Reggie Edgerton, PhD
Emeritus Professor
610 Charles E. Young Drive East
1014 Terasaki Life Sciences Bldg., Box 951606
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1606
Two general questions are being studied in my lab. One is, how, and to what extent, does the nervous system control protein expression in skeletal muscle fibers? These studies have shown that although the nervous system has a significant influence on the kind and amount of specific proteins synthesized, there are factors intrinsic to individual fibers that also define these properties. The results show also that the neural influence that is associated with muscle fiber types is probably not mediated via the amount or pattern of activity of the motor units. Whole muscle, single motor units and single muscle fibers are studied physiologically and biochemically. Light and confocal microscopy including quantitative enzyme analyses and immunofluorescent microscopy are some of the experimental methods used to study motor unit plasticity. The principal animal models used are spinal cord injury, spaceflight and surgically induced compensatory hypertrophy. A second, and general question is how the neural networks in the lumbar spinal cord of mammals, including humans, control stepping and how this stepping pattern becomes modified by chronically imposing specific motor tasks on the limbs after complete spinal cord injury. Limb motion, electromyographic and kinetic data are recorded to define locomotor characteristics. These studies have shown that the mammalian spinal cord can learn specific complex motor tasks such as standing and stepping. Studies are conducted with humans with spinal cord injury as well as with laboratory animals. Approach: My lab has a very multidisciplinary and integrative approach to science. It involves techniques to assess the kinetics and kinematics of locomotion, the activation patterns of those motor pools that generate the movement and the segmental and sensory networks that modulate the output of these motor pools. In our experiments we also study cell and tissue properties (nerve and muscle) that are important in generating the behavioral characteristics observed. These analyses consist of enzyme activities of single muscle or neural cells, cell morphology, the kinds of proteins synthesized, the modulations of the mRNA’s of specific myonuclei as well as the physiological properties of the nerve and muscle cells. In short, our studies are designed to define the cellular and subcellular features of tissues that form the basis for the properties of specific movements. We use a variety of experimental perturbations of the neuromuscular system in order to understand its adaptive potential and to define the physiological mechanisms that induce these adaptations. Significance: Our studies have a basic, as well as an applied aspect to them. There are many important, but unanswered questions about the plasticity of the neuromuscular system. Since the neural and the muscular systems are the primary systems that are responsible for the functional features of movement control, it is important to understand how they are defined and how they are modulated to become more or less dysfunctional.
Education and Degree(s)
Vice Chair, Integrative Biology and Physiology
Member, Brain Research Institute
Molecular, Cellular & Integrative Physiology GPB Home Area
Neuroengineering Training Program
Neuroscience GPB Home Area
Ying Z, Roy RR, Zhong H, Zdunowski S, Edgerton VR, Gomez-Pinilla F. BDNF-exercise interactions in the recovery of symmetrical stepping after a cervical hemisection in rats, Neuroscience, 2008; 155(4): 1070-8.Button DC, Kalmar JM, Gardiner K, Marqueste T, Zhong H, Roy RR, Edgerton VR, Gardiner PF. Does elimination of afferent input modify the changes in rat motoneurone properties that occur following chronic spinal cord transection?, J Physiol, 2008; 586(2): 529-44.Ichiyama RM, Gerasimenko Y, Jindrich DL, Zhong H, Roy RR, Edgerton VR. Dose dependence of the 5-HT agonist quipazine in facilitating spinal stepping in the rat with epidural stimulation, Neurosci Lett, 2008; 438(3): 281-5.Lavrov I, Dy CJ, Fong AJ, Gerasimenko Y, Courtine G, Zhong H, Roy RR, Edgerton VR. Epidural stimulation induced modulation of spinal locomotor networks in adult spinal rats, J Neurosci, 2008; 28(23): 6022-9.Gerasimenko Y, Roy RR, Edgerton VR. Epidural stimulation: comparison of the spinal circuits that generate and control locomotion in rats, cats, and humans, Exp Neurol, 2008; 209(2): 417-25.Lavrov I, Courtine G, Dy CJ, van den Brand R, Fong AJ, Gerasimenko Y, Zhong H, Roy RR, Edgerton VR. Facilitation of stepping with epidural stimulation in spinal rats: role of sensory input, J Neurosci, 2008; 28(31): 7774-80.Kim SJ, Roy RR, Kim JA, Zhong H, Haddad F, Baldwin KM, Edgerton VR. Gene expression during inactivity-induced muscle atrophy: Effects of brief bouts of a forceful contraction countermeasure, J Appl Physiol, 2008; .Kubasak MD, Jindrich DL, Zhong H, Takeoka A, McFarland KC, Munoz-Quiles C, Roy RR, Edgerton VR, Ramon-Cueto A, Phelps PE. OEG implantation and step training enhance hindlimb-stepping ability in adult spinal transected rats, Brain, 2008; 131(Pt 1): 264-76.Roy RR, Pierotti DJ, Garfinkel A, Zhong H, Baldwin KM, Edgerton VR. Persistence of motor unit and muscle fiber types in the presence of inactivity, J Exp Biol, 2008; 211(Pt 7): 1041-9.Kinugasa R, Shin D, Yamauchi J, Mishra C, Hodgson JA, Edgerton VR, Sinha S. Phase Contrast MRI Reveals the Mechanical Behavior of the Superficial and Deep Aponeuroses in Human Medial Gastrocnemius during Isometric Contraction, J Appl Physiol, 2008; .Courtine G, Song B, Roy RR, Zhong H, Herrmann JE, Ao Y, Qi J, Edgerton VR, Sofroniew MV. Recovery of supraspinal control of stepping via indirect propriospinal relay connections after spinal cord injury, Nat Med, 2008; 14(1): 69-74.Ichiyama RM, Courtine G, Gerasimenko YP, Yang GJ, van den Brand R, Lavrov IA, Zhong H, Roy RR, Edgerton VR. Step training reinforces specific spinal locomotor circuitry in adult spinal rats, J Neurosci, 2008; 28(29): 7370-5.Shin D, Finni T, Ahn S, Hodgson JA, Lee HD, Edgerton VR, Sinha S. THE EFFECT OF CHRONIC UNLOADING AND REHABILITATION ON HUMAN ACHILLES TENDON PROPERTIES – A VELOCITY ENCODED PHASE CONTRAST MRI STUDY, J Appl Physiol, 2008; .Gomez-Pinilla F, Huie JR, Ying Z, Ferguson AR, Crown ED, Baumbauer KM, Edgerton VR, Grau JW. BDNF and learning: Evidence that instrumental training promotes learning within the spinal cord by up-regulating BDNF expression, Neuroscience, 2007; .Courtine G, Bunge MB, Fawcett JW, Grossman RG, Kaas JH, Lemon R, Maier I, Martin J, Nudo RJ, Ramon-Cueto A, Rouiller EM, Schnell L, Wannier T, Schwab ME, Edgerton VR. Can experiments in nonhuman primates expedite the translation of treatments for spinal cord injury in humans?, Nat Med, 2007; 13(5): 561-6.Petruska JC, Ichiyama RM, Jindrich DL, Crown ED, Tansey KE, Roy RR, Edgerton VR, Mendell LM. Changes in motoneuron properties and synaptic inputs related to step training after spinal cord transection in rats, J Neurosci, 2007; 27(16): 4460-71.Zhong H, Roy RR, Woo J, Kim JA, Edgerton VR. Differential modulation of myosin heavy chain phenotype in an inactive extensor and flexor muscle of adult rats, J Anat, 2007; 210(1): 19-31.Kim SJ, Roy RR, Zhong H, Suzuki H, Ambartsumyan L, Haddad F, Baldwin KM, Edgerton VR. Electromechanical stimulation ameliorates inactivity-induced adaptations in the medial gastrocnemius of adult rats, J Appl Physiol, 2007; 103(1): 195-205.Gerasimenko YP, Ichiyama RM, Lavrov IA, Courtine G, Cai L, Zhong H, Roy RR, Edgerton VR. Epidural spinal cord stimulation plus quipazine administration enable stepping in complete spinal adult rats, J Neurophysiol, 2007; 98(5): 2525-36.Roy RR, Zhong H, Khalili N, Kim SJ, Higuchi N, Monti RJ, Grossman E, Hodgson JA, Edgerton VR. Is spinal cord isolation a good model of muscle disuse?, Muscle Nerve, 2007; 35(3): 312-21.Cha J, Heng C, Reinkensmeyer DJ, Roy RR, Edgerton VR, De Leon RD. Locomotor ability in spinal rats is dependent on the amount of activity imposed on the hindlimbs during treadmill training, J Neurotrauma, 2007; 24(6): 1000-12.Roy RR, Matsumoto A, Zhong H, Ishihara A, Edgerton VR. Rat alpha- and gamma-motoneuron soma size and succinate dehydrogenase activity are independent of neuromuscular activity level, Muscle Nerve, 2007; 36(2): 234-41.Bigbee AJ, Crown ED, Ferguson AR, Roy RR, Tillakaratne NJ, Grau JW, Edgerton VR. Two chronic motor training paradigms differentially influence acute instrumental learning in spinally transected rats, Behav Brain Res, 2007; 180(1): 95-101.Engesser-Cesar, Ichiyama RM, Nefas AL, Hill MA, Edgerton VR, Cotman CW, Anderson AJ. Wheel running following spinal cord injury improves locomotor recovery and stimulates serotonergic fiber growth, Eur J Neurosci, 2007; 25(7): 1931-9.Hyatt JP, Roy RR, Baldwin KM, Wernig A, Edgerton VR. Activity-unrelated neural control of myogenic factors in a slow muscle, Muscle Nerve, 2006; 33(1): 49-60.Pandorf CE, Haddad F, Roy RR, Qin AX, Edgerton VR, Baldwin KM. Dynamics of myosin heavy chain gene regulation in slow skeletal muscle: role of natural antisense RNA, J Biol Chem, 2006; 281(50): 38330-42.Yang H, Lu P, Mckay HM, Bernot T, Keirstead H, Steward O, Gage FH, Edgerton VR, Tuszynski MH. Endogenous neurogenesis replaces oligodendrocytes and astrocytes after primate spinal cord injury, J Neurosci, 2006; 26(8): 2157-66.Cai LL, Fong AJ, Otoshi CK, Liang Y, Burdick JW, Roy RR, Edgerton VR. Implications of assist-as-needed robotic step training after a complete spinal cord injury on intrinsic strategies of motor learning, J Neurosci, 2006; 26(41): 10564-8.Sinha S, Sinha U, Edgerton VR. In vivo diffusion tensor imaging of the human calf muscle, J Magn Reson Imaging, 2006; 24(1): 182-90.Hodgson JA, Finni T, Lai AM, Edgerton VR, Sinha S. Influence of structure on the tissue dynamics of the human soleus muscle observed in MRI studies during isometric contractions, J Morphol, 2006; 267(5): 584-601.Dishman RK, Berthoud HR, Booth FW, Cotman CW, Edgerton VR, Fleshner MR, Gandevia SC, Gomez-Pinilla F, Greenwood BN, Hillman CH, Kramer AF, Levin BE, Moran TH, Russo-Neustadt AA, Salamone JD, Van Hoomissen JD, Wade CE, York DA, Zigmond MJ. Neurobiology of exercise, Obesity (Silver Spring), 2006; 14(3): 345-56.Cai LL, Courtine G, Fong AJ, Burdick JW, Roy RR, Edgerton VR. Plasticity of functional connectivity in the adult spinal cord, Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 2006; 361(1473): 1635-46.Lavrov I, Gerasimenko YP, Ichiyama RM, Courtine G, Zhong H, Roy RR, Edgerton VR. Plasticity of spinal cord reflexes after a complete transection in adult rats: relationship to stepping ability, J Neurophysiol, 2006; 96(4): 1699-710.Sacheck JM, Hyatt JP, Raffaello A, Jagoe RT, Roy RR, Edgerton VR, Lecker SH, Goldberg AL. Rapid disuse and denervation atrophy involve transcriptional changes similar to those of muscle wasting during systemic diseases, FASEB J, 2006; 21(1): 140-55.Edgerton VR, Kim SJ, Ichiyama RM, Gerasimenko YP, Roy RR. Rehabilitative therapies after spinal cord injury, J Neurotrauma, 2006; 23(3-4): 560-70.Lee HD, Finni T, Hodgson JA, Lai AM, Edgerton VR, Sinha S. Soleus aponeurosis strain distribution following chronic unloading in humans: an in vivo MR phase-contrast study, J Appl Physiol, 2006; 100(6): 2004-11.Gerasimenko YP, Lavrov IA, Courtine G, Ichiyama RM, Dy CJ, Zhong H, Roy RR, Edgerton VR. Spinal cord reflexes induced by epidural spinal cord stimulation in normal awake rats, J Neurosci Methods, 2006; 157(2): 253-63.Ohira Y, Yoshinaga T, Ohara M, Kawano F, Wang XD, Higo Y, Terada M, Matsuoka Y, Roy RR, Edgerton VR. The role of neural and mechanical influences in maintaining normal fast and slow muscle properties, Cells Tissues Organs, 2006; 182(3-4): 129-42.Reinkensmeyer DJ, Aoyagi D, Emken JL, Galvez JA, Ichinose W, Kerdanyan G, Maneekobkunwong S, Minakata K, Nessler JA, Weber R, Roy RR, de Leon R, Bobrow JE, Harkema SJ, Edgerton VR. Tools for understanding and optimizing robotic gait training, J Rehabil Res Dev, 2006; 43(5): 657-70.Ichiyama RM, Broman J, Edgerton VR, Havton LA. Ultrastructural synaptic features differ between alpha- and gamma-motoneurons innervating the tibialis anterior muscle in the rat, J Comp Neurol, 2006; 499(2): 306-15.Roy, RR Zhong, H Siengthai, B Edgerton, VR Activity-dependent influences are greater for fibers in rat medial gastrocnemius than tibialis anterior muscle Muscle & nerve. , 2005; 32(4): 473-82.Zhong, H Roy, RR Siengthai, B Edgerton, VR Effects of inactivity on fiber size and myonuclear number in rat soleus muscle Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2005; 99(4): 1494-9.Ichiyama, RM Gerasimenko, YP Zhong, H Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Hindlimb stepping movements in complete spinal rats induced by epidural spinal cord stimulation Neuroscience letters. , 2005; 383(3): 339-44.Timoszyk, WK Nessler, JA Acosta, C Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Reinkensmeyer, DJ de Leon, R Hindlimb loading determines stepping quantity and quality following spinal cord transection Brain research. , 2005; 1050(1-2): 180-9.Nessler JA, Timoszyk W, Merlo M, Emken JL, Minakata K, Roy RR, de Leon RD, Edgerton VR, Reinkensmeyer DJ. A robotic device for studying rodent locomotion after spinal cord injury, IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 2005; 13(4): 497-506.Roy RR, Zhong H, Siengthai B, Edgerton VR. Activity-dependent influences are greater for fibers in rat medial gastrocnemius than tibialis anterior muscle, Muscle Nerve, 2005; 32(4): 473-82.Bigbee AJ, Grindeland RE, Roy RR, Zhong H, Gosselink KL, Arnaud S, Edgerton VR. Basal and evoked levels of bioassayable growth hormone are altered by hindlimb unloading, J Appl Physiol, 2005; 100(3): 1037-42.Hodgson JA, Roy RR, Higuchi N, Monti RJ, Zhong H, Grossman E, Edgerton VR. Does daily activity level determine muscle phenotype?, J Exp Biol, 2005; 208(Pt 19): 3761-70.Zhong H, Roy RR, Siengthai B, Edgerton VR. Effects of inactivity on fiber size and myonuclear number in rat soleus muscle, J Appl Physiol, 2005; 99(4): 1494-9.Ying Z, Roy RR, Edgerton VR, Gomez-Pinilla F. Exercise restores levels of neurotrophins and synaptic plasticity following spinal cord injury, Exp Neurol, 2005; 193(2): 411-9.Timoszyk