Jack L. Feldman, PhD
Research Professor & DGSOM Chair in Neuroscience
UCLA Department of Neurobiology
10833 Le Conte Avenue, Box 951763
Room 73-210 CHS
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1763
Research Interests
All meaningful actions of the brain result from the orchestrated activity of many neurons. A central problem confronting neuroscientists is to understand how molecular, synaptic, and cellular properties of individual neurons in densely interconnected networks result in behaviors ranging from hitting a baseball, playing the piano, reading or writing a book, taking an exam, regulating blood pressure or reproduction, or doing research. We have developed a model system that enables us to perform unique studies that directly address this problem. We investigate the neural basis for respiration in the isolated neonate rat brainstem, a preparation that offers simultaneous access to cellular, synaptic and network properties. In this preparation, the circuitry mediating respiration has been localized in a discrete region of brainstem, which can be isolated in a 300 m m thick slice. Using the slice, sophisticated techniques are used to characterize the cellular and synaptic properties of neurons involved in respiration, while at the same time characterizing their interactions at the network level, and recording motor output. Exploiting this preparation, we intend to understand how homeostatically regulated breathing movements occur, and in course, principles of integrative organization in the nervous system. We use whole-cell patch-clamp recording techniques to determine cellular and synaptic properties, including the pharmacology of identified synaptic interactions. We are presently testing our hypothesis that pacemaker neurons underlie the generation of respiratory rhythm. We have several projects looking at general mechanisms underlying the control of neuronal excitability (in functionally identified cells). In particular, we are interested in the interaction among amino acid, amine and peptide neurotransmitters. We have initiated a major program in molecular neurobiology to determine the interesting and unique molecules associated with identified cells in this network; presently, we are developing RT-PCR and mRNA differential display for this purpose. We are also interested in modeling, for which we have excellent computer facilities.
Education and Degree(s)
- Member, Brain Research Institute
- Molecular, Cellular & Integrative Physiology GPB Home Area
- Neuroscience GPB Home Area
Kam Kaiwen, Worrell Jason W, Janczewski Wiktor A, Cui Yan, Feldman Jack L Distinct inspiratory rhythm and pattern generating mechanisms in the preBötzinger complex The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2013; 33(22): 9235-45.Kam Kaiwen, Worrell Jason W, Ventalon Cathie, Emiliani Valentina, Feldman Jack L Emergence of population bursts from simultaneous activation of small subsets of preBötzinger complex inspiratory neurons The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2013; 33(8): 3332-8.Janczewski Wiktor A, Tashima Alexis, Hsu Paul, Cui Yan, Feldman Jack L Role of inhibition in respiratory pattern generation The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2013; 33(13): 5454-65.Babiec Walter E, Faull Kym F, Feldman Jack L Cyclothiazide-induced persistent increase in respiratory-related activity in vitro The Journal of physiology, 2012; 590(Pt 19): 4897-915.Shao Xuesi M, Xu Bin, Liang Jing, Xie Xinmin Simon, Zhu Yifang, Feldman Jack L Nicotine Delivery to Rats via Lung Alveolar Region-Targeted Aerosol Technology Produces Blood Pharmacokinetics Resembling Human Smoking Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, 2012; .Tan Wenbin, Sherman David, Turesson Jenny, Shao Xuesi M, Janczewski Wiktor A, Feldman Jack L Reelin demarcates a subset of pre-Bötzinger complex neurons in adult rat J. Comp. Neurol, 2012; 520(3): 606-19.Feldman Jack L, Del Negro Christopher A, Gray Paul A Understanding the Rhythm of Breathing: So Near, Yet So Far Annual review of physiology, 2012; .Pagliardini Silvia, Janczewski Wiktor A, Tan Wenbin, Dickson Clayton T, Deisseroth Karl, Feldman Jack L Active expiration induced by excitation of ventral medulla in adult anesthetized rats J. Neurosci, 2011; 31(8): 2895-905.Feldman Jack L Chapter 14–looking forward to breathing Prog. Brain. Res, 2011; 188(8): 213-8.Morgado-Valle Consuelo, Baca Serapio M, Feldman Jack L Glycinergic pacemaker neurons in preBötzinger complex of neonatal mouse J. Neurosci, 2010; 30(10): 3634-9.Tan Wenbin, Pagliardini Silvia, Yang Paul, Janczewski Wiktor A, Feldman Jack L Projections of preBötzinger complex neurons in adult rats J. Comp. Neurol, 2010; 518(10): 1862-78.Saywell Shane A, Babiec Walter E, Neverova Natalia V, Feldman Jack L Protein kinase G-dependent mechanisms modulate hypoglossal motoneuronal excitability and long-term facilitation J. Physiol, 2010; 588(Pt 22): 4431-9.Schwab David J, Bruinsma Robijn F, Feldman Jack L, Levine Alex J Rhythmogenic neuronal networks, emergent leaders, and k-cores Phys. Rev. E, 2010; 82(5 Pt 1): 051911.Del Negro Christopher A, Hayes John A, Pace Ryland W, Brush Benjamin R, Teruyama Ryoichi, Feldman Jack L Synaptically activated burst-generating conductances may underlie a group-pacemaker mechanism for respiratory rhythm generation in mammals Prog. Brain. Res, 2010; 187(10): 111-36.Del Negro CA, KK, Hayes JA, Feldman JL Asymmetric control of inspiratory and expiratory phases by excitability in the respiratory network of neonatal mice in vitro J. Physiol, 2009; 587(Pt 6): 1217-31.
