Edwin Cooper, PhD
Emeritus Professor
Department of Neurobiology
10833 Le Conte Avenue, Rm 17-315 CHS
(Campus Mail Code 176318)
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1763
Education and Degree(s)
Cooper E.L. Hrzenjak, T.M. and Grdisa, T. Alternative sources of fibrinolytic, anticoagulative, antimicrobial and anticancer molecules, Int. J. Immunopathol. and Pharacol, ; 237-244.
Salvioli S, Sikora E, Cooper EL, Franceschi C. Curcumin in Cell Death Processes: A Challenge for CAM of Age-Related Pathologies, Evid Based Complement Alternat MEd, ; 4(2): 181-190.
Prakash M, Balamurugan M, Parthasarathi K, Gunasekaran G, Cooper EL, Ranganathan LS. Anti-ulceral and anti-oxidative properties of “earthworm paste” of Lampito mauritii (Kinberg) on Rattus Norvegicus, Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci, 2007; 11(1): 9-15.
Balamurugan M, Parthasarathi K, Cooper EL, Ranganthan LS. Earthworm paste (Lampito mauritii, Kinberg) alters inflammatory, oxidative, haematological and serum biochemical indices of inflamed rat, Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci, 2007; 11(2): 77-90.
Cooper EL. Is There Room for Paradox in CAM?, Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2007; 4(2): 135-7.
Cooper El. On the Road to an Impact Factor for eCAM, Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2007; 4(1): 1-2.
Salzet M, Tasiemski A, Cooper E. Innate immunity in Lophotrochozoans: The Annelids, Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2006; 12: 3043-3050. Cooper EL. Regional Strength in CAM, Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2006; 3(3): 291-2.
Cooper EL. Stem Cells and CAM, Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2006; 3(2): 167-9. Cooper EL, Kvell K, EngelmanN P, Nemeth P. Still waiting for the toll?, Immunol Lett, 2006; 104(1-2): 18-28.
Cooper EL. eCAM: On To Year 4, Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2006; 3(4): 395-6. Engelmann, P., Cooper, E.L. and Nemeth, P. Anticipating innate immunity without a Toll. Mol. Immunol, Molecular Immunology, 2005; 931-342.
Lugli E, Troiano L, Ferraresi R, Roat E, Prada N, Nasi M, Pinti M, Cooper EL. Characterization of cells with different mitochondrial membrane potential during apoptosis, Cytometry, 2005; 68: 28-35.
Ferraresi R, Troiano L, Roat E, Lugli E, Nemes E, Nasi M, Pinti M, Fernandez MI, Cooper EL, Cossarizza A. Essential Requirement of reduced glutathione (GSH) for the anti-oxidant effect of the flavonoid quercetin, Free Radic Res, 2005; 39: 1249-1258.
Cossarizza A, Pinti M, Troiano L, Cooper EL. Flow cytometry as a tool for analyzing invertebrate cells, Invertebrate Survival Journal, 2005; 2: 32-40.
Cunha da Silva JRM, Cooper EL, Sinhorini IL, Borges JCS, Jensch-Junior BE, Porto-Neto LR, Hernandez-Blazquez FJ, Vellutini BC, Pressinotti LN, Costa-Pinto FA. Microscopial study of experimental wound healing in Notenia coriiceps (Cabecuda) at 0 degree C, Cell Tissue Res, 2005; 321: 401-410.
Engelmann P, Palinkas L, Cooper EL, Nemeth P. Monoclonal antibodies identify four distinct annelid leukocyte markers, Dev Comp Immunol, 2005; 29: 599-614.
Cooper E.L, Torres AP, Castel AR. Comparative Immunology of the Integument, Skin Immune System, 2004; 9-24.
Cooper EL, P��rez A, Castell A. Comparative Immunology of the Integument, skin immune system: cutaneous immunology and clinical immunodermatology 3rd edition, 2004; 19-54.