WK, Nessler JA, Acosta C, Roy RR, Edgerton VR, Reinkensmeyer DJ, de Leon R. Hindlimb loading determines stepping quantity and quality following spinal cord transection, Brain Res, 2005; 1050(1-2): 180-9.Ichiyama RM, Gerasimenko YP, Zhong H, Roy RR, Edgerton VR. Hindlimb stepping movements in complete spinal rats induced by epidural spinal cord stimulation, Neurosci Lett, 2005; 383(3): 339-44.Courtine G, Roy RR, Hodgson J, McKay H, Raven J, Zhong H, Yang H, Tuszynski MH, Edgerton VR. Kinematic and EMG determinants in quadrupedal locomotion of a non-human primate (Rhesus), J Neurophysiol, 2005; 93(6): 3127-45.Kubasak MD, Hedlund E, Roy RR, Carpenter EM, Edgerton VR, Phelps PE. L1 CAM expression is increased surrounding the lesion site in rats with complete spinal cord transection as neonates, Exp Neurol, 2005; 194(2): 363-75.Finni T, Hodgson JA, Lai AM, Edgerton VR, Sinha S. Muscle synergism during isometric plantarflexion in achilles tendon rupture patients and in normal subjects revealed by velocity-encoded cine phase-contrast MRI, Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon), 2005; 21(1): 67-74.Courtine G, Roy RR, Raven J, Hodgson J, McKay H, Yang H, Zhong H, Tuszynski MH, Edgerton VR. Performance of locomotion and foot grasping following a unilateral thoraci corticospinal tract lesion in monkeys (Macaca mulatta), Brain, 2005; 128(Pt 10): 2338-58.Lubischer JL, Unguez GA, Pierotti DJ, Roy RR, Edgerton VR. Reinnervation of the rat levator ani muscle after neonatal denervation, J Neurobiol, 2005; 63(3): 188-98.Fong AJ, Cai LL, Otoshi CK, Reinkensmeyer DJ, Burdick JW, Roy RR, Edgerton VR. Spinal cord-transected mice learn to step in response to quipazine treatment and robotic training, J Neurosci, 2005; 25(50): 11738-47.Ahn SN, Guu JJ, Tobin AJ, Edgerton VR, Tillakaratne NJ. Use of c-fos to identify activity-dependent spinal neurons after stepping in intact adult rats, Spinal Cord, 2005; 44(9): 547-59.Engesser-Cesar C, Anderson AJ, Basso DM, Edgerton VR, Cotman CW. Voluntary whell running improves recovery from a moderate spinal cord injury, J Neurotrauma, 2005; 22(1): 157-71.Courtine, G Roy, RR Hodgson, J McKay, H Raven, J Zhong, H Yang, H Tuszynski, MH Edgerton, VR Kinematic and EMG determinants in quadrupedal locomotion of a non-human primate (Rhesus) Journal of neurophysiology. , 2005; 93(6): 3127-45.Lubischer, JL Unguez, GA Pierotti, DJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Reinnervation of the rat levator ani muscle after neonatal denervation Journal of neurobiology. , 2005; 63(3): 188-98.Talmadge, RJ Garcia, ND Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Myosin heavy chain isoform mRNA and protein levels after long-term paralysis Biochemical and biophysical research communications. , 2004; 325(1): 296-301.Talmadge, RJ Garcia, ND Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Myosin heavy chain isoform mRNA and protein levels after long-term paralysis Biochemical and biophysical research communications. , 2004; 325(1): 296-301.Sinha, S Hodgson, JA Finni, T Lai, AM Grinstead, J Edgerton, VR Muscle kinematics during isometric contraction: development of phase contrast and spin tag techniques to study healthy and atrophied muscles Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI. , 2004; 20(6): 1008-19.Sinha, S Hodgson, JA Finni, T Lai, AM Grinstead, J Edgerton, VR Muscle kinematics during isometric contraction: development of phase contrast and spin tag techniques to study healthy and atrophied muscles Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI. , 2004; 20(6): 1008-19.Gomez-Pinilla F, Ying Z, Roy RR, Hodgson J, Edgerton VR. Afferent input modulates neurotrophins and synaptic plasticity in the spinal cord, J Neurophysiol, 2004; 92(6): 3423-32.Sinha S, Hodgson JA, Finni T, Lai AM, Grinstead J, Edgerton VR. Muscle kinematics during isometric contraction: development of phase contrast and spin tag techniques to study healthy and atrophied muscles, J Magn Reson Imaging, 2004; 20(6): 1008-19.Talmadge RJ, Garcia ND, Roy RR, Edgerton VR. Myosin heavy chain isoform mRNA and protein levels after long-term paralysis, Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2004; 325(1): 296-301.Edgerton VR, Tillakaratne NJ, Bigbee AJ, de Leon RD, Roy RR. Plasticity of the spinal neural circuitry after injury, Annu Rev Neurosci, 2004; 27: 145-67.Gosselink KL, Roy RR, Zhong H, Grindeland RE, Bigbee AJ, Edgerton VR. Vibration-induced activation of muscle afferents modulates bioassayable growth hormone release. , J Appl Physiol, 2004; 96(6): 2097-102.Gosselink, KL Roy, RR Zhong, H Grindeland, RE Bigbee, AJ Edgerton, VR Vibration-induced activation of muscle afferents modulates bioassayable growth hormone release Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2004; 96(6): 2097-102.Gosselink, KL Roy, RR Zhong, H Grindeland, RE Bigbee, AJ Edgerton, VR Vibration-induced activation of muscle afferents modulates bioassayable growth hormone release Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2004; 96(6): 2097-102.Otis, JS Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Talmadge, RJ Adaptations in metabolic capacity of rat soleus after paralysis Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2004; 96(2): 584-96.Otis, JS Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Talmadge, RJ Adaptations in metabolic capacity of rat soleus after paralysis Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2004; 96(2): 584-96.Ohira, Y Kawano, F Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Metabolic modulation of muscle fiber properties unrelated to mechanical stimuli Japanese journal of physiology. , 2003; 53(6): 389-400.Ohira, Y Kawano, F Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Metabolic modulation of muscle fiber properties unrelated to mechanical stimuli Japanese journal of physiology. , 2003; 53(6): 389-400.Finni, T Hodgson, JA Lai, AM Edgerton, VR Sinha, S Mapping of movement in the isometrically contracting human soleus muscle reveals details of its structural and functional complexity Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2003; 95(5): 2128-33.Finni, T Hodgson, JA Lai, AM Edgerton, VR Sinha, S Mapping of movement in the isometrically contracting human soleus muscle reveals details of its structural and functional complexity Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2003; 95(5): 2128-33.Hyatt, JP Roy, RR Baldwin, KM Edgerton, VR Nerve activity-independent regulation of skeletal muscle atrophy: role of MyoD and myogenin in satellite cells and myonuclei American journal of physiology. Cell physiology. , 2003; 285(5): C1161-73.Hyatt, JP Roy, RR Baldwin, KM Edgerton, VR Nerve activity-independent regulation of skeletal muscle atrophy: role of MyoD and myogenin in satellite cells and myonuclei American journal of physiology. Cell physiology. , 2003; 285(5): C1161-73.Ying, Z. Roy, R. R. Edgerton, V. R. Gomez-Pinilla, F. Voluntary exercise increases neurotrophin-3 and its receptor TrkC in the spinal cord Brain Res, 2003; 987(1): 93-9.Monti, RJ Roy, RR Zhong, H Edgerton, VR Mechanical properties of rat soleus aponeurosis and tendon during variable recruitment in situ The Journal of experimental biology. , 2003; 206(Pt 19): 3437-45.Monti, RJ Roy, RR Zhong, H Edgerton, VR Mechanical properties of rat soleus aponeurosis and tendon during variable recruitment in situ The Journal of experimental biology. , 2003; 206(Pt 19): 3437-45.Haddad, F Roy, RR Zhong, H Edgerton, VR Baldwin, KM Atrophy responses to muscle inactivity. I. Cellular markers of protein deficits Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2003; 95(2): 781-90.Haddad, F Roy, RR Zhong, H Edgerton, VR Baldwin, KM Atrophy responses to muscle inactivity. I. Cellular markers of protein deficits Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2003; 95(2): 781-90.Haddad, F Roy, RR Zhong, H Edgerton, VR Baldwin, KM Atrophy responses to muscle inactivity. II. Molecular markers of protein deficits Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2003; 95(2): 791-802.Haddad, F Roy, RR Zhong, H Edgerton, VR Baldwin, KM Atrophy responses to muscle inactivity. II. Molecular markers of protein deficits Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2003; 95(2): 791-802.Finni, T Hodgson, JA Lai, AM Edgerton, VR Sinha, S Nonuniform strain of human soleus aponeurosis-tendon complex during submaximal voluntary contractions in vivo Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2003; 95(2): 829-37.Finni, T Hodgson, JA Lai, AM Edgerton, VR Sinha, S Nonuniform strain of human soleus aponeurosis-tendon complex during submaximal voluntary contractions in vivo Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2003; 95(2): 829-37.McCall, G. E. Goulet, C. Boorman, G. I. Roy, R. R. Edgerton, V. R. Flexor bias of joint position in humans during spaceflight Exp Brain Res, 2003; .Roy, RR Zhong, H Hodgson, JA Grossman, EJ Edgerton, VR Effect of altered thyroid state on the in situ mechanical properties of adult cat soleus Cells, tissues, organs. , 2003; 173(3): 162-71.Ishihara A, Roy RR, Ohira Y, Kawano F, Nonaka K, Yamamoto K, Edgerton VR. Effects of aging and exercise on density and cross-sectional area of femur in senescence-accelerated mouse prone 6, J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact, 2003; 3(2): 162-9.McCall, G. E. Goulet, C. Boorman, G. I. Roy, R. R. Edgerton, V. R. Flexor bias of joint position in humans during spaceflight Exp Brain Res, 2003; 152(1): 87-94.Ohira Y, Kawano F, Roy RR, Edgerton VR. Metabolic modulation of muscle fiber properties unrelated to mechanical stimuli, Jpn J Physiol, 2003; 53(6): 389-400.Ying, Z. Roy, R. R. Edgerton, V. R. Gomez-Pinilla, F. Voluntary exercise increases neurotrophin-3 and its receptor TrkC in the spinal cord Brain Res, 2003; 987(1): 93-9.Ishihara, A Roy, RR Ohira, Y Kawano, F Nonaka, K Yamamoto, K Edgerton, VR Effects of aging and exercise on density and cross-sectional area of femur in senescence-accelerated mouse prone 6 Journal of musculoskeletal & neuronal interactions. , 2003; 3(2): 162-9.Ishihara, A Roy, RR Ohira, Y Edgerton, VR Motoneuron and sensory neuron plasticity to varying neuromuscular activity levels Exercise and sport sciences reviews. , 2003; 31(1): 51-7.Ishihara, A Roy, RR Ohira, Y Edgerton, VR Motoneuron and sensory neuron plasticity to varying neuromuscular activity levels Exercise and sport sciences reviews. , 2003; 31(1): 51-7.Tamaki, T Shiraishi, T Takeda, H Matsumiya, T Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Nandrolone decanoate enhances hypothalamic biogenic amines in rats Medicine and science in sports and exercise. , 2003; 35(1): 32-8.Tamaki, T Shiraishi, T Takeda, H Matsumiya, T Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Nandrolone decanoate enhances hypothalamic biogenic amines in rats Medicine and science in sports and exercise. , 2003; 35(1): 32-8.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Paralysis recovery in humans and model systems Current opinion in neurobiology. , 2002; 12(6): 658-67.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Paralysis recovery in humans and model systems Current opinion in neurobiology. , 2002; 12(6): 658-67.Ishihara, A Ohira, Y Roy, RR Nagaoka, S Sekiguchi, C Hinds, WE Edgerton, VR Succinate dehydrogenase activity in rat dorsolateral ventral horn motoneurons at L6 after spaceflight and recovery Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2002; 9(2): 39-48.Ishihara, A Ohira, Y Roy, RR Nagaoka, S Sekiguchi, C Hinds, WE Edgerton, VR Succinate dehydrogenase activity in rat dorsolateral ventral horn motoneurons at L6 after spaceflight and recovery Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2002; 9(2): 39-48.Timoszyk, WK De Leon, RD London, N Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Reinkensmeyer, DJ The rat lumbosacral spinal cord adapts to robotic loading applied during stance Journal of neurophysiology. , 2002; 88(6): 3108-17.Timoszyk, WK De Leon, RD London, N Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Reinkensmeyer, DJ The rat lumbosacral spinal cord adapts to robotic loading applied during stance Journal of neurophysiology. , 2002; 88(6): 3108-17.Talmadge, RJ Roy, RR Caiozzo, VJ Edgerton, VR Mechanical properties of rat soleus after long-term spinal cord transection Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2002; 93(4): 1487-97.Talmadge, RJ Roy, RR Caiozzo, VJ Edgerton, VR Mechanical properties of rat soleus after long-term spinal cord transection Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2002; 93(4): 1487-97.Ishihara, A Roy, RR Ohira, Y Edgerton, VR Motoneuron and sensory neuron plasticity to varying neuromuscular activity levels Exercise and sport sciences reviews. , 2002; 30(4): 152-8.Ishihara, A Roy, RR Ohira, Y Edgerton, VR Motoneuron and sensory neuron plasticity to varying neuromuscular activity levels Exercise and sport sciences reviews. , 2002; 30(4): 152-8.de Leon, RD Kubasak, MD Phelps, PE Timoszyk, WK Reinkensmeyer, DJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Using robotics to teach the spinal cord to walk Brain research. Brain research reviews. , 2002; 40(1-3): 267-73.de Leon, RD Kubasak, MD Phelps, PE Timoszyk, WK Reinkensmeyer, DJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Using robotics to teach the spinal cord to walk Brain research. Brain research reviews. , 2002; 40(1-3): 267-73.Roy, RR Zhong, H Monti, RJ Vallance, KA Edgerton, VR Mechanical properties of the electrically silent adult rat soleus muscle Muscle & nerve. , 2002; 26(3): 404-12.Roy, RR Zhong, H Monti, RJ Vallance, KA Edgerton, VR Mechanical properties of the electrically silent adult rat soleus muscle Muscle & nerve. , 2002; 26(3): 404-12.Zhong, H Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Talmadge, RJ Grossman, EJ Edgerton, VR Activity-independent neural influences on cat soleus motor unit phenotypes Muscle & nerve. , 2002; 26(2): 252-64.Zhong, H Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Talmadge, RJ Grossman, EJ Edgerton, VR Activity-independent neural influences on cat soleus motor unit phenotypes Muscle & nerve. , 2002; 26(2): 252-64.Roy, RR Zhong, H Hodgson, JA Grossman, EJ Siengthai, B Talmadge, RJ Edgerton, VR Influences of electromechanical events in defining skeletal muscle properties Muscle & nerve. , 2002; 26(2): 238-51.Roy, RR Zhong, H Hodgson, JA