DownloadShao Xuesi M, Feldman Jack L Central cholinergic regulation of respiration: nicotinic receptors Acta pharmacologica Sinica, 2009; 30(6): 761-70.Feldman JL, Kam KK, Janczewski WA Practice makes perfect, even for breathing Nature Neuroscience, 2009; 12(8): 961-3.
DownloadShao XM, Tan W, Xiu J, Puskar N, Fonck C, Lester HA, Feldman JL Alpha4* nicotinic receptors in preBotzinger complex mediate cholinergic/nicotinic modulation of respiratory rhythm, J Neurosci, 2008; 28(2): 519-28.
DownloadShao Xuesi M, Tan Wenbin, Xiu Joanne, Puskar Nyssa, Fonck Carlos, Lester Henry A, Feldman Jack L Alpha4* nicotinic receptors in preBotzinger complex mediate cholinergic/nicotinic modulation of respiratory rhythm The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2008; 28(2): 519-28.Feldman, JL, McCrimmon DR Neural Control of Breathing, Fundamental Neuroscience, 3rd Edition, 2008; .Tan W, Janczewski WA, Yang Pl, Shao XM, Callaway EM, Feldman JL Silencing preBötzinger complex somatostatin-expressing neurons induces persistent apnea in awake rat Nature Neuroscience, 2008; 11(5): 538-40.
DownloadMorgado-Valle Consuelo, Beltran-Parrazal Luis, DiFranco Marino, Vergara Julio L, Feldman Jack L Somatic Ca2+ transients do not contribute to inspiratory drive in preBötzinger Complex neurons The Journal of physiology, 2008; 586(Pt 18): 4531-40.McKay LC, Feldman JL Unilateral ablation of pre-Botzinger complex disrupts breathing during sleep but not wakefulness American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2008; 178(1): 89-95.
DownloadShao XM, Feldman JL. Efficient measurement of endogenous neurotransmitters in small localized regions of central nervous systems in vitro with HPLC, J Neurosci Methods, 2007; 160(2): 256-63.Shao Xuesi M, Feldman Jack L Efficient measurement of endogenous neurotransmitters in small localized regions of central nervous systems in vitro with HPLC Journal of neuroscience methods, 2007; 160(2): 256-63.Neverova NV, Saywell SA, Nashold LJ, Mitchell GS, Feldman JL. Episodic stimulation of alpha 1-adrenoreceptors induces protein kinase C-dependent persistent changes in motoneuronal excitability, J Neurosci, 2007; 27(16): 4435-42.Neverova Natalia V, Saywell Shane A, Nashold Lisa J, Mitchell Gordon S, Feldman Jack L Episodic stimulation of alpha1-adrenoreceptors induces protein kinase C-dependent persistent changes in motoneuronal excitability The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2007; 27(16): 4435-42.Pace RW, Mackay DD, Feldman JL, Del Negro CA Inspiratory bursts in the preBotzinger complex depend on a calcium-activated non-specific cation current linked to glutamate receptors in neonatal mice, J Physiol, 2007; 582(Pt 1): 113-25.
