1 neurons, Invest Ophthal & Vis Sci, 2001; 42(4): 3898, Suppl. S.
Hawken MJ, Shapley R, Sceniak MP, Ringach DL, Johnson EN Contrast gain, area summation and temporal tuning in primate visual cortex, Vision and Attention, 2001; .
Pugh, MC Ringach, DL Shapley, R Shelley, MJ Computational modeling of orientation tuning dynamics in monkey primary visual cortex Journal of computational neuroscience. , 2000; 8(2): 143-59.
Ringach DL, Bredfeldt CE, Dorn JD, Spriggs D, Irazoqui-Pastor P Dynamics of spatial frequency selectivity in macaque primary visual cortex, Invest Ophthal & Vis Sci, 2000; 41(4): 1749.
Sceniak, MP Ringach, DL Hawken, MJ Shapley, R Contrast’s effect on spatial summation by macaque V1 neurons Nature neuroscience. , 1999; 2(8): 733-9.
Shapley R, Ringach D Dynamics of Responses in Visual Cortex, The New Cognitive Neurosciences, 1999; . Ringach, DL Tuning of orientation detectors in human vision Vision research. , 1998; 38(7): 963-72.
Ringach, DL Hawken, MJ Shapley, R Dynamics of orientation tuning in macaque primary visual cortex Nature. , 1997; 387(6630): 281-4.
Carandini, M Ringach, DL Predictions of a recurrent model of orientation selectivity Vision research. , 1997; 37(21): 3061-71.