Grossman, EJ Siengthai, B Talmadge, RJ Edgerton, VR Influences of electromechanical events in defining skeletal muscle properties Muscle & nerve. , 2002; 26(2): 238-51.Tamaki, T Akatsuka, A Yoshimura, S Roy, RR Edgerton, VR New fiber formation in the interstitial spaces of rat skeletal muscle during postnatal growth The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. , 2002; 50(8): 1097-111.Tamaki, T Akatsuka, A Yoshimura, S Roy, RR Edgerton, VR New fiber formation in the interstitial spaces of rat skeletal muscle during postnatal growth The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. , 2002; 50(8): 1097-111.Edgerton, V. R. Roy, R. R. Allen, D. L. Monti, R. J. Adaptations in skeletal muscle disuse or decreased-use atrophy Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 2002; 81(11 Suppl): S127-47.Ohira, Y Yoshinaga, T Nomura, T Kawano, F Ishihara, A Nonaka, I Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Gravitational unloading effects on muscle fiber size, phenotype and myonuclear number Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR). , 2002; 30(4): 777-81.Maegele, M. Muller, S. Wernig, A. Edgerton, V. R. Harkema, S. J. Recruitment of spinal motor pools during voluntary movements versus stepping after human spinal cord injury J Neurotrauma, 2002; 19(10): 1217-29.Ishihara A, Ohira Y, Roy RR, Nagaoka S, Sekiguchi C, Hinds WE, Edgerton VR. Succinate dehydrogenase activity in rat dorsolateral ventral horn motoneurons at L6 after spaceflight and recovery, J Gravit Physiol, 2002; 9(2): 39-48.de Leon, RD Reinkensmeyer, DJ Timoszyk, WK London, NJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Use of robotics in assessing the adaptive capacity of the rat lumbar spinal cord Progress in brain research. , 2002; 137: 141-9.Gomez-Pinilla, F. Ying, Z. Roy, R. R. Molteni, R. Edgerton, V. R. Voluntary exercise induces a BDNF-mediated mechanism that promotes neuroplasticity J Neurophysiol, 2002; 88(5): 2187-95.Tavakol, M Roy, RR Kim, JA Zhong, H Hodgson, JA Hoban-Higgins, TM Fuller, CA Edgerton, VR Fiber size, type, and myosin heavy chain content in rhesus hindlimb muscles after 2 weeks at 2 G Aviation, space, and environmental medicine. , 2002; 73(6): 551-7.Tavakol, M Roy, RR Kim, JA Zhong, H Hodgson, JA Hoban-Higgins, TM Fuller, CA Edgerton, VR Fiber size, type, and myosin heavy chain content in rhesus hindlimb muscles after 2 weeks at 2 G Aviation, space, and environmental medicine. , 2002; 73(6): 551-7.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR How selective is the reinnervation of skeletal muscle fibers? Muscle & nerve. , 2002; 25(6): 765-7.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR How selective is the reinnervation of skeletal muscle fibers? Muscle & nerve. , 2002; 25(6): 765-7.Tamaki, T Akatsuka, A Ando, K Nakamura, Y Matsuzawa, H Hotta, T Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Identification of myogenic-endothelial progenitor cells in the interstitial spaces of skeletal muscle The Journal of cell biology. , 2002; 157(4): 571-7.Tamaki, T Akatsuka, A Ando, K Nakamura, Y Matsuzawa, H Hotta, T Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Identification of myogenic-endothelial progenitor cells in the interstitial spaces of skeletal muscle The Journal of cell biology. , 2002; 157(4): 571-7.Tillakaratne, NJ de Leon, RD Hoang, TX Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Tobin, AJ Use-dependent modulation of inhibitory capacity in the feline lumbar spinal cord The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. , 2002; 22(8): 3130-43.Tillakaratne, NJ de Leon, RD Hoang, TX Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Tobin, AJ Use-dependent modulation of inhibitory capacity in the feline lumbar spinal cord The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. , 2002; 22(8): 3130-43.Huey, KA Roy, RR Haddad, F Edgerton, VR Baldwin, KM Transcriptional regulation of the type I myosin heavy chain promoter in inactive rat soleus American journal of physiology. Cell physiology. , 2002; 282(3): C528-37.Huey, KA Roy, RR Haddad, F Edgerton, VR Baldwin, KM Transcriptional regulation of the type I myosin heavy chain promoter in inactive rat soleus American journal of physiology. Cell physiology. , 2002; 282(3): C528-37.de Leon, RD Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Is the recovery of stepping following spinal cord injury mediated by modifying existing neural pathways or by generating new pathways? A perspective Physical therapy. , 2001; 81(12): 1904-11.de Leon, RD Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Is the recovery of stepping following spinal cord injury mediated by modifying existing neural pathways or by generating new pathways? A perspective Physical therapy. , 2001; 81(12): 1904-11.Roy, RR Zhong, H Talmadge, RJ Bodine, SC Fanton, JW Koslovskaya, I Edgerton, VR Size and myonuclear domains in Rhesus soleus muscle fibers: short-term spaceflight Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2001; 8(2): 49-56.Roy, RR Zhong, H Talmadge, RJ Bodine, SC Fanton, JW Koslovskaya, I Edgerton, VR Size and myonuclear domains in Rhesus soleus muscle fibers: short-term spaceflight Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2001; 8(2): 49-56.McCall, GE Gosselink, KL Bigbee, AJ Roy, RR Grindeland, RE Edgerton, VR Muscle afferent-pituitary axis: a novel pathway for modulating the secretion of a pituitary growth factor Exercise and sport sciences reviews. , 2001; 29(4): 164-9.McCall, GE Gosselink, KL Bigbee, AJ Roy, RR Grindeland, RE Edgerton, VR Muscle afferent-pituitary axis: a novel pathway for modulating the secretion of a pituitary growth factor Exercise and sport sciences reviews. , 2001; 29(4): 164-9.Hodgson, JA Wichayanuparp, S Recktenwald, MR Roy, RR McCall, G Day, MK Washburn, D Fanton, JW Kozlovskaya, I Edgerton, VR Circadian force and EMG activity in hindlimb muscles of rhesus monkeys Journal of neurophysiology. , 2001; 86(3): 1430-44.Hodgson, JA Wichayanuparp, S Recktenwald, MR Roy, RR McCall, G Day, MK Washburn, D Fanton, JW Kozlovskaya, I Edgerton, VR Circadian force and EMG activity in hindlimb muscles of rhesus monkeys Journal of neurophysiology. , 2001; 86(3): 1430-44.Edgerton, VR McCall, GE Hodgson, JA Gotto, J Goulet, C Fleischmann, K Roy, RR Sensorimotor adaptations to microgravity in humans The Journal of experimental biology. , 2001; 204(Pt 18): 3217-24.Edgerton, VR McCall, GE Hodgson, JA Gotto, J Goulet, C Fleischmann, K Roy, RR Sensorimotor adaptations to microgravity in humans The Journal of experimental biology. , 2001; 204(Pt 18): 3217-24.Monti, RJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Role of motor unit structure in defining function Muscle & nerve. , 2001; 24(7): 848-66.Monti, RJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Role of motor unit structure in defining function Muscle & nerve. , 2001; 24(7): 848-66.Hodgson, J.A., Wichayanuparp, S., Recktenwald, M.R., Roy, R.R., McCall, G., Day, M.K., Washburn, D., Fanton, J.W., Kozlovskaya, I., and Edgerton, V.R. Carcadian Force and EMG Activity in Hindlimb Muscles of Rhesus Monkeys, J Neurophysiology, 2001; 86: 1430-1444.Gomez-Pinilla, F. Ying, Z. Opazo, P. Roy, R. R. Edgerton, V. R. Differential regulation by exercise of BDNF and NT-3 in rat spinal cord and skeletal muscle Eur J Neurosci, 2001; 13(6): 1078-84.Monti, R.J., Roy, R.R., and Edgerton, V.R. Invited Review: Role of motor unit structure in defining function, Muscle & Nerve, 2001; 24: 848-866.Edgerton, V.R., Roy, R.R., and de Leon, R.D. Neural Darwinism in the Mammalian Spinal Cord, Spinal Cord Plasticity: Alternations in Reflex Function, 2001; 185-206.Roy, R. R. Ishihara, A. Moran, M. M. Wade, C. E. Edgerton, V. R. No effect of hypergravity on adult rat ventral horn neuron size or SDH activity Aviat Space Environ Med, 2001; 72(12): 1107-12.Tamaki, T Uchiyama, S Uchiyama, Y Akatsuka, A Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Anabolic steroids increase exercise tolerance American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism. , 2001; 280(6): E973-81.Tamaki, T Uchiyama, S Uchiyama, Y Akatsuka, A Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Anabolic steroids increase exercise tolerance American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism. , 2001; 280(6): E973-81.Oishi, Y Ishihara, A Talmadge, RJ Ohira, Y Taniguchi, K Matsumoto, H Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Expression of heat shock protein 72 in atrophied rat skeletal muscles Acta physiologica Scandinavica. , 2001; 172(2): 123-30.Oishi, Y Ishihara, A Talmadge, RJ Ohira, Y Taniguchi, K Matsumoto, H Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Expression of heat shock protein 72 in atrophied rat skeletal muscles Acta physiologica Scandinavica. , 2001; 172(2): 123-30.Edgerton, VR Leon, RD Harkema, SJ Hodgson, JA London, N Reinkensmeyer, DJ Roy, RR Talmadge, RJ Tillakaratne, NJ Timoszyk, W Tobin, A Retraining the injured spinal cord The Journal of physiology. , 2001; 533(Pt 1): 15-22.Edgerton, VR Leon, RD Harkema, SJ Hodgson, JA London, N Reinkensmeyer, DJ Roy, RR Talmadge, RJ Tillakaratne, NJ Timoszyk, W Tobin, A Retraining the injured spinal cord The Journal of physiology. , 2001; 533(Pt 1): 15-22.Edgerton, VR Leon, RD Harkema, SJ Hodgson, JA London, N Reinkensmeyer, DJ Roy, RR Talmadge, RJ Tillakaratne, NJ Timoszyk, W Tobin, A Retraining the injured spinal cord The Journal of physiology. , 2001; 533(Pt 1): 15-22.Ohira, Y Tanaka, T Yoshinaga, T Kawano, F Nomura, T Nonaka, I Allen, DL Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Ontogenetic, gravity-dependent development of rat soleus muscle American journal of physiology. Cell physiology. , 2001; 280(4): C1008-16.Ohira, Y Tanaka, T Yoshinaga, T Kawano, F Nomura, T Nonaka, I Allen, DL Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Ontogenetic, gravity-dependent development of rat soleus muscle American journal of physiology. Cell physiology. , 2001; 280(4): C1008-16.Huey, KA Roy, RR Baldwin, KM Edgerton, VR Temporal effects of inactivty on myosin heavy chain gene expression in rat slow muscle Muscle & nerve. , 2001; 24(4): 517-26.Huey, KA Roy, RR Baldwin, KM Edgerton, VR Temporal effects of inactivty on myosin heavy chain gene expression in rat slow muscle Muscle & nerve. , 2001; 24(4): 517-26.Meijer, OG Kots, YM Edgerton, VR Low-dimensional control: tonus (1963) Motor control. , 2001; 5(1): 1-22.Meijer, OG Kots, YM Edgerton, VR Low-dimensional control: tonus (1963) Motor control. , 2001; 5(1): 1-22.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Recktenwald, MR Hodgson, JA Grindeland, RE Kozlovskaya, I Neural and neuroendocrine adaptations to microgravity and ground-based models of microgravity Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2000; 7(3): 45-52.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Recktenwald, MR Hodgson, JA Grindeland, RE Kozlovskaya, I Neural and neuroendocrine adaptations to microgravity and ground-based models of microgravity Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2000; 7(3): 45-52.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Recktenwald, MR Hodgson, JA Grindeland, RE Kozlovskaya, I Neural and neuroendocrine adaptations to microgravity and ground-based models of microgravity Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2000; 7(3): 45-52.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Invited review: gravitational biology of the neuromotor systems: a perspective to the next era Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2000; 89(3): 1224-31.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Invited review: gravitational biology of the neuromotor systems: a perspective to the next era Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2000; 89(3): 1224-31.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Invited review: gravitational biology of the neuromotor systems: a perspective to the next era Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2000; 89(3): 1224-31.McCall, GE Grindeland, RE Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Muscle afferent activity modulates bioassayable growth hormone in human plasma Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2000; 89(3): 1137-41.McCall, GE Grindeland, RE Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Muscle afferent activity modulates bioassayable growth hormone in human plasma Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2000; 89(3): 1137-41.Ohira, Y Tanaka, T Yoshinaga, T Kawano, F Nomura, T Nonaka, I Allen, DL Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Dependence of normal development of skeletal muscle in neonatal rats on load bearing Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2000; 7(2): P27-30.Ohira, Y Tanaka, T Yoshinaga, T Kawano, F Nomura, T Nonaka, I Allen, DL Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Dependence of normal development of skeletal muscle in neonatal rats on load bearing Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2000; 7(2): P27-30.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Day, MK Weiss, J Harkema, SJ Dobkin, B Garfinkel, A Konigsberg, E Koslovskaya, I How the science and engineering of spaceflight contribute to understanding the plasticity of spinal cord injury Acta astronautica. , 2000; 47(1): 51-62.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Day, MK Weiss, J Harkema, SJ Dobkin, B Garfinkel, A Konigsberg, E Koslovskaya, I How the science and engineering of spaceflight contribute to understanding the plasticity of spinal cord injury Acta astronautica. , 2000; 47(1): 51-62.