Cooper EL, Yamaguchi N Complementary and alternative approaches to biomedicine, Advances in experimental medicine and biology, 2004; 546: .
Wiesner L, Hahn ME, Karchner SI, Cooper EL, Kauschke E Does an aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR)-like molecule exist in earthworms? Some implications for immunity, Pedobiologia, 2004; 47: 646-50.
Cooper EL, Roch P Earthworm immunity: a model of immune competence, Pedobiologia, 2004; 47: 676-88.
Engelmann, P., Molnar, L., Palinkas, L., Cooper, E.L. and Nemeth, P. Earthworm leukocyte populations specifically harbor lysosomal enzymes that may respond to bacterial challenge, Cell and Tissue Research, 2004; 316: 391-401.
Engelmann, P., Kiss, J., Csongei, V., Cooper, E.L. and Nemeth, P. Earthworm leukocytes kill HeLa, HEp-2, PC-12 and PA317 cells in vitro, J Biochem Biophys Methods, 2004; 61: 215-227.
Cooper, E. L., Ru, B. and Weng, N. Earthworms: sources of antimicrobial and anticancer molecules, Adv Exp Med Biol – Complementary and Alternative Approaches to Biomedicine, 2004; 359-390.
Cooper E.L. Effector mechanisms of natural immunity: an invertebrate perspective, Chow D, Bertok L, editors. Neuroimmune biology, 2004; 5(Natural Immunity): 103-122. Blanco, G.A. and Cooper, E.L. Environmental Pollutants, Immune Systems, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), J. Toxicol. and Environ. Health B. Crit, 2004; 465-80.
Field SG, Kurtz J, Cooper EL, Michiels NK Evaluation of an innate immune reaction to parasites in earthworms, J Invert Pathol, 2004; 86: 45-49.
Vojdani A, Bazargan M, Vojdani E, Samadi J, Nourian AA, Eghbalieh N, Cooper EL. Heat shock protein and gliadin peptide promote development of peptidase antibodies in children with autism and patients with autoimmune disease, Clin Diag Lab Immunol , 2004; 11: 515-524.
Vojdani, A. and Cooper, E.L. Identification of diseases that may be targets for complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), Adv. Exp. Med. Biol, 2004; 546: 75-104.
Vojdani, A., O’Bryan, T., Green, J.A., McCandless, J., Woeller, K.N., Vojdani, E., Nourian, A.A., and Cooper, E.L. Immune response to dietary proteins, gliadin and cerebellar petpides in children with autism, Nutr Neurosci, 2004; 7: 151-161.
Rosas, C., Coooper, E.L., Pascual, C., Brito, R., Belabert, R., Moreno, T., MIranda, G. and Sanchez, A. Indicators of physiological and immunological status of Litopenaeus setiferus wild population (Crustacea, Penaeidae), Marine Biology, 2004; 145: 401-413.
Silva JRMC, Sinhorini IL, Jensch-Jr BE, Porto-Neto LR, Hernandez-Blazquez FJ, Vellutini BC, Pressinotti LN, Pinto FAC, Cooper EL, Borges JCS. Kinetics of induced wound repair at O degree C in the Antarctic fish (Cabecuda) Notothenia coriiceps, Polar Biol, 2004; 27: 458-465.
Rosas, C., Cooper, E.L., Pascual, C., Brito, R., Gelabert. R., Morena, T., Miranda, G. and S��nchez, A. La condici��n reproductiva del camar��n blanco Litopenaeus setiferus (Crustacea; Penaeidae): Evidencias de deterioro ambiental en el Sur del Golfo de M��xico, Diagn��stico ambiental del Golfo de M��xico, Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Rcursos, Instituto Nacional de Ecolog��a, 2004; 2: 789-822.
Kasahara S, Cooper EL. Nervous, endocrine, immune systems as a target for complementary and alternative medicine, Complementary and Alternative Approaches to Biomedicine, 2004; 405-426.