DownloadPace Ryland W, Mackay Devin D, Feldman Jack L, Del Negro Christopher A Inspiratory bursts in the preBötzinger complex depend on a calcium-activated non-specific cation current linked to glutamate receptors in neonatal mice The Journal of physiology, 2007; 582(Pt 1): 113-25.Shao XM, Feldman JL. Micro-agar salt bridge in patch-clamp electrode holder stabilizes electrode potentials, J Neurosci Methods, 2007; 159(1): 108-15.Shao Xuesi M, Feldman Jack L Micro-agar salt bridge in patch-clamp electrode holder stabilizes electrode potentials Journal of neuroscience methods, 2007; 159(1): 108-15.Morgado-Valle C, Feldman JL NMDA receptors in preBotzinger complex neurons can drive respiratory rhythm independent of AMPA receptors, J Physiol, 2007; 582(Pt 1): 359-68.
DownloadMorgado-Valle C, Feldman JL NMDA receptors in preBotzinger complex neurons can drive respiratory rhythm independent of AMPA receptors The Journal of physiology, 2007; 582(Pt 1): 359-68.
DownloadPace RW, Mackay DD, Feldman JL, Del Negro CA. Role of persistent sodium current in mouse preBotzinger Complex neurons and respiratory rhythm generation, J Physiol, 2007; 580(Pt 2): 485-96.
DownloadPace Ryland W, Mackay Devin D, Feldman Jack L, Del Negro Christopher A Role of persistent sodium current in mouse preBötzinger Complex neurons and respiratory rhythm generation The Journal of physiology, 2007; 580(Pt. 2): 485-96.Janczewski WA, Feldman JL Distinct rhythm generators for inspiration and expiration in the juvenile rat J. Physiol, 2006; 570: 407-420.
DownloadJanczewski WA, Feldman JL. Distinct rhythm generators for inspiration and expiration in the juvenile rat, J Physiol, 2006; 570(Pt 2): 407-20.Janczewski Wiktor A, Feldman Jack L Distinct rhythm generators for inspiration and expiration in the juvenile rat The Journal of physiology, 2006; 570(Pt 2): 407-20.Feldman JL, Del Negro CA Looking for inspiration: new perspectives on respiratory rhythm, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2006; 7(3): 232-42.
DownloadFeldman Jack L, Del Negro Christopher A Looking for inspiration: new perspectives on respiratory rhythm Nature reviews. Neuroscience, 2006; 7(3): 232-42.Janczewski WA, Feldman JL. Novel data supporting the two respiratory rhythm oscillator hypothesis. Focus on “respiratory-related rhythmic activity in the rostral medulla of newborn rats”, J Neurophysiol, 2006; 96(1): 1-2.Janczewski Wiktor A, Feldman Jack L Novel data supporting the two respiratory rhythm oscillator hypothesis. Focus on “respiration-related rhythmic activity in the rostral medulla of newborn rats” Journal of neurophysiology, 2006; 96(1): 1-2.Feldman JL, Janczewski WA. Point: Counterpoint: The parafacial respiratory group (pFRG)/pre-Botzinger complex (preBotC) is the primary site of respiratory rhythm generation in the mammal. Counterpoint: the preBotC is the primary site of respiratroy rhythm generation in the mammal, J Appl Physiol, 2006; 100(6): 2096-7.Feldman Jack L, Janczewski Wiktor A Point:Counterpoint: The parafacial respiratory group (pFRG)/pre-Botzinger complex (preBotC) is the primary site of respiratory rhythm generation in the mammal. Counterpoint: the preBötC is the primary site of respiratory rhythm generation in the mammal Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 2006; 100(6): 2096-7; discussion 2097-8, 2103-8.Feldman JL, Janczewski WA. The Last Word: Point: Counterpoint authors respond to commentaries on “the parafacial respiratory group (pFRG)/ pre-Botzinger complex (preBotC) is the primary site of respiratory rhythm generation in the mammal”, J Appl Physiol, 2006; 101(2): 689.Feldman Jack L, Janczewski Wiktor A The Last Word: Point:Counterpoint authors respond to commentaries on “the parafacial respiratory group (pFRG)/pre-Botzinger complex (preBotC) is the primary site of respiratory rhythm generation in the mammal” Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 2006; 101(2): 689.Shao XM, Feldman JL. Cholinergic neurotransmission in the preBotzinger Complex modulates excitability of inspiratory neurons and regulates respiratory rhythm, Neuroscience, 2005; 130(4): 1069-81.Feldman JL, Neverova NV, Saywell SA. Modulation of hypoglossal motoneuron excitability by intracellular signal transduction cascades, Respir Physiol Neurobiol, 2005; 147(2-3): 131-43.Feldman Jack L, Neverova Natalia V, Saywell Shane A Modulation of hypoglossal motoneuron excitability by intracellular signal transduction cascades Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 2005; 147(2-3): 131-43.McKay LC, Janczewski WA, Feldman JL Sleep-disordered breathing after targeted ablation of preBotzinger complex neurons Nature Neuroscience, 2005; 8(9): 1142-1144.