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Day, MK Weiss, J Harkema, SJ Dobkin, B Garfinkel, A Konigsberg, E Koslovskaya, I How the science and engineering of spaceflight contribute to understanding the plasticity of spinal cord injury Acta astronautica. , 2000; 47(1): 51-62.Roy, RR Zhong, H Monti, RJ Vallance, KA Kim, JA Edgerton, VR Mechanical properties and fiber type composition of chronically inactive muscles Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2000; 7(2): P103-4.Roy, RR Zhong, H Monti, RJ Vallance, KA Kim, JA Edgerton, VR Mechanical properties and fiber type composition of chronically inactive muscles Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2000; 7(2): P103-4.Roy, RR Zhong, H Monti, RJ Vallance, KA Kim, JA Edgerton, VR Mechanical properties and fiber type composition of chronically inactive muscles Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2000; 7(2): P103-4.Day, MK Monti, RJ Vallance, K McGuan, S Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Modelling the neuromechanical events of locomotion at varying gravitational levels Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2000; 7(2): P35-7.Day, MK Monti, RJ Vallance, K McGuan, S Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Modelling the neuromechanical events of locomotion at varying gravitational levels Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2000; 7(2): P35-7.Ishihara, A Ohira, Y Roy, RR Nagaoka, S Sekiguchi, C Edgerton, VR Responses of motor and sensory neurons of rodents to spaceflight Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2000; 7(2): P23-5.Ishihara, A Ohira, Y Roy, RR Nagaoka, S Sekiguchi, C Edgerton, VR Responses of motor and sensory neurons of rodents to spaceflight Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2000; 7(2): P23-5.Bigbee, A. J. Gosselink, K. L. Roy, R. R. Grindeland, R. E. Edgerton, V. R. Bioassayable growth hormone release in rats in response to a single bout of treadmill exercise J Appl Physiol, 2000; 89(6): 2174-8.Bigbee, A.J., Gosselink, K.L., Roy, R.R., Grindeland, R.E. and Edgerton, V.R. Bioassayable growth hormone release in rats in response to a single bout of treadmill exercise, J. Appl Physiol, 2000; 89: 2714-2718.Unguez, GA Talmadge, RJ Roy, RR Dalponte, D Edgerton, VR Distinct myosin heavy chain isoform transitions in developing slow and fast cat hindlimb muscles Cells, tissues, organs. , 2000; 167(2-3): 138-52.Tamaki, T. Uchiyama, S. Uchiyama, Y. Akatsuka, A. Yoshimura, S. Roy, R. R. Edgerton, V. R. Limited myogenic response to a single bout of weight-lifting exercise in old rats Am J Physiol Cell Physiol, 2000; 278(6): C1143-52.Roy, R. R. Zhong, H. Bodine, S. C. Talmadge, R. J. Fanton, J. W. Kozlovskaya, I. B. Edgerton, V. R. Myonuclear number and size of rhesus soleus fibers after 14 days of actual or simulated flight J Gravit Physiol, 2000; 7(1): S63.Harkema, S.J., Dobkin, B.H., and Edgerton, V.R. Pattern Generators in Locomotion: Implications for Recovery of Walking after Spinal Cord Injury, Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 2000; 6(2): 82-96.Hodgson, J. A. Riazansky, S. N. Goulet, C. Badakva, A. M. Kozlovskaya, I. B. Recktenwald, M. R. McCall, G. Roy, R. R. Fanton, J. W. Edgerton, V. R. Rhesus leg muscle EMG activity during a foot pedal pressing task on Bion 11 J Gravit Physiol, 2000; 7(1): S87.Ishihara, A Ohira, Y Roy, RR Nagaoka, S Sekiguchi, C Hinds, WE Edgerton, VR Comparison of the response of motoneurons innervating perineal and hind limb muscles to spaceflight and recovery Muscle & nerve. , 2000; 23(5): 753-62.Ishihara, A Ohira, Y Roy, RR Nagaoka, S Sekiguchi, C Hinds, WE Edgerton, VR Comparison of the response of motoneurons innervating perineal and hind limb muscles to spaceflight and recovery Muscle & nerve. , 2000; 23(5): 753-62.Roy, RR Kim, JA Grossman, EJ Bekmezian, A Talmadge, RJ Zhong, H Edgerton, VR Persistence of myosin heavy chain-based fiber types in innervated but silenced rat fast muscle Muscle & nerve. , 2000; 23(5): 735-47.Roy, RR Kim, JA Grossman, EJ Bekmezian, A Talmadge, RJ Zhong, H Edgerton, VR Persistence of myosin heavy chain-based fiber types in innervated but silenced rat fast muscle Muscle & nerve. , 2000; 23(5): 735-47.Tillakaratne, NJ Mouria, M Ziv, NB Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Tobin, AJ Increased expression of glutamate decarboxylase (GAD(67)) in feline lumbar spinal cord after complete thoracic spinal cord transection Journal of neuroscience research. , 2000; 60(2): 219-30.Tillakaratne, NJ Mouria, M Ziv, NB Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Tobin, AJ Increased expression of glutamate decarboxylase (GAD(67)) in feline lumbar spinal cord after complete thoracic spinal cord transection Journal of neuroscience research. , 2000; 60(2): 219-30.Hirofuji, C Ishihara, A Roy, RR Itoh, K Itoh, M Edgerton, VR Katsuta, S SDH activity and cell size of tibialis anterior motoneurons and muscle fibers in SAMP6 Neuroreport. , 2000; 11(4): 823-8.Hirofuji, C Ishihara, A Roy, RR Itoh, K Itoh, M Edgerton, VR Katsuta, S SDH activity and cell size of tibialis anterior motoneurons and muscle fibers in SAMP6 Neuroreport. , 2000; 11(4): 823-8.Gosselink, KL Grindeland, RE Roy, RR Zhong, H Bigbee, AJ Edgerton, VR Afferent input from rat slow skeletal muscle inhibits bioassayable growth hormone release Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2000; 88(1): 142-8.Gosselink, KL Grindeland, RE Roy, RR Zhong, H Bigbee, AJ Edgerton, VR Afferent input from rat slow skeletal muscle inhibits bioassayable growth hormone release Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2000; 88(1): 142-8.Hodgson, JA Wichayanuparp, S Recktenwald, MR Roy, RR McCall, G Washburn, DA Fanton, JW Riazansky, SN Kozlovskaya, IB Edgerton, VR Daily activation levels in rhesus lower limb muscles Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2000; 7(1): S73.Hodgson, JA Wichayanuparp, S Recktenwald, MR Roy, RR McCall, G Washburn, DA Fanton, JW Riazansky, SN Kozlovskaya, IB Edgerton, VR Daily activation levels in rhesus lower limb muscles Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2000; 7(1): S73.Roy, RR Zhong, H Bodine, SC Pierotti, DJ Talmadge, RJ Barkhoudarian, G Kim, J Fanton, JW Kozlovskaya, IB Edgerton, VR Fiber size and myosin phenotypes of selected rhesus lower limb muscles after a 14-day spaceflight Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2000; 7(1): S45.Roy, RR Zhong, H Bodine, SC Pierotti, DJ Talmadge, RJ Barkhoudarian, G Kim, J Fanton, JW Kozlovskaya, IB Edgerton, VR Fiber size and myosin phenotypes of selected rhesus lower limb muscles after a 14-day spaceflight Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2000; 7(1): S45.Recktenwald, MR Hodgson, JA Roy, RR Riazansky, SN McCall, G Kozlovskaya, IB Washburn, DA Fanton, JW Edgerton, VR Quadrupedal locomotion in rhesus monkeys after 14 days of spaceflight Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2000; 7(1): S71.Recktenwald, MR Hodgson, JA Roy, RR Riazansky, SN McCall, G Kozlovskaya, IB Washburn, DA Fanton, JW Edgerton, VR Quadrupedal locomotion in rhesus monkeys after 14 days of spaceflight Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 2000; 7(1): S71.Roy, RR Bodine, SC Pierotti, DJ Kim, JA Talmadge, RJ Barkhoudarian, G Fanton, JW Koslovskaya, I Edgerton, VR Fiber size and myosin phenotypes of selected Rhesus hindlimb muscles after a 14-day spaceflight Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 1999; 6(2): 55-62.Roy, RR Bodine, SC Pierotti, DJ Kim, JA Talmadge, RJ Barkhoudarian, G Fanton, JW Koslovskaya, I Edgerton, VR Fiber size and myosin phenotypes of selected Rhesus hindlimb muscles after a 14-day spaceflight Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 1999; 6(2): 55-62.Allen, DL Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Myonuclear domains in muscle adaptation and disease Muscle & nerve. , 1999; 22(10): 1350-60.Allen, DL Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Myonuclear domains in muscle adaptation and disease Muscle & nerve. , 1999; 22(10): 1350-60.McCall, GE Goulet, C Roy, RR Grindeland, RE Boorman, GI Bigbee, AJ Hodgson, JA Greenisen, MC Edgerton, VR Spaceflight suppresses exercise-induced release of bioassayable growth hormone Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1999; 87(3): 1207-12.McCall, GE Goulet, C Roy, RR Grindeland, RE Boorman, GI Bigbee, AJ Hodgson, JA Greenisen, MC Edgerton, VR Spaceflight suppresses exercise-induced release of bioassayable growth hormone Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1999; 87(3): 1207-12.Walwyn, WM Ta-Haung, J Ackerson, L Maidment, NT Edgerton, VR Extracellular glutamate in the dorsal horn of the lumbar spinal cord in the freely moving rat during hindlimb stepping Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. , 1999; 63(4): 581-8.Walwyn, WM Ta-Haung, J Ackerson, L Maidment, NT Edgerton, VR Extracellular glutamate in the dorsal horn of the lumbar spinal cord in the freely moving rat during hindlimb stepping Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. , 1999; 63(4): 581-8.Roy, RR Monke, SR Allen, DL Edgerton, VR Modulation of myonuclear number in functionally overloaded and exercised rat plantaris fibers Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1999; 87(2): 634-42.Roy, RR Monke, SR Allen, DL Edgerton, VR Modulation of myonuclear number in functionally overloaded and exercised rat plantaris fibers Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1999; 87(2): 634-42.de Leon, RD Tamaki, H Hodgson, JA Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Hindlimb locomotor and postural training modulates glycinergic inhibition in the spinal cord of the adult spinal cat Journal of neurophysiology. , 1999; 82(1): 359-69.de Leon, RD Tamaki, H Hodgson, JA Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Hindlimb locomotor and postural training modulates glycinergic inhibition in the spinal cord of the adult spinal cat Journal of neurophysiology. , 1999; 82(1): 359-69.de Leon, RD London, NJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Failure analysis of stepping in adult spinal cats Progress in brain research. , 1999; 123: 341-8.de Leon, RD London, NJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Failure analysis of stepping in adult spinal cats Progress in brain research. , 1999; 123: 341-8.Roy, RR Ishihara, A Kim, JA Lee, M Fox, K Edgerton, VR Metabolic and morphological stability of motoneurons in response to chronically elevated neuromuscular activity Neuroscience. , 1999; 92(1): 361-6.Ohira, Y. Yoshinaga, T. Ohara, M. Nonaka, I. Yoshioka, T. Yamashita-Goto, K. Shenkman, B. S. Kozlovskaya, I. B. Roy, R. R. Edgerton, V. R. Myonuclear domain and myosin phenotype in human soleus after bed rest with or without loading J Appl Physiol, 1999; 87(5): 1776-85.Ohira, Y. Yoshinaga, T. Ohara, M. Nonaka, I. Yoshioka, T. Yamashita-Goto, K. Shenkman, B. S. Kozlovskaya, I. B. Roy, R. R. Edgerton, V. R. Myonuclear domain and myosin phenotype in human soleus after bed rest with or without loading J Appl Physiol, 1999; 87(5): 1776-85.Talmadge, RJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Persistence of hybrid fibers in rat soleus after spinal cord transection The Anatomical record. , 1999; 255(2): 188-201.Talmadge, RJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Persistence of hybrid fibers in rat soleus after spinal cord transection The Anatomical record. , 1999; 255(2): 188-201.Recktenwald, MR Hodgson, JA Roy, RR Riazanski, S McCall, GE Kozlovskaya, I Washburn, DA Fanton, JW Edgerton, VR Effects of spaceflight on rhesus quadrupedal locomotion after return to 1G Journal of neurophysiology. , 1999; 81(5): 2451-63.Recktenwald, MR Hodgson, JA Roy, RR Riazanski, S McCall, GE Kozlovskaya, I Washburn, DA Fanton, JW Edgerton, VR Effects of spaceflight on rhesus quadrupedal locomotion after return to 1G Journal of neurophysiology. , 1999; 81(5): 2451-63.Rivero, JL Talmadge, RJ Edgerton, VR Interrelationships of myofibrillar ATPase activity and metabolic properties of myosin heavy chain-based fibre types in rat skeletal muscle Histochemistry and cell biology. , 1999; 111(4): 277-87.Rivero, JL Talmadge, RJ Edgerton, VR Interrelationships of myofibrillar ATPase activity and metabolic properties of myosin heavy chain-based fibre types in rat skeletal muscle Histochemistry and cell biology. , 1999; 111(4): 277-87.Monti, RJ Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR Transmission of forces within mammalian skeletal muscles Journal of biomechanics. , 1999; 32(4): 371-80.Monti, RJ Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR Transmission of forces within mammalian skeletal muscles Journal of biomechanics. , 1999; 32(4): 371-80.Roy, RR Talmadge, RJ Hodgson, JA Oishi, Y Baldwin, KM Edgerton, VR Differential response of fast hindlimb extensor and flexor muscles to exercise in adult spinalized cats Muscle & nerve. , 1999; 22(2): 230-41.Roy, RR Talmadge, RJ Hodgson, JA Oishi, Y Baldwin, KM Edgerton, VR Differential response of fast hindlimb extensor and flexor muscles to exercise in adult spinalized cats Muscle & nerve. , 1999; 22(2): 230-41.De Leon, RD Hodgson, JA Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Retention of hindlimb stepping ability in adult spinal cats after the cessation of step training Journal of neurophysiology. , 1999; 81(1): 85-94.De Leon, RD Hodgson, JA Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Retention of hindlimb stepping ability in adult spinal cats after the cessation of step training Journal of neurophysiology. , 1999; 81(1): 85-94.Rivero, JL Talmadge, RJ Edgerton, VR Fibre size and metabolic properties of myosin heavy chain-based fibre types in rat skeletal muscle Journal of muscle research and cell motility. , 1998; 19(7): 733-42.Rivero, JL Talmadge, RJ Edgerton, VR Fibre size and metabolic properties of myosin heavy chain-based fibre types in rat skeletal muscle Journal of muscle research and cell motility. , 1998; 19(7): 733-42.De Leon, RD Hodgson, JA Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Full weight-bearing hindlimb standing following stand training in the adult spinal cat Journal of neurophysiology. , 1998; 80(1): 83-91.De Leon, RD Hodgson, JA Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Full weight-bearing hindlimb standing following stand training in the adult spinal cat Journal of neurophysiology. , 1998; 80(1): 83-91.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Spaceflight experiments and international collaborations Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 1998; 5(1): P185-7.