Komiyama K, Okaue M, Miki Y, Ohkubo M, Moro I, Cooper EL Non-specific cellular function of Eisenia fetida regulated by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Pedobiologia, 2004; 47: 717-23.
Pascual, C., Sanchez, A., Garcia, T., Moreno, T., Cooper E.L. and Rosas, C. Reproductive conditio of an adult male population of the white shrimp Litopenaeus setiferus, J. Crust. Biol, 2004; In press.: .
Cooper, E.L. What happened in Kanazawa? The birth of eCAM, Complementary and Alternative Approaches to Biomedicine, 2004; .
Grether GF, Kasahara S, Kolluru GR, Cooper EL Sex-specific effects of carotenoid intake on the immunological response to allografts in guppies (Poecilia reticulata) Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society. , 2004; 271(1534): 45-9.
Vojdani A., Vojdani E. and Cooper E.L. Antibodies to myelin basic protein, myelin oligodendrocytes, peptides, alpha-beta-crystallin, lymphocyte activation and cytokine production in patients with multiple sclerosis, J. Internal Med, 2003; 254: 363-374.
Cooper EL. Comparative Immunology, Integr Comp Biol, 2003; 43: 278-280.
Cooper, E.L. Comparative immunology of the animal kingdom, The New Panorama of Animal Evolution, Proceedings XVIII International Congress of Zoology, 2003; 117-125.
Cooper, E.L. Comparative immunology, Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2003; 9: 119-31.
Salzet, M., Tasiemski, A., Lefebvre, Ch. And Cooper, E. L. Comparison of molecular neuroimmune processes between leeches and human, The New Panorama of Animal Evolution, Proceedings XVIII International Congress of Zoology, 2003; 147-157.
Parrinello, N., Cammarata, M., Arizza, V., Vazzana, M., and Cooper, E. L. How do cells of the invertebrate immune systems kill other cells?, The New Panorama of Animal Evolution, Proceedings XVIII International Congress of Zoology, 2003; 167-175.
Vojdani A., Pangborn J.B., Vojdani E. and Cooper E.L. Infections, toxic chemicals and dietary peptides binding to lymphocyte receptors and tissue enzymes are major instigators of autoimmunity in autism, Int. J. Immunopathol. Pharmacol, 2003; 16: 189-200.
Vojdani A, Pangborn JB, Vojdani E, Cooper EL Infections, toxic chemicals and dietary peptides binding to lymphocyte receptors and tissue enzymes are major instigators of autoimmunity in autism International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology. , 2003; 16(3): 189-99.
Tettamanti G, Grimaldi A, Ferrarese R, Palazzi M, Perletti G, Valvassori R, Cooper EL, Lanzavecchia G, de Eguileor M. Leech responses to tissue transplantation, Tissue & Cell, 2003; 35: 199-212.
de Eguileor M, Tettamanti G, Grimaldi A, Congiu T, Ferrarese R, Perletti G, Valvassori R, Cooper EL, Lanzavecchia G Leeches: immune response, angiogenesis and biomedical applications, Curr Pharm Des, 2003; 2: 133-47.
Koenig S, Wagner F, Kauschke E, Peter-Katalinic J, Cooper EL, Eue I Mass spectrometric analyses of CL39, CL41 and H1,H2, H3 confirm identity with fetidin and lysenin produced by earthworm leukocytes, Dev Comp Immunol, 2003; 27: 513-20.
Cooper, E.L. Neuroimmunology of autism: a multifaceted hypothesis, Int. J. Immunopathol. Pharmacol, 2003; 16: 289-92.
de Eguileor, M., Grimaldi, A., Tettamanti, G., Valvassori, R. and Cooper, E. L. State of the art for the immune system in leeches, The New Panorama of Animal Evolution, Proceedings XVIII International Congress of Zoology, 2003; 139-145.