DownloadMcKay LC, Janczewski WA, Feldman JL Sleep-disordered breathing after targeted ablation of preBötzinger complex neurons Nature Neuroscience, 2005; 8(9): 1142-4.
DownloadDel Negro CA, Morgado-Valle C, Hayes JA, Mackay DD, Pace RW, Crowder EA, Feldman JL. Sodium and calcium current-mediated pacemaker neurons and respiratory rhythm generation, J Neurosci, 2005; 25(2): 446-53.Del Negro CA, Morgado-Valle C, Hayes JA, Mackay DD, Pace RW, Crowder EA, Feldman JL Sodium and calcium current-mediated pacemaker neurons and respiratory rhythm generation J. Neurosci, 2005; 25(2): 446-53.
DownloadDel Negro Christopher A, Morgado-Valle Consuelo, Hayes John A, Mackay Devin D, Pace Ryland W, Crowder Erin A, Feldman Jack L Sodium and calcium current-mediated pacemaker neurons and respiratory rhythm generation The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2005; 25(2): 446-53.Mellen Nicholas M, Roham Maryam, Feldman Jack L Afferent modulation of neonatal rat respiratory rhythm in vitro: cellular and synaptic mechanisms The Journal of physiology, 2004; 556(Pt 3): 859-74.Saywell, SA Feldman, JL Dynamic interactions of excitatory and inhibitory inputs in hypoglossal motoneurones: respiratory phasing and modulation by PKA The Journal of physiology. , 2004; 554(Pt 3): 879-89.
DownloadMcKay Leanne C, Janczewski Wiktor A, Feldman Jack L Episodic hypoxia evokes long-term facilitation of genioglossus muscle activity in neonatal rats The Journal of physiology, 2004; 557(Pt 1): 13-8.Feldman JL, Janczewski WA. Slip of the tongue, Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2004; 170(6): 581-2.Feldman Jack L, Janczewski Wiktor A Slip of the tongue American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 2004; 170(6): 581-2.Bocchiaro CM, Feldman JL Synaptic activity-independent persistent plasticity in endogenously active mammalian motoneurons PNAS, 2004; 101(12): 4292-5.
DownloadBocchiaro Christopher M, Feldman Jack L Synaptic activity-independent persistent plasticity in endogenously active mammalian motoneurons Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2004; 101(12): 4292-5.Feldman JL, Mitchell GS, Nattie EE Breathing: rhythmicity, plasticity, chemosensitivity Annual Review of Neuroscience, 2003; 26: 239-66.
DownloadBocchiaro CM, Saywell SA, Feldman JL Dynamic modulation of inspiratory drive currents by protein kinase A and protein phosphatases in functionally active motoneurons J. Neurosci, 2003; 23(4): 1099-103.
DownloadShao XM, Ge Q, Feldman JL Modulation of AMPA receptors by cAMP-dependent protein kinase in preBotzinger complex inspiratory neurons regulates respiratory rhythm in the rat, J Physiol, 2003; 545(Pt 2): 543-53.Mellen NM, Janczewski WA, Bocchiaro CM, Feldman, JL Opioid-induced quantal slowing reveals dual networks for respiratory rhythm generation Neuron, 2003; 37(5): 821-6.
DownloadParkis, MA Feldman, JL Robinson, DM Funk, GD Oscillations in endogenous inputs to neurons affect excitability and signal processing The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. , 2003; 23(22): 8152-8.Mellen, NM Milsom, WK Feldman, JL Hypothermia and recovery from respiratory arrest in a neonatal rat in vitro brain stem preparation American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology. , 2002; 282(2): R484-91.Chamberlin, NL Bocchiaro, CM Greene, RW Feldman, JL Nicotinic excitation of rat hypoglossal motoneurons Neuroscience. , 2002; 115(3): 861-70.Janczewski WA, Onimaru H, Homma I, Feldman JL Opioid-resistant respiratory pathway from the preinspiratory neurones to abdominal muscles: in vivo and in vitro study in the newborn rat J. Physiol, 2002; 545(Pt 3): 1017-26.