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Spaceflight experiments and international collaborations Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 1998; 5(1): P185-7.Ishihara, A Roy, RR Ohira, Y Ibata, Y Edgerton, VR Hypertrophy of rat plantaris muscle fibers after voluntary running with increasing loads Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1998; 84(6): 2183-9.Ishihara, A Roy, RR Ohira, Y Ibata, Y Edgerton, VR Hypertrophy of rat plantaris muscle fibers after voluntary running with increasing loads Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1998; 84(6): 2183-9.Roy, RR Pierotti, DJ Baldwin, KM Zhong, H Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR Cyclical passive stretch influences the mechanical properties of the inactive cat soleus Experimental physiology. , 1998; 83(3): 377-85.Roy, RR Pierotti, DJ Baldwin, KM Zhong, H Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR Cyclical passive stretch influences the mechanical properties of the inactive cat soleus Experimental physiology. , 1998; 83(3): 377-85.McCall, GE Allen, DL Linderman, JK Grindeland, RE Roy, RR Mukku, VR Edgerton, VR Maintenance of myonuclear domain size in rat soleus after overload and growth hormone/IGF-I treatment Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1998; 84(4): 1407-12.McCall, GE Allen, DL Linderman, JK Grindeland, RE Roy, RR Mukku, VR Edgerton, VR Maintenance of myonuclear domain size in rat soleus after overload and growth hormone/IGF-I treatment Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1998; 84(4): 1407-12.Gosselink, KL Grindeland, RE Roy, RR Zhong, H Bigbee, AJ Grossman, EJ Edgerton, VR Skeletal muscle afferent regulation of bioassayable growth hormone in the rat pituitary Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1998; 84(4): 1425-30.Gosselink, KL Grindeland, RE Roy, RR Zhong, H Bigbee, AJ Grossman, EJ Edgerton, VR Skeletal muscle afferent regulation of bioassayable growth hormone in the rat pituitary Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1998; 84(4): 1425-30.Grossman, EJ Roy, RR Talmadge, RJ Zhong, H Edgerton, VR Effects of inactivity on myosin heavy chain composition and size of rat soleus fibers Muscle & nerve. , 1998; 21(3): 375-89.Grossman, EJ Roy, RR Talmadge, RJ Zhong, H Edgerton, VR Effects of inactivity on myosin heavy chain composition and size of rat soleus fibers Muscle & nerve. , 1998; 21(3): 375-89.de Leon, RD Hodgson, JA Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Locomotor capacity attributable to step training versus spontaneous recovery after spinalization in adult cats Journal of neurophysiology. , 1998; 79(3): 1329-40.de Leon, RD Hodgson, JA Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Locomotor capacity attributable to step training versus spontaneous recovery after spinalization in adult cats Journal of neurophysiology. , 1998; 79(3): 1329-40.Roy, RR Talmadge, RJ Hodgson, JA Zhong, H Baldwin, KM Edgerton, VR Training effects on soleus of cats spinal cord transected (T12-13) as adults Muscle & nerve. , 1998; 21(1): 63-71.Roy, RR Talmadge, RJ Hodgson, JA Zhong, H Baldwin, KM Edgerton, VR Training effects on soleus of cats spinal cord transected (T12-13) as adults Muscle & nerve. , 1998; 21(1): 63-71.McCall, GE Goulet, C Grindeland, RE Hodgson, JA Bigbee, AJ Edgerton, VR Bed rest suppresses bioassayable growth hormone release in response to muscle activity Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1997; 83(6): 2086-90.McCall, GE Goulet, C Grindeland, RE Hodgson, JA Bigbee, AJ Edgerton, VR Bed rest suppresses bioassayable growth hormone release in response to muscle activity Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1997; 83(6): 2086-90.Ishihara, A Ohira, Y Roy, RR Nagaoka, S Sekiguchi, C Hinds, WE Edgerton, VR Effects of 14 days of spaceflight and nine days of recovery on cell body size and succinate dehydrogenase activity of rat dorsal root ganglion neurons Neuroscience. , 1997; 81(1): 275-9.Ishihara, A Ohira, Y Roy, RR Nagaoka, S Sekiguchi, C Hinds, WE Edgerton, VR Effects of 14 days of spaceflight and nine days of recovery on cell body size and succinate dehydrogenase activity of rat dorsal root ganglion neurons Neuroscience. , 1997; 81(1): 275-9.Grossman, EJ Grindeland, RE Roy, RR Talmadge, RJ Evans, J Edgerton, VR Growth hormone, IGF-I, and exercise effects on non-weight-bearing fast muscles of hypophysectomized rats Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1997; 83(5): 1522-30.Grossman, EJ Grindeland, RE Roy, RR Talmadge, RJ Evans, J Edgerton, VR Growth hormone, IGF-I, and exercise effects on non-weight-bearing fast muscles of hypophysectomized rats Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1997; 83(5): 1522-30.Rivero, JL Talmadge, RJ Edgerton, VR A sensitive electrophoretic method for the quantification of myosin heavy chain isoforms in horse skeletal muscle: histochemical and immunocytochemical verifications Electrophoresis. , 1997; 18(11): 1967-72.Rivero, JL Talmadge, RJ Edgerton, VR A sensitive electrophoretic method for the quantification of myosin heavy chain isoforms in horse skeletal muscle: histochemical and immunocytochemical verifications Electrophoresis. , 1997; 18(11): 1967-72.Ohira, Y Tanaka, T Yoshinaga, T Ohara, M Edgerton, VR Role of gravitational loading on the development of soleus muscle in rats International journal of sports medicine. , 1997; 18 Suppl 4: S295-6.Ohira, Y Tanaka, T Yoshinaga, T Ohara, M Edgerton, VR Role of gravitational loading on the development of soleus muscle in rats International journal of sports medicine. , 1997; 18 Suppl 4: S295-6.Allen, DL Linderman, JK Roy, RR Bigbee, AJ Grindeland, RE Mukku, V Edgerton, VR Apoptosis: a mechanism contributing to remodeling of skeletal muscle in response to hindlimb unweighting The American journal of physiology. , 1997; 273(2 Pt 1): C579-87.Allen, DL Linderman, JK Roy, RR Bigbee, AJ Grindeland, RE Mukku, V Edgerton, VR Apoptosis: a mechanism contributing to remodeling of skeletal muscle in response to hindlimb unweighting The American journal of physiology. , 1997; 273(2 Pt 1): C579-87.Roy, RR Talmadge, RJ Fox, K Lee, M Ishihara, A Edgerton, VR Modulation of MHC isoforms in functionally overloaded and exercised rat plantaris fibers Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1997; 83(1): 280-90.Roy, RR Talmadge, RJ Fox, K Lee, M Ishihara, A Edgerton, VR Modulation of MHC isoforms in functionally overloaded and exercised rat plantaris fibers Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1997; 83(1): 280-90.Roy, RR Kim, JA Monti, RJ Zhong, H Edgerton, VR Architectural and histochemical properties of cat hip ‘cuff’ muscles Acta anatomica. , 1997; 159(2-3): 136-46.Roy, RR Kim, JA Monti, RJ Zhong, H Edgerton, VR Architectural and histochemical properties of cat hip ‘cuff’ muscles Acta anatomica. , 1997; 159(2-3): 136-46.Ohira, Y Yasui, W Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Effects of muscle length on the response to unloading Acta anatomica. , 1997; 159(2-3): 90-8.Ohira, Y Yasui, W Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Effects of muscle length on the response to unloading Acta anatomica. , 1997; 159(2-3): 90-8.Allen, D. L. Linderman, J. K. Roy, R. R. Grindeland, R. E. Mukku, V. Edgerton, V. R. Growth hormone/IGF-I and/or resistive exercise maintains myonuclear number in hindlimb unweighted muscles J Appl Physiol, 1997; 83(6): 1857-61.Allen, D. L. Linderman, J. K. Roy, R. R. Grindeland, R. E. Mukku, V. Edgerton, V. R. Growth hormone/IGF-I and/or resistive exercise maintains myonuclear number in hindlimb unweighted muscles J Appl Physiol, 1997; 83(6): 1857-61.Ishihara, A Hayashi, S Roy, RR Tamada, Y Yokoyama, C Ohira, Y Edgerton, VR Ibata, Y Mitochondrial density of ventral horn neurons in the rat spinal cord Acta anatomica. , 1997; 160(4): 248-53.Ishihara, A Hayashi, S Roy, RR Tamada, Y Yokoyama, C Ohira, Y Edgerton, VR Ibata, Y Mitochondrial density of ventral horn neurons in the rat spinal cord Acta anatomica. , 1997; 160(4): 248-53.Ishihara, A Hori, A Roy, RR Oishi, Y Talmadge, RJ Ohira, Y Kobayashi, S Edgerton, VR Perineal muscles and their innervation: metabolic and functional significance of the motor unit Acta anatomica. , 1997; 159(2-3): 156-66.Ishihara, A Hori, A Roy, RR Oishi, Y Talmadge, RJ Ohira, Y Kobayashi, S Edgerton, VR Perineal muscles and their innervation: metabolic and functional significance of the motor unit Acta anatomica. , 1997; 159(2-3): 156-66.Edgerton, VR de Leon, RD Tillakaratne, N Recktenwald, MR Hodgson, JA Roy, RR Use-dependent plasticity in spinal stepping and standing Advances in neurology. , 1997; 72: 233-47.Edgerton, VR de Leon, RD Tillakaratne, N Recktenwald, MR Hodgson, JA Roy, RR Use-dependent plasticity in spinal stepping and standing Advances in neurology. , 1997; 72: 233-47.Ishihara, A Oishi, Y Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Influence of two weeks of non-weight bearing on rat soleus motoneurons and muscle fibers Aviation, space, and environmental medicine. , 1997; 68(5): 421-5.Ishihara, A Oishi, Y Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Influence of two weeks of non-weight bearing on rat soleus motoneurons and muscle fibers Aviation, space, and environmental medicine. , 1997; 68(5): 421-5.Roy, RR Wilson, R Edgerton, VR Architectural and mechanical properties of the rat adductor longus: response to weight-lifting training The Anatomical record. , 1997; 247(2): 170-8.Roy, RR Wilson, R Edgerton, VR Architectural and mechanical properties of the rat adductor longus: response to weight-lifting training The Anatomical record. , 1997; 247(2): 170-8.Harkema, SJ Hurley, SL Patel, UK Requejo, PS Dobkin, BH Edgerton, VR Human lumbosacral spinal cord interprets loading during stepping Journal of neurophysiology. , 1997; 77(2): 797-811.Harkema, SJ Hurley, SL Patel, UK Requejo, PS Dobkin, BH Edgerton, VR Human lumbosacral spinal cord interprets loading during stepping Journal of neurophysiology. , 1997; 77(2): 797-811.Talmadge, RJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Distribution of myosin heavy chain isoforms in non-weight-bearing rat soleus muscle fibers Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1996; 81(6): 2540-6.Talmadge, RJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Distribution of myosin heavy chain isoforms in non-weight-bearing rat soleus muscle fibers Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1996; 81(6): 2540-6.Rivero, JL Talmadge, RJ Edgerton, VR Correlation between myofibrillar ATPase activity and myosin heavy chain composition in equine skeletal muscle and the influence of training The Anatomical record. , 1996; 246(2): 195-207.Rivero, JL Talmadge, RJ Edgerton, VR Correlation between myofibrillar ATPase activity and myosin heavy chain composition in equine skeletal muscle and the influence of training The Anatomical record. , 1996; 246(2): 195-207.Unguez, GA Roy, RR Bodine-Fowler, S Edgerton, VR Limited fiber type grouping in self-reinnervation cat tibialis anterior muscles Muscle & nerve. , 1996; 19(10): 1320-7.Unguez, GA Roy, RR Bodine-Fowler, S Edgerton, VR Limited fiber type grouping in self-reinnervation cat tibialis anterior muscles Muscle & nerve. , 1996; 19(10): 1320-7.Baldwin, KM White, TP Arnaud, SB Edgerton, VR Kraemer, WJ Kram, R Raab-Cullen, D Snow, CM Musculoskeletal adaptations to weightlessness and development of effective countermeasures Medicine and science in sports and exercise. , 1996; 28(10): 1247-53.Baldwin, KM White, TP Arnaud, SB Edgerton, VR Kraemer, WJ Kram, R Raab-Cullen, D Snow, CM Musculoskeletal adaptations to weightlessness and development of effective countermeasures Medicine and science in sports and exercise. , 1996; 28(10): 1247-53.Rivero, JL Talmadge, RJ Edgerton, VR Myosin heavy chain isoforms in adult equine skeletal muscle: an immunohistochemical and electrophoretic study The Anatomical record. , 1996; 246(2): 185-94.Rivero, JL Talmadge, RJ Edgerton, VR Myosin heavy chain isoforms in adult equine skeletal muscle: an immunohistochemical and electrophoretic study The Anatomical record. , 1996; 246(2): 185-94.Roy, RR Roy, ME Talmadge, RJ Mendoza, R Grindeland, RE Vasques, M Size and myosin heavy chain profiles of rat hindlimb extensor muscle fibers after 2 weeks at 2G Aviation, space, and environmental medicine. , 1996; 67(9): 854-8.Allen, DL Yasui, W Tanaka, T Ohira, Y Nagaoka, S Sekiguchi, C Hinds, WE Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Myonuclear number and myosin heavy chain expression in rat soleus single muscle fibers after spaceflight Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1996; 81(1): 145-51.Allen, DL Yasui, W Tanaka, T Ohira, Y Nagaoka, S Sekiguchi, C Hinds, WE Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Myonuclear number and myosin heavy chain expression in rat soleus single muscle fibers after spaceflight Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1996; 81(1): 145-51.Roy, R. R. Tri, C. Grossman, E. J. Talmadge, R. J. Grindeland, R. E. Mukku, V. R. Edgerton, V. R. IGF-I, growth hormone, and/or exercise effects on non-weight-bearing soleus of hypophysectomized rats J Appl Physiol, 1996; 81(1): 302-11.Roy, R. R. Tri, C. Grossman, E. J. Talmadge, R. J. Grindeland, R. E. Mukku, V. R. Edgerton, V. R. IGF-I, growth hormone, and/or exercise effects on non-weight-bearing soleus of hypophysectomized rats J Appl Physiol, 1996; 81(1): 302-11.Ishihara, A Ohira, Y Roy, RR Nagaoka, S Sekiguchi, C Hinds, WE Edgerton, VR Influence of spaceflight on succinate dehydrogenase activity and soma size of rat ventral horn neurons Acta anatomica. , 1996; 157(4): 303-8.Ishihara, A Ohira, Y Roy, RR Nagaoka, S Sekiguchi, C Hinds, WE Edgerton, VR Influence of spaceflight on succinate dehydrogenase activity and soma size of rat ventral horn neurons Acta anatomica. , 1996; 157(4): 303-8.Talmadge, R. J. Roy, R. R. Edgerton, V. R. Myosin heavy chain profile of cat soleus following chronic reduced activity or inactivity Muscle Nerve, 1996; 19(8): 980-8.Talmadge, R. J. Roy, R. R. Edgerton, V. R. Myosin heavy chain profile of cat soleus following chronic reduced activity or inactivity Muscle Nerve, 1996; 19(8): 980-8.Roy, RR Baldwin, KM Edgerton, VR Response of the neuromuscular unit to spaceflight: what has been learned from the rat model Exercise and sport sciences reviews. , 1996; 24: 399-425.Roy, RR Baldwin, KM Edgerton, VR Response of the neuromuscular unit to spaceflight: what has been learned from the rat model Exercise and sport sciences reviews. , 1996; 24: 399-425.Roy, RR Pierotti, DJ Edgerton, VR Skeletal muscle fiber cross-sectional area: effects of freezing procedures Acta anatomica. , 1996; 155(2): 131-5.Roy, RR Pierotti, DJ Edgerton, VR Skeletal muscle fiber cross-sectional area: effects of freezing procedures Acta anatomica. , 1996; 155(2): 131-5.Roy, RR Eldridge, L Baldwin, KM Edgerton, VR Neural influence on slow muscle properties: inactivity with and without cross-reinnervation Muscle & nerve. , 1996; 19(6): 707-14.Roy, RR Eldridge, L Baldwin, KM Edgerton, VR Neural influence on slow muscle properties: inactivity with and without cross-reinnervation Muscle & nerve. , 1996; 19(6): 707-14.Edgerton, VR Wolf, SL Levendowski, DJ Roy, RR Theoretical basis for patterning EMG amplitudes to assess muscle dysfunction Medicine and science in sports and exercise. , 1996; 28(6): 744-51.Edgerton, VR Wolf, SL Levendowski, DJ Roy, RR Theoretical basis for patterning EMG amplitudes to assess muscle dysfunction Medicine and science in sports and exercise. , 1996; 28(6): 744-51.Ishihara, A Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Comparison of succinate dehydrogenase activity and soma size relationships among neurons in dorsal root ganglia of rats and cats Brain research. , 1996; 716(1-2): 183-6.Ishihara, A Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Comparison of succinate dehydrogenase activity and soma size relationships among neurons in dorsal root ganglia of rats and cats Brain research. , 1996; 716(1-2): 183-6.Talmadge, RJ Roy, RR Chalmers, GR Edgerton, VR MHC and sarcoplasmic reticulum protein isoforms in functionally overloaded cat plantaris muscle fibers Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1996; 80(4): 1296-303.Talmadge, RJ Roy, RR Chalmers, GR Edgerton, VR MHC and sarcoplasmic reticulum protein isoforms in functionally overloaded cat plantaris muscle fibers Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1996; 80(4): 1296-303.Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Aragon, J Day, MK Kozlovskaya, I Edgerton, VR Recruitment of the Rhesus soleus and medial gastrocnemius before, during and after spaceflight Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 1996; 3(1): 11-5.Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Aragon, J Day, MK Kozlovskaya, I Edgerton, VR Recruitment of the Rhesus soleus and medial gastrocnemius before, during and after spaceflight Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 1996; 3(1): 11-5.Fukunaga, T Roy, RR Shellock, FG Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR Specific tension of human plantar flexors and dorsiflexors Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1996; 80(1): 158-65.Fukunaga, T Roy, RR Shellock, FG Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR Specific tension of human plantar flexors and dorsiflexors Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1996; 80(1): 158-65.Ishihara, A Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Succinate dehydrogenase activity and soma size of motoneurons innervating different portions of the rat tibialis anterior Neuroscience. , 1995; 68(3): 813-22.Ishihara, A Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Succinate dehydrogenase activity and soma size of motoneurons innervating different portions of the rat tibialis anterior Neuroscience. , 1995; 68(3): 813-22.Roy, RR Garfinkel, A Ounjian, M Payne, J Hirahara, A Hsu, E Edgerton, VR Three-dimensional structure of cat tibialis anterior motor units Muscle & nerve. , 1995; 18(10): 1187-95.Roy, RR Garfinkel, A Ounjian, M Payne, J Hirahara, A Hsu, E Edgerton, VR Three-dimensional structure of cat tibialis anterior motor units Muscle & nerve. , 1995; 18(10): 1187-95.Talmadge, RJ Roy, RR Jiang, B Edgerton, VR Myofibrillar ATPase activity of feline muscle fibers expressing slow and fast myosin heavy chains The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. , 1995; 43(8): 811-9.Talmadge, RJ Roy, RR Jiang, B Edgerton, VR Myofibrillar ATPase activity of feline muscle fibers expressing slow and fast myosin heavy chains The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. , 1995; 43(8): 811-9.Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Response of mouse plantaris muscle to functional overload: comparison with rat and cat Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Physiology. , 1995; 111(4): 569-75.Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Response of mouse plantaris muscle to functional overload: comparison with rat and cat Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Physiology. , 1995; 111(4): 569-75.Talmadge, RJ Roy, RR Bodine-Fowler, SC Pierotti, DJ Edgerton, VR Adaptations in myosin heavy chain profile in chronically unloaded muscles Basic and applied myology : BAM. , 1995; 5(2): 117-37.Talmadge, RJ Roy, RR Bodine-Fowler, SC Pierotti, DJ Edgerton, VR Adaptations in myosin heavy chain profile in chronically unloaded muscles Basic and applied myology : BAM. , 1995; 5(2): 117-37.Day, MK Allen, DL Mohajerani, L Greenisen, MC Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Adaptations of human skeletal muscle fibers to spaceflight Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 1995; 2(1): P47-50.Day, MK Allen, DL Mohajerani, L Greenisen, MC Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Adaptations of human skeletal muscle fibers to spaceflight Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. , 1995; 2(1): P47-50.Dobkin, BH Harkema, S Requejo, P Edgerton, VR Modulation of locomotor-like EMG activity in subjects with complete and incomplete spinal cord injury Journal of neurologic rehabilitation. , 1995; 9(4): 183-90.Dobkin, BH Harkema, S Requejo, P Edgerton, VR Modulation of locomotor-like EMG activity in subjects with complete and incomplete spinal cord injury Journal of neurologic rehabilitation. , 1995; 9(4): 183-90.Edgerton, VR Zhou, MY Ohira, Y Klitgaard, H Jiang, B Bell, G Harris, B Saltin, B Gollnick, PD Roy, RR Human fiber size and enzymatic properties after 5 and 11 days of spaceflight Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1995; 78(5): 1733-9.Edgerton, VR Zhou, MY Ohira, Y Klitgaard, H Jiang, B Bell, G Harris, B Saltin, B Gollnick, PD Roy, RR Human fiber size and enzymatic properties after 5 and 11 days of spaceflight Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1995; 78(5): 1733-9.Edgerton, VR Zhou, MY Ohira, Y Klitgaard, H Jiang, B Bell, G Harris, B Saltin, B Gollnick, PD Roy, RR Human fiber size and enzymatic properties after 5 and 11 days of spaceflight Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1995; 78(5): 1733-9.Zhou, MY Klitgaard, H Saltin, B Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Gollnick, PD Myosin heavy chain isoforms of human muscle after short-term spaceflight Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1995; 78(5): 1740-4.Zhou, MY Klitgaard, H Saltin, B Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Gollnick, PD Myosin heavy chain isoforms of human muscle after short-term spaceflight Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1995; 78(5): 1740-4.Allen, DL Monke, SR Talmadge, RJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Plasticity of myonuclear number in hypertrophied and atrophied mammalian skeletal muscle fibers Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1995; 78(5): 1969-76.Allen, DL Monke, SR Talmadge, RJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Plasticity of myonuclear number in hypertrophied and atrophied mammalian skeletal muscle fibers Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1995; 78(5): 1969-76.Allen, DL Monke, SR Talmadge, RJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Plasticity of myonuclear number in hypertrophied and atrophied mammalian skeletal muscle fibers Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1995; 78(5): 1969-76.Ishihara, A Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Succinate dehydrogenase activity and soma size relationships among cat dorsal root ganglion neurons Brain research. , 1995; 676(1): 212-8.Ishihara, A Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Succinate dehydrogenase activity and soma size relationships among cat dorsal root ganglion neurons Brain research. , 1995; 676(1): 212-8.Talmadge, RJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Prominence of myosin heavy chain hybrid fibers in soleus muscle of spinal cord-transected rats Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1995; 78(4): 1256-65.Talmadge, RJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Prominence of myosin heavy chain hybrid fibers in soleus muscle of spinal cord-transected rats Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1995; 78(4): 1256-65.Unguez, GA Roy, RR Pierotti, DJ Bodine-Fowler, S Edgerton, VR Further evidence of incomplete neural control of muscle properties in cat tibialis anterior motor units The American journal of physiology. , 1995; 268(2 Pt 1): C527-34.Unguez, GA Roy, RR Pierotti, DJ Bodine-Fowler, S Edgerton, VR Further evidence of incomplete neural control of muscle properties in cat tibialis anterior motor units The American journal of physiology. , 1995; 268(2 Pt 1): C527-34.Edgerton, VR Enoka, RM Adaptive properties of the sensorimotor system Medicine and science in sports and exercise. , 1994; 26(12): 1473-4.Edgerton, VR Enoka, RM Adaptive properties of the sensorimotor system Medicine and science in sports and exercise. , 1994; 26(12): 1473-4.Pierotti, DJ Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR Level of independence of motor unit properties from neuromuscular activity Muscle & nerve. , 1994; 17(11): 1324-35.Pierotti, DJ Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR Level of independence of motor unit properties from neuromuscular activity Muscle & nerve. , 1994; 17(11): 1324-35.de Leon, R Hodgson, JA Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Extensor- and flexor-like modulation within motor pools of the rat hindlimb during treadmill locomotion and swimming Brain research. , 1994; 654(2): 241-50.de Leon, R Hodgson, JA Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Extensor- and flexor-like modulation within motor pools of the rat hindlimb during treadmill locomotion and swimming Brain research. , 1994; 654(2): 241-50.Grindeland, RE Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Grossman, EJ Mukku, VR Jiang, B Pierotti, DJ Rudolph, I Interactive effects of growth hormone and exercise on muscle mass in suspended rats The American journal of physiology. , 1994; 267(1 Pt 2): R316-22.Grindeland, RE Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Grossman, EJ Mukku, VR Jiang, B Pierotti, DJ Rudolph, I Interactive effects of growth hormone and exercise on muscle mass in suspended rats The American journal of physiology. , 1994; 267(1 Pt 2): R316-22.Ohira, Y Yasui, W Kariya, F Wakatsuki, T Nakamura, K Asakura, T Edgerton, VR Metabolic adaptation of skeletal muscles to gravitational unloading Acta astronautica. , 1994; 33: 113-7.Hodgson, J. A. Roy, R. R. de Leon, R. Dobkin, B. Edgerton, V. R. Can the mammalian lumbar spinal cord learn a motor task? Med Sci Sports Exerc, 1994; 26(12): 1491-7.Hodgson, J. A. Roy, R. R. de Leon, R. Dobkin, B. Edgerton, V. R. Can the mammalian lumbar spinal cord learn a motor task? Med Sci Sports Exerc, 1994; 26(12): 1491-7.Hodgson, J.A., Roy, R.R., de Leon, R., Dobkin, B., and Edgerton, V.R. Can the mammalian lumbar spinal cord learn a motor task?, Med. Sci. Sports Exerc, 1994; 26: 1491-1497.Ohira, Y. Yasui, W. Kariya, F. Wakatsuki, T. Nakamura, K. Asakura, T. Edgerton, V. R. Metabolic adaptation of skeletal muscles to gravitational unloading Acta Astronaut, 1994; 33: 113-7.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Neuromuscular adaptation to actual and simulated weightlessness Advances in space biology and medicine. , 1994; 4: 33-67.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Neuromuscular adaptation to actual and simulated weightlessness Advances in space biology and medicine. , 1994; 4: 33-67.Tseng, BS Kasper, CE Edgerton, VR Cytoplasm-to-myonucleus ratios and succinate dehydrogenase activities in adult rat slow and fast muscle fibers Cell and tissue research. , 1994; 275(1): 39-49.Tseng, BS Kasper, CE Edgerton, VR Cytoplasm-to-myonucleus ratios and succinate dehydrogenase activities in adult rat slow and fast muscle fibers Cell and tissue research. , 1994; 275(1): 39-49.Smith, LA Eldred, E Edgerton, VR Effects of age at cordotomy and subsequent exercise on contraction times of motor units in the cat Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1993; 75(6): 2683-8.Smith, LA Eldred, E Edgerton, VR Effects of age at cordotomy and subsequent exercise on contraction times of motor units in the cat Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1993; 75(6): 2683-8.Unguez, GA Bodine-Fowler, S Roy, RR Pierotti, DJ Edgerton, VR Evidence of incomplete neural control of motor unit properties in cat tibialis anterior after self-reinnervation The Journal of physiology. , 1993; 472: 103-25.Unguez, GA Bodine-Fowler, S Roy, RR Pierotti, DJ Edgerton, VR Evidence of incomplete neural control of motor unit properties in cat tibialis anterior after self-reinnervation The Journal of physiology. , 1993; 472: 103-25.Jiang, B. Roy, R. R. Navarro, C. Edgerton, V. R. Absence of a growth hormone effect on rat soleus atrophy during a 4-day spaceflight J Appl Physiol, 1993; 74(2): 527-31.Jiang, B. Roy, R. R. Navarro, C. Edgerton, V. R. Absence of a growth hormone effect on rat soleus atrophy during a 4-day spaceflight J Appl Physiol, 1993; 74(2): 527-31.Talmadge, R. J. Roy, R. R. Edgerton, V. R. Muscle fiber types and function Curr Opin Rheumatol, 1993; 5(6): 695-705.Talmadge, R. J. Roy, R. R. Edgerton, V. R. Muscle fiber types and function Curr Opin Rheumatol, 1993; 5(6): 695-705.Eldred, E Ounjian, M Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Tapering of the intrafascicular endings of muscle fibers and its implications to relay of force The Anatomical record. , 1993; 236(2): 390-8.Eldred, E Ounjian, M Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Tapering of the intrafascicular endings of muscle fibers and its implications to relay of force The Anatomical record. , 1993; 236(2): 390-8.Bodine-Fowler, SC Unguez, GA Roy, RR Armstrong, AN Edgerton, VR Innervation patterns in the cat tibialis anterior six months after self-reinnervation Muscle & nerve. , 1993; 16(4): 379-91.Bodine-Fowler, SC Unguez, GA Roy, RR Armstrong, AN Edgerton, VR Innervation patterns in the cat tibialis anterior six months after self-reinnervation Muscle & nerve. , 1993; 16(4): 379-91.Eldred, E Garfinkel, A Hsu, ES Ounjian, M Roy, RR Edgerton, VR The physiological cross-sectional area of motor units in the cat tibialis anterior The Anatomical record. , 1993; 235(3): 381-9.Eldred, E Garfinkel, A Hsu, ES Ounjian, M Roy, RR Edgerton, VR The physiological cross-sectional area of motor units in the cat tibialis anterior The Anatomical record. , 1993; 235(3): 381-9.Eldred, E Smith, L Edgerton, VR Comparison of contraction times of a muscle and its motor units Neuroscience letters. , 1992; 146(2): 199-202.Eldred, E Smith, L Edgerton, VR Comparison of contraction times of a muscle and its motor units Neuroscience letters. , 1992; 146(2): 199-202.Fukunaga, T Roy, RR Shellock, FG Hodgson, JA Day, MK Lee, PL Kwong-Fu, H Edgerton, VR Physiological cross-sectional area of human leg muscles based on magnetic resonance imaging Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society. , 1992; 10(6): 928-34.Fukunaga, T Roy, RR Shellock, FG Hodgson, JA Day, MK Lee, PL Kwong-Fu, H Edgerton, VR Physiological cross-sectional area of human leg muscles based on magnetic resonance imaging Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society. , 1992; 10(6): 928-34.Jiang, B Ohira, Y Roy, RR Nguyen, Q Ilyina-Kakueva, EI Oganov, V Edgerton, VR Adaptation of fibers in fast-twitch muscles of rats to spaceflight and hindlimb suspension Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1992; 73(2 Suppl): 58S-65S.Jiang, B Ohira, Y Roy, RR Nguyen, Q Ilyina-Kakueva, EI Oganov, V Edgerton, VR Adaptation of fibers in fast-twitch muscles of rats to spaceflight and hindlimb suspension Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1992; 73(2 Suppl): 58S-65S.Bell, GJ Martin, TP Ilyina-Kakueva, EI Oganov, VS Edgerton, VR Altered distribution of mitochondria in rat soleus muscle fibers after spaceflight Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1992; 73(2): 493-7.Bell, GJ Martin, TP Ilyina-Kakueva, EI Oganov, VS Edgerton, VR Altered distribution of mitochondria in rat soleus muscle fibers after spaceflight Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1992; 73(2): 493-7.Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Lauretz, SD Pierotti, DJ Gayek, RJ Edgerton, VR Chronic spinal cord-injured cats: surgical procedures and management Laboratory animal science. , 1992; 42(4): 335-43.Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Lauretz, SD Pierotti, DJ Gayek, RJ Edgerton, VR Chronic spinal cord-injured cats: surgical procedures and management Laboratory animal science. , 1992; 42(4): 335-43.Ohira, Y Jiang, B Roy, RR Oganov, V Ilyina-Kakueva, E Marini, JF Edgerton, VR Rat soleus muscle fiber responses to 14 days of spaceflight and hindlimb suspension Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1992; 73(2 Suppl): 51S-57S.Ohira, Y Jiang, B Roy, RR Oganov, V Ilyina-Kakueva, E Marini, JF Edgerton, VR Rat soleus muscle fiber responses to 14 days of spaceflight and hindlimb suspension Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1992; 73(2 Suppl): 51S-57S.Lieber, RL Raab, R Kashin, S Edgerton, VR Short communication. Sarcomere length changes during fish swimming The Journal of experimental biology. , 1992; 169: 251-4.Lieber, RL Raab, R Kashin, S Edgerton, VR Short communication. Sarcomere length changes during fish swimming The Journal of experimental biology. , 1992; 169: 251-4.Bodine-Fowler, SC Roy, RR Rudolph, W Haque, N Kozlovskaya, IB Edgerton, VR Spaceflight and growth effects on muscle fibers in the rhesus monkey Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1992; 73(2 Suppl): 82S-89S.Bodine-Fowler, SC Roy, RR Rudolph, W Haque, N Kozlovskaya, IB Edgerton, VR Spaceflight and growth effects on muscle fibers in the rhesus monkey Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1992; 73(2 Suppl): 82S-89S.Chalmers, GR Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Variation and limitations in fiber enzymatic and size responses in hypertrophied muscle Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1992; 73(2): 631-41.Chalmers, GR Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Variation and limitations in fiber enzymatic and size responses in hypertrophied muscle Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1992; 73(2): 631-41.Jiang, B Roy, RR Polyakov, IV Krasnov, IB Edgerton, VR Ventral horn cell responses to spaceflight and hindlimb suspension Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1992; 73(2 Suppl): 107S-111S.Jiang, B Roy, RR Polyakov, IV Krasnov, IB Edgerton, VR Ventral horn cell responses to spaceflight and hindlimb suspension Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1992; 73(2 Suppl): 107S-111S.Martin, TP Edgerton, VR Intrafibre distribution of succinate dehydrogenase in cat tibialis anterior motor units Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. , 1992; 70(7): 970-6.Martin, TP Edgerton, VR Intrafibre distribution of succinate dehydrogenase in cat tibialis anterior motor units Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. , 1992; 70(7): 970-6.Lieber, RL Brown, CG Sarcomere length-joint angle relationships of seven frog hindlimb muscles Acta anatomica. , 1992; 145(4): 289-95.Roy, RR Pierotti, DJ Flores, V Rudolph, W Edgerton, VR Fibre size and type adaptations to spinal isolation and cyclical passive stretch in cat hindlimb Journal of anatomy. , 1992; 180 ( Pt 3): 491-9.Roy, RR Pierotti, DJ Flores, V Rudolph, W Edgerton, VR Fibre size and type adaptations to spinal isolation and cyclical passive stretch in cat hindlimb Journal of anatomy. , 1992; 180 ( Pt 3): 491-9.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Prober, RJ de Guzman, CP de Leon, R Potential of adult mammalian lumbosacral spinal cord to execute and acquire improved locomotion in the absence of supraspinal input Journal of neurotrauma. , 1992; 9 Suppl 1: S119-28.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Prober, RJ de Guzman, CP de Leon, R Potential of adult mammalian lumbosacral spinal cord to execute and acquire improved locomotion in the absence of supraspinal input Journal of neurotrauma. , 1992; 9 Suppl 1: S119-28.Chalmers, GR Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Adaptability of the oxidative capacity of motoneurons Brain research. , 1992; 570(1-2): 1-10.Chalmers, GR Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Adaptability of the oxidative capacity of motoneurons Brain research. , 1992; 570(1-2): 1-10.Graham, SC Roy, RR Navarro, C Jiang, B Pierotti, D Bodine-Fowler, S Edgerton, VR Enzyme and size profiles in chronically inactive cat soleus muscle fibers Muscle & nerve. , 1992; 15(1): 27-36.Graham, SC Roy, RR Navarro, C Jiang, B Pierotti, D Bodine-Fowler, S Edgerton, VR Enzyme and size profiles in chronically inactive cat soleus muscle fibers Muscle & nerve. , 1992; 15(1): 27-36.Pierotti, DJ Roy, RR Bodine-Fowler, SC Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR Mechanical and morphological properties of chronically inactive cat tibialis anterior motor units The Journal of physiology. , 1991; 444: 175-92.Pierotti, DJ Roy, RR Bodine-Fowler, SC Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR Mechanical and morphological properties of chronically inactive cat tibialis anterior motor units The Journal of physiology. , 1991; 444: 175-92.Pierotti, DJ Roy, RR Bodine-Fowler, SC Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR Mechanical and morphological properties of chronically inactive cat tibialis anterior motor units The Journal of physiology. , 1991; 444: 175-92.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Prober, RJ de Guzman, CP de Leon, R A physiological basis for the development of rehabilitative strategies for spinally injured patients The Journal of the American Paraplegia Society. , 1991; 14(4): 150-7.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Prober, RJ de Guzman, CP de Leon, R A physiological basis for the development of rehabilitative strategies for spinally injured patients The Journal of the American Paraplegia Society. , 1991; 14(4): 150-7.Chalmers, GR Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Motoneuron and muscle fiber succinate dehydrogenase activity in control and overloaded plantaris Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1991; 71(4): 1589-92.Chalmers, GR Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Motoneuron and muscle fiber succinate dehydrogenase activity in control and overloaded plantaris Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1991; 71(4): 1589-92.de Guzman, CP Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR Coordination of motor pools controlling the ankle musculature in adult spinal cats during treadmill walking Brain research. , 1991; 555(2): 202-14.de Guzman, CP Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR Coordination of motor pools controlling the ankle musculature in adult spinal cats during treadmill walking Brain research. , 1991; 555(2): 202-14.Turk, AE Ishida, K Kobayashi, M Narloch, J Kinney, BM Verity, MA Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Miller, TA The effects of dynamic tension and reduced graft size on muscle regeneration in rabbit free muscle grafts Plastic and reconstructive surgery. , 1991; 88(2): 299-309; discussion 310.Turk, AE Ishida, K Kobayashi, M Narloch, J Kinney, BM Verity, MA Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Miller, TA The effects of dynamic tension and reduced graft size on muscle regeneration in rabbit free muscle grafts Plastic and reconstructive surgery. , 1991; 88(2): 299-309; discussion 310.Ounjian, M Roy, RR Eldred, E Garfinkel, A Payne, JR Armstrong, A Toga, AW Edgerton, VR Physiological and developmental implications of motor unit anatomy Journal of neurobiology. , 1991; 22(5): 547-59.Ounjian, M Roy, RR Eldred, E Garfinkel, A Payne, JR Armstrong, A Toga, AW Edgerton, VR Physiological and developmental implications of motor unit anatomy Journal of neurobiology. , 1991; 22(5): 547-59.Roy, RR Bodine-Fowler, SC Kim, J Haque, N de Leon, D Rudolph, W Edgerton, VR Architectural and fiber type distribution properties of selected rhesus leg muscles: feasibility of multiple independent biopsies Acta anatomica. , 1991; 140(4): 350-6.Roy, RR Bodine-Fowler, SC Kim, J Haque, N de Leon, D Rudolph, W Edgerton, VR Architectural and fiber type distribution properties of selected rhesus leg muscles: feasibility of multiple independent biopsies Acta anatomica. , 1991; 140(4): 350-6.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Regulation of skeletal muscle fiber size, shape and function Journal of biomechanics. , 1991; 24 Suppl 1: 123-33.Edgerton, VR Roy, RR Regulation of skeletal muscle fiber size, shape and function Journal of biomechanics. , 1991; 24 Suppl 1: 123-33.Roy, R. R. Baldwin, K. M. Edgerton, V. R. The plasticity of skeletal muscle: effects of neuromuscular activity Exerc Sport Sci Rev, 1991; 19: 269-312.Roy, R. R. Baldwin, K. M. Edgerton, V. R. The plasticity of skeletal muscle: effects of neuromuscular activity Exerc Sport Sci Rev, 1991; 19: 269-312.Roy, RR Hutchison, DL Pierotti, DJ Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR EMG patterns of rat ankle extensors and flexors during treadmill locomotion and swimming Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1991; 70(6): 2522-9.Roy, RR Hutchison, DL Pierotti, DJ Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR EMG patterns of rat ankle extensors and flexors during treadmill locomotion and swimming Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1991; 70(6): 2522-9.Shellock, FG Fukunaga, T Mink, JH Edgerton, VR Exertional muscle injury: evaluation of concentric versus eccentric actions with serial MR imaging Radiology. , 1991; 179(3): 659-64.Shellock, FG Fukunaga, T Mink, JH Edgerton, VR Exertional muscle injury: evaluation of concentric versus eccentric actions with serial MR imaging Radiology. , 1991; 179(3): 659-64.Shellock, FG Fukunaga, T Mink, JH Edgerton, VR Acute effects of exercise on MR imaging of skeletal muscle: concentric vs eccentric actions AJR. American journal of roentgenology. , 1991; 156(4): 765-8.Shellock, FG Fukunaga, T Mink, JH Edgerton, VR Acute effects of exercise on MR imaging of skeletal muscle: concentric vs eccentric actions AJR. American journal of roentgenology. , 1991; 156(4): 765-8.Hodgson, JA Bodine-Fowler, SC Roy, RR de Leon, RD de Guzman, CP Koslovskaya, I Sirota, M Edgerton, VR Changes in recruitment of rhesus soleus and gastrocnemius muscles following a 14 day spaceflight The Physiologist. , 1991; 34(1 Suppl): S102-3.Hodgson, JA Bodine-Fowler, SC Roy, RR de Leon, RD de Guzman, CP Koslovskaya, I Sirota, M Edgerton, VR Changes in recruitment of rhesus soleus and gastrocnemius muscles following a 14 day spaceflight The Physiologist. , 1991; 34(1 Suppl): S102-3.Jiang, BA Roy, RR Navarro, C Nguyen, Q Pierotti, D Edgerton, VR Enzymatic responses of cat medial gastrocnemius fibers to chronic inactivity Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1991; 70(1): 231-9.Jiang, BA Roy, RR Navarro, C Nguyen, Q Pierotti, D Edgerton, VR Enzymatic responses of cat medial gastrocnemius fibers to chronic inactivity Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1991; 70(1): 231-9.Bodine-Fowler, S Garfinkel, A Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Spatial distribution of muscle fibers within the territory of a motor unit Muscle & nerve. , 1990; 13(12): 1133-45.Bodine-Fowler, S Garfinkel, A Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Spatial distribution of muscle fibers within the territory of a motor unit Muscle & nerve. , 1990; 13(12): 1133-45.Jiang, B Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Expression of a fast fiber enzyme profile in the cat soleus after spinalization Muscle & nerve. , 1990; 13(11): 1037-49.Jiang, B Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Expression of a fast fiber enzyme profile in the cat soleus after spinalization Muscle & nerve. , 1990; 13(11): 1037-49.Jiang, B Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Enzymatic plasticity of medial gastrocnemius fibers in the adult chronic spinal cat The American journal of physiology. , 1990; 259(3 Pt 1): C507-14.Jiang, B Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Enzymatic plasticity of medial gastrocnemius fibers in the adult chronic spinal cat The American journal of physiology. , 1990; 259(3 Pt 1): C507-14.Hoffmann, SJ Roy, RR Blanco, CE Edgerton, VR Enzyme profiles of single muscle fibers never