Cooper, E.L., Beschin, A. and Bilej, M. A new model for analyzing antimicrobial peptides with biomedical applications, , 2002; .
Bilej, M., Kauschke, E., Komiyama, K., Roch, R., Kohlerova, P., Silerova, M., Cooper, E.L., De Baetselier, P., Tuckova, L. and Beschin, A. An overview of cytolytic factors in Eisenia foetida coelomic fluid, A new model for analyzing antimicrobial peptides with biomedical applications, 2002; 177-184. E
ngelmann, P., Cooper, E.L. and Nemeth, P. Comparative analysis of earthworm immune system using cell surface and intracellular markers, A new model for analyzing antimicrobial peptides with biomedical applications, 2002; 53-60.
Vazzana M, Cammarata M, Cooper EL, Parrinello N Confinement stress in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) depresses peritoneal leukocyte cytotoxicity, Aquaculture, 2002; 210: 231-43.
Hamed, S.S., Kauschke, E. and Cooper, E.L. Cytochemical properties of earthworm coelomocytes enriched by percol, A new model for analyzing antimicrobial peptides with biomedical applications, 2002; 29-37.
Cooper, E.L., Kauschke, E. and Cossarizza, A. Digging for innate immunity since Darwin and Metchnikoff, Bioessays, 2002; 24: 319-333.
Kasahara, S., Wago, H. and Cooper, E.L. Dissociation of innate and adaptive immunity by UVB irradiation, Int. J. Immunopath Pharmacol, 2002; 15: 1-12.
Kauschke, E., Lange, S., Wagner, F., Mohrig, W. and Cooper, E.L. Earthworm humoral immune system: interaction of hemolysins with lipid membranes requires sphingolipids, A new model for analyzing antimicrobial peptides with biomedical applications, 2002; 62-72.
Engelmann P, Pal J, Berki T, Cooper EL, Nemeth P. Earthworm leukocytes react with different mammalian antigen-specific monoclonal antibodies, Zoology, 2002; 105(3): 257-65.
Engelmann P, Pal J, Berki T, Cooper EL, Nemeth P. Earthworm leukocytes react with different mammalian antigen-specific monoclonal antibodies, Zoology (Jena), 2002; 105(3): 257-65.
Komiyama, K., Kauschke, E. and Cooper E. L. Evidence for a perforin-like cell-mediated cytolysis by earthworm coelomocytes, A new model for analyzing antimicrobial peptides with biomedical applications, 2002; 82-92.
de Eguileor, M, Tettamanti, G., Grimaldi, A. Ferrarese, R. Perletti, G., Valvassori, R., Cooper, E.L. Lanzavecchia, G. Leech immune responses: contributions and biomedical applications, A new model for analyzing antimicrobial peptides with biomedical applications, 2002; 93-102.
Cooper, EL. The earthworm: a new model with biomedical applications, A new model for analyzing antimicrobiol peptides with biomedical applications, 2002; 3-28.
Nasi M., Pinti, M., Troiano, L. Moretti, L. Cooper, E.L. and Cossarizza, A. The evolution of cell killing: when a target cell became “invited” to choose how to die, A new model for analyzing antimicrobial peptides with biomedical applications, 2002; 82-92.
Cabrera PV, Blanco G, Ernst G, Alvarez E, Cooper EL, Hajos S Coelomocyte locomotion in the sipunculan Themiste petricola induced by exogenous and endogenous chemoattractants: role of a CD44-like antigen–HA interaction Journal of invertebrate pathology. , 2002; 79(2): 111-9.
G. Beck, M. Sugumaran and E.L. Cooper Annelid humoral immunity: cell lysis in earthworms, Advancdes in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 2001; 484: 169-184.
Cooper, E.L., Kauschke, E. and Cossarizza, A. Annelid humoral immunity: cell lysis in earthworms, Phylogenic Perspectives on the Vertebrate Immune System, 2001; .