DownloadAlheid, GF Gray, PA Jiang, MC Feldman, JL McCrimmon, DR Parvalbumin in respiratory neurons of the ventrolateral medulla of the adult rat Journal of neurocytology. , 2002; 31(8-9): 693-717.Shao XM, Feldman JL Pharmacology of nicotinic receptors in preBotzinger complex that mediate modulation of respiratory pattern, J Neurophysiol, 2002; 88(4): 1851-8.Del Negro CA, Morgado-Valle C, Feldman JL Respiratory rhythm: an emergent network property? Neuron, 2002; 34(5): 821-30.
DownloadGray PA, Janczewski WA, Mellen N, McCrimmon DR, Feldman JL Normal breathing requires preBotzinger Complex neurokinin-1 receptor expressing neurons, Nature Neuroscience, 2001; 4(9): 927-930.
DownloadMellen, NM Feldman, JL Phasic vagal sensory feedback transforms respiratory neuron activity in vitro The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. , 2001; 21(18): 7363-71.Lai J, Shao XM, Pan RW, Dy E, Huang CH, Feldman JL RT-PCR reveals muscarinic acetylcholine receptor mRNA in the pre-Botzinger complex, Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 2001; 281(6): L1420-4.Rekling JC, Funk GD, Bayliss DA, Dong XW, Feldman JL Synaptic control of motoneuronal excitability Physiological Reviews , 2000; 80(2): 767-852.
DownloadGray PA, Rekling JC, Bocchiaro CM, Feldman JL Modulation of respiratory frequency by peptidergic input to rhythmogenic neurons in the preBotzinger complex Science, 1999; 286: 1566-1568.
DownloadRekling JC, Feldman JL PreBötzinger Complex and pacemaker neurons: hypothesized site and kernel for respiratory rhythm generation Annual Review of Physiology, 1998; 60: 385-405.
DownloadSmith JC, Ellenberger HH, Ballanyi K, Richter DW, Feldman JL PreBötzinger Complex: A brain region that may generate respiratory rhythm in mammals, Science, 1991; 254: 726-729.
DownloadFeldman Jack L, Kam Kaiwen Facing the challenge of mammalian neural microcircuits: taking a few breaths may help The Journal of physiology, 2015; 593(1): 3-23.Sherman David, Worrell Jason W, Cui Yan, Feldman Jack L Optogenetic perturbation of preBötzinger complex inhibitory neurons modulates respiratory pattern Nature neuroscience, 2015; 18(3): 408-14.Huckstepp Robert T R, Cardoza Kathryn P, Henderson Lauren E, Feldman Jack L Role of parafacial nuclei in control of breathing in adult rats The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2015; 35(3): 1052-67.Feldman Jack L, Kam Kaiwen Facing the challenge of mammalian neural microcircuits: Taking a few breaths may help The Journal of physiology, 2014; 35(3): .Dick T E, Dutschmann M, Feldman J L, Fong A Y, Hülsmann S, Morris K M, Ramirez J M, Smith J C, Smith J C Facts and challenges in respiratory neurobiology Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 2015; 54(19): .Morgado-Valle Consuelo, Feldman Jack L Depletion of substance P and glutamate by capsaicin blocks respiratory rhythm in neonatal rat in vitro The Journal of physiology, 2004; 555(Pt 3): 783-92.Mellen Nicholas M, Milsom William K, Feldman Jack L Hypothermia and recovery from respiratory arrest in a neonatal rat in vitro brain stem preparation American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology, 2002; 282(2): R484-91.Huckstepp Robert Tr, Henderson Lauren E, Cardoza Kathryn P, Feldman Jack L Interactions between respiratory oscillators in adult rats eLife, 2016; 5: .
Li Peng, Janczewski Wiktor A, Yackle Kevin, Kam Kaiwen, Pagliardini Silvia, Krasnow Mark A, Feldman Jack L The peptidergic control circuit for sighing Nature, 2016; 530(7590): 293-7.