exposed to normal neuromuscular activity Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1990; 69(3): 1150-8.Hoffmann, SJ Roy, RR Blanco, CE Edgerton, VR Enzyme profiles of single muscle fibers never exposed to normal neuromuscular activity Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1990; 69(3): 1150-8.Edgerton, VR Apor, P Roy, RR Specific tension of human elbow flexor muscles Acta physiologica Hungarica. , 1990; 75(3): 205-16.Edgerton, VR Apor, P Roy, RR Specific tension of human elbow flexor muscles Acta physiologica Hungarica. , 1990; 75(3): 205-16.Lovely, RG Gregor, RJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Weight-bearing hindlimb stepping in treadmill-exercised adult spinal cats Brain research. , 1990; 514(2): 206-18.Lovely, RG Gregor, RJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Weight-bearing hindlimb stepping in treadmill-exercised adult spinal cats Brain research. , 1990; 514(2): 206-18.Pierotti, DJ Roy, RR Flores, V Edgerton, VR Influence of 7 days of hindlimb suspension and intermittent weight support on rat muscle mechanical properties Aviation, space, and environmental medicine. , 1990; 61(3): 205-10.Pierotti, DJ Roy, RR Flores, V Edgerton, VR Influence of 7 days of hindlimb suspension and intermittent weight support on rat muscle mechanical properties Aviation, space, and environmental medicine. , 1990; 61(3): 205-10.Martin, TP Gundersen, LA Vailas, AC Edgerton, VR Das, SK Incomplete normalization of dog gracilis muscle grafts with neurovascular repair despite long-term recovery Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1990; 68(2): 687-92.Martin, TP Gundersen, LA Vailas, AC Edgerton, VR Das, SK Incomplete normalization of dog gracilis muscle grafts with neurovascular repair despite long-term recovery Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1990; 68(2): 687-92.Miu, B Martin, TP Roy, RR Oganov, V Ilyina-Kakueva, E Marini, JF Leger, JJ Bodine-Fowler, SC Edgerton, VR Metabolic and morphologic properties of single muscle fibers in the rat after spaceflight, Cosmos 1887 The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. , 1990; 4(1): 64-72.Miu, B Martin, TP Roy, RR Oganov, V Ilyina-Kakueva, E Marini, JF Leger, JJ Bodine-Fowler, SC Edgerton, VR Metabolic and morphologic properties of single muscle fibers in the rat after spaceflight, Cosmos 1887 The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. , 1990; 4(1): 64-72.Hutchison, DL Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR EMG amplitude relationships between the rat soleus and medial gastrocnemius during various motor tasks Brain research. , 1989; 502(2): 233-44.Hutchison, DL Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR EMG amplitude relationships between the rat soleus and medial gastrocnemius during various motor tasks Brain research. , 1989; 502(2): 233-44.Graham, SC Roy, RR Hauschka, EO Edgerton, VR Effects of periodic weight support on medial gastrocnemius fibers of suspended rat Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1989; 67(3): 945-53.Graham, SC Roy, RR Hauschka, EO Edgerton, VR Effects of periodic weight support on medial gastrocnemius fibers of suspended rat Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1989; 67(3): 945-53.Hutton, RS Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Co-contractions in antagonistic hindlimb muscles during simulated step cycle rates Brain research. , 1989; 492(1-2): 230-6.Hutton, RS Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Co-contractions in antagonistic hindlimb muscles during simulated step cycle rates Brain research. , 1989; 492(1-2): 230-6.Chalmers, GR Edgerton, VR Single motoneuron succinate dehydrogenase activity The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. , 1989; 37(7): 1107-14.Chalmers, GR Edgerton, VR Single motoneuron succinate dehydrogenase activity The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. , 1989; 37(7): 1107-14.Chalmers, GR Edgerton, VR Marked and variable inhibition by chemical fixation of cytochrome oxidase and succinate dehydrogenase in single motoneurons The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. , 1989; 37(6): 899-901.Chalmers, GR Edgerton, VR Marked and variable inhibition by chemical fixation of cytochrome oxidase and succinate dehydrogenase in single motoneurons The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. , 1989; 37(6): 899-901.Pierotti, DJ Roy, RR Gregor, RJ Edgerton, VR Electromyographic activity of cat hindlimb flexors and extensors during locomotion at varying speeds and inclines Brain research. , 1989; 481(1): 57-66.Pierotti, DJ Roy, RR Gregor, RJ Edgerton, VR Electromyographic activity of cat hindlimb flexors and extensors during locomotion at varying speeds and inclines Brain research. , 1989; 481(1): 57-66.Hutchison, DL Roy, RR Bodine-Fowler, S Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR Electromyographic (EMG) amplitude patterns in the proximal and distal compartments of the cat semitendinosus during various motor tasks Brain research. , 1989; 479(1): 56-64.Hutchison, DL Roy, RR Bodine-Fowler, S Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR Electromyographic (EMG) amplitude patterns in the proximal and distal compartments of the cat semitendinosus during various motor tasks Brain research. , 1989; 479(1): 56-64.Martin, TP Bodine-Fowler, S Edgerton, VR Coordination of electromechanical and metabolic properties of cat soleus motor units The American journal of physiology. , 1988; 255(5 Pt 1): C684-93.Martin, TP Bodine-Fowler, S Edgerton, VR Coordination of electromechanical and metabolic properties of cat soleus motor units The American journal of physiology. , 1988; 255(5 Pt 1): C684-93.Herbert, ME Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Influence of one-week hindlimb suspension and intermittent high load exercise on rat muscles Experimental neurology. , 1988; 102(2): 190-8.Herbert, ME Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Influence of one-week hindlimb suspension and intermittent high load exercise on rat muscles Experimental neurology. , 1988; 102(2): 190-8.Martin, TP Edgerton, VR Grindeland, RE Influence of spaceflight on rat skeletal muscle Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1988; 65(5): 2318-25.Martin, TP Edgerton, VR Grindeland, RE Influence of spaceflight on rat skeletal muscle Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1988; 65(5): 2318-25.Hauschka, EO Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Periodic weight support effects on rat soleus fibers after hindlimb suspension Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1988; 65(3): 1231-7.Hauschka, EO Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Periodic weight support effects on rat soleus fibers after hindlimb suspension Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1988; 65(3): 1231-7.Martin, TP Bodine-Fowler, S Roy, RR Eldred, E Edgerton, VR Metabolic and fiber size properties of cat tibialis anterior motor units The American journal of physiology. , 1988; 255(1 Pt 1): C43-50.Martin, TP Bodine-Fowler, S Roy, RR Eldred, E Edgerton, VR Metabolic and fiber size properties of cat tibialis anterior motor units The American journal of physiology. , 1988; 255(1 Pt 1): C43-50.Gregor, RJ Roy, RR Whiting, WC Lovely, RG Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR Mechanical output of the cat soleus during treadmill locomotion: in vivo vs in situ characteristics Journal of biomechanics. , 1988; 21(9): 721-32.Gregor, RJ Roy, RR Whiting, WC Lovely, RG Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR Mechanical output of the cat soleus during treadmill locomotion: in vivo vs in situ characteristics Journal of biomechanics. , 1988; 21(9): 721-32.Bodine, SC Garfinkel, A Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Spatial distribution of motor unit fibers in the cat soleus and tibialis anterior muscles: local interactions The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. , 1988; 8(6): 2142-52.Bodine, SC Garfinkel, A Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Spatial distribution of motor unit fibers in the cat soleus and tibialis anterior muscles: local interactions The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. , 1988; 8(6): 2142-52.Hutton, RS Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Coexistent Hoffmann reflexes in human leg muscles are commonly due to volume conduction Experimental neurology. , 1988; 100(2): 265-73.Hutton, RS Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Coexistent Hoffmann reflexes in human leg muscles are commonly due to volume conduction Experimental neurology. , 1988; 100(2): 265-73.Blanco, CE Sieck, GC Edgerton, VR Quantitative histochemical determination of succinic dehydrogenase activity in skeletal muscle fibres The Histochemical journal. , 1988; 20(4): 230-43.Blanco, CE Sieck, GC Edgerton, VR Quantitative histochemical determination of succinic dehydrogenase activity in skeletal muscle fibres The Histochemical journal. , 1988; 20(4): 230-43.Shimamura, M Edgerton, VR Kogure, I Application of autoradiographic analysis of 2-deoxyglucose in the study of locomotion Journal of neuroscience methods. , 1987; 21(2-4): 303-10.Shimamura, M Edgerton, VR Kogure, I Application of autoradiographic analysis of 2-deoxyglucose in the study of locomotion Journal of neuroscience methods. , 1987; 21(2-4): 303-10.Bodine, S. C. Roy, R. R. Eldred, E. Edgerton, V. R. Maximal force as a function of anatomical features of motor units in the cat tibialis anterior J Neurophysiol, 1987; 57(6): 1730-45.Bodine, S. C. Roy, R. R. Eldred, E. Edgerton, V. R. Maximal force as a function of anatomical features of motor units in the cat tibialis anterior J Neurophysiol, 1987; 57(6): 1730-45.Alford, EK Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR Electromyography of rat soleus, medial gastrocnemius, and tibialis anterior during hind limb suspension Experimental neurology. , 1987; 96(3): 635-49.Alford, EK Roy, RR Hodgson, JA Edgerton, VR Electromyography of rat soleus, medial gastrocnemius, and tibialis anterior during hind limb suspension Experimental neurology. , 1987; 96(3): 635-49.Winiarski, AM Roy, RR Alford, EK Chiang, PC Edgerton, VR Mechanical properties of rat skeletal muscle after hind limb suspension Experimental neurology. , 1987; 96(3): 650-60.Winiarski, AM Roy, RR Alford, EK Chiang, PC Edgerton, VR Mechanical properties of rat skeletal muscle after hind limb suspension Experimental neurology. , 1987; 96(3): 650-60.Roy, RR Bello, MA Bouissou, P Edgerton, VR Size and metabolic properties of fibers in rat fast-twitch muscles after hindlimb suspension Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1987; 62(6): 2348-57.Roy, RR Bello, MA Bouissou, P Edgerton, VR Size and metabolic properties of fibers in rat fast-twitch muscles after hindlimb suspension Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1987; 62(6): 2348-57.Hauschka, EO Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Size and metabolic properties of single muscle fibers in rat soleus after hindlimb suspension Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1987; 62(6): 2338-47.Hauschka, EO Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Size and metabolic properties of single muscle fibers in rat soleus after hindlimb suspension Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1987; 62(6): 2338-47.Cope, TC Bodine, SC Fournier, M Edgerton, VR Soleus motor units in chronic spinal transected cats: physiological and morphological alterations Journal of neurophysiology. , 1986; 55(6): 1202-20.Cope, TC Bodine, SC Fournier, M Edgerton, VR Soleus motor units in chronic spinal transected cats: physiological and morphological alterations Journal of neurophysiology. , 1986; 55(6): 1202-20.Lovely, RG Gregor, RJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Effects of training on the recovery of full-weight-bearing stepping in the adult spinal cat Experimental neurology. , 1986; 92(2): 421-35.Lovely, RG Gregor, RJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Effects of training on the recovery of full-weight-bearing stepping in the adult spinal cat Experimental neurology. , 1986; 92(2): 421-35.Das, SK Spector, SA Miller, TA Martin, TP Edgerton, VR Model for microneurovascular muscle transplantation in the dog Plastic and reconstructive surgery. , 1986; 77(5): 804-13.Das, SK Spector, SA Miller, TA Martin, TP Edgerton, VR Model for microneurovascular muscle transplantation in the dog Plastic and reconstructive surgery. , 1986; 77(5): 804-13.Sieck, GC Sacks, RD Blanco, CE Edgerton, VR SDH activity and cross-sectional area of muscle fibers in cat diaphragm Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1986; 60(4): 1284-92.Sieck, GC Sacks, RD Blanco, CE Edgerton, VR SDH activity and cross-sectional area of muscle fibers in cat diaphragm Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1986; 60(4): 1284-92.West, SP Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Fiber type and fiber size of cat ankle, knee, and hip extensors and flexors following low thoracic spinal cord transection at an early age Experimental neurology. , 1986; 91(1): 174-82.West, SP Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Fiber type and fiber size of cat ankle, knee, and hip extensors and flexors following low thoracic spinal cord transection at an early age Experimental neurology. , 1986; 91(1): 174-82.Martin, TP Vailas, AC Durivage, JB Edgerton, VR Castleman, KR Quantitative histochemical determination of muscle enzymes: biochemical verification The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. , 1985; 33(10): 1053-9.Martin, TP Vailas, AC Durivage, JB Edgerton, VR Castleman, KR Quantitative histochemical determination of muscle enzymes: biochemical verification The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. , 1985; 33(10): 1053-9.Roy, RR Baldwin, KM Martin, TP Chimarusti, SP Edgerton, VR Biochemical and physiological changes in overloaded rat fast- and slow-twitch ankle extensors Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1985; 59(2): 639-46.Roy, RR Baldwin, KM Martin, TP Chimarusti, SP Edgerton, VR Biochemical and physiological changes in overloaded rat fast- and slow-twitch ankle extensors Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1985; 59(2): 639-46.Roy, RR Hirota, WK Kuehl, M Edgerton, VR Recruitment patