Dr. Frye began his research career at Union College, then received his PhD at the University of Washington. As a postdoctoral fellow at Berkeley and then at Caltech, he began to work on multi-sensory processing and motor control of flight in fruit flies. He is currently a member of the Department of Physiological Science, and teaches courses in integrative and comparative animal physiology. He is the reciepient of a Sloan Foundation Fellowship, and his laboratory examines sensory fuison and sensory-motor integration for the control of walking and flight in fruit flies.

Duistermars BJ Frye MA A magnetic tether system to investigate visual and olfactory mediated flight control in Drosophila JoVE, 2008; 23: .

Theobald, JC Frye, MA Animal Behavior: flying back-to-front, Curr. Biol. , 2008; 18(4): r169. Chow DM Frye MA Context dependent olfactory enhanced optomotor flight control in Drosophila, J. Exp. Biol. , 2008; 211: 2478-2485.

Duistermars, BJ Frye, MA Cross-modal visual input for odor tracking during fly flight, Curr. Biol. , 2008; 18(4): 270-275.

Theobald JC Duistermars BJ Ringach DL Frye MA Flies see second order motion, Curr. Biol. , 2008; 18(11): r464. Duistermars, B.J. Reiser, M.B. Zhu, Y. Frye, M.A. Dynamic properties of large-field and small-field optomotor flight responses in Drosophila, Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 2007; in press: .

Reynolds, A. Frye, M.A. Free-flight odor tracking in Drosophila is consistent with a mathematically optimal intermittent scale-free search, PLoS ONE, 2007; 2(4): 354.

Frye, MA The neuromechanics of fly flight control, Invertebrate Neurobiology, 2007; 209-229.

Duistermars, BJ Chow, D Condro, M Frye, MA The spatial, temporal, and contrast properties of expansion and rotation flight optomotor responses in Drosophila, J. Exp. Biol. , 2007; 210: 3218-3227. Frye, MA Dickinson, MH Visual edge orientation shapes free-flight behavior in Drosophila, Fly, 2007; 3: 153-154.

Humbert, J.S. Frye, M.A. Extracting behaviorally relevant retinal image motion cues via wide-field integration, Proc. IEEE American Controls Conference, 2006; 2724-2729.

Frye, MA Dickinson, MH Closing the loop between neurobiology and flight behavior in Drosophila Current opinion in neurobiology. , 2004; 14(6): 729-36.

Frye, MA Dickinson, MH Fly flight: a model for the neural control of complex behavior Neuron. , 2001; 32(3): 385-8.