Kauschke E, Komiyama K, Moro I, Eue I, Konig S, Cooper EL Evidence for perforin-like activity associated with earthworm leukocytes, Zoology, 2001; 32: 13-24.
Cooper EL. Immune Response: Evolution, Encyclopedia of Sciences, 2001; .
Cooper EL, Parrinello N Immunodefense in Tunicates: cells and molecules, The Biology of Ascidians, 2001; 383-94.
Parrinello, N., Cammarata, M., Vazzana, M. and Arizza, V. Immunological Activity of Ascidian Hemocytes, The Biology of Ascidians, 2001; . Beck G, Sugumaran M, and Cooper, E.L. Phylogenic Perspectives on the Vertebrate Immune System, Advance in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 2001; 484: .
Kasahara S, Fugo H, Cooper EL, Wago H Preliminary evidence of modulating Th1 cytokine after allergen challenge, Int J Immunopath Pharmacol, 2001; 14: 63-69.
Kasahara S, Aizawa K, Okamiya M, Kazuno N, Mutoh S, Fugo H, Cooper EL, Wago H UVB irradiation suppresses cytokine production and innate cellular immune functions in mice Cytokine. , 2001; 14(2): 104-11.
de Eguileor M, Grimaldi A, Tettamanti G, Valvassori R, Cooper EL, Lanzavecchia G Lipopolysaccharide-dependent induction of leech leukocytes that cross-react with vertebrate cellular differentiation markers Tissue & cell. , 2000; 32(5): 437-45.
Cooper, E.L. and Bosch, T.C.G. Evolution of the immune system, Exp. Clin. Immunogenetics, 2000; 17: 77-82.
Kauschke, E., Eue, I., Lange, S., Mohrig, W. and Cooper, E.L. Immune proteins in earthworms, Recent. Res.Devel. Comparative Biochem. Physiol, 2000; 1: 105-122.
de Eguileor M, Grimaldi A, Tettamanti G, Valvassori R, Cooper EL, Lanzavecchia G Different types of response to foreign antigens by leech leukocytes Tissue & cell. , 2000; 32(1): 40-8.
Lange S, Kauschke E, Mohrig W, Cooper EL Biochemical characteristics of Eiseniapore, a pore-forming protein in the coelomic fluid of earthworms, Eur J Biochem, 1999; 262: 547-56.
Cooper, E. L., Kauschke, E., Cossarizza, A. and Franceschi, C. Cell adhesion and the immune system: A case study using earthworms, Microscopy Res Tech, 1999; 44: 237-253.
de Eguileor, M., Tettamanti, G., Grimaldi, A., Boselli, A., Scari, G., Valvassori, R., Cooper, E.L., and Lanzavecchia, G. Histopathological changes after induced injuries in leeches, J Invertebr Pathol, 1999; 74: 14-28.
de Eguileor M, Tettamanti G, Grimaldi A, Boselli A, Scari G, Valvassori R, Cooper EL, Lanzavecchia G Histopathological changes after induced injury in leeches, J Invertebr Pathol, 1999; 74: 14-28.
Cooper, E.L. Immune Response: Phylogeny, Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (Article 519) Macmillan Reference Limited, Grove’s Dictionaries Inc, 1999;
. Cikutovic MA, Fitzpatrick LC, Goven AJ, Venables BJ, Giggleman MA, Cooper EL Wound healing in earthworms Lumbricus terrestris: a cellular-based biomarker for assessing sublethal chemical toxicity Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology, 1999; 62(4): 508-14.
Raftos, D.A., Stillman, D.L. and Cooper E.L. Chemotactic responses of tunicate (Urochordata, Ascidiacea) menocytes in vitro, J Invertebr Patho, 1998; 72: 44-49.
Eue, I., Kauschke, E., Mohrig, W. and Cooper, E.L. Isolation and characterization of earthworm hemolysins and agglutinins, Dev. Comp. Immunol, 1998; 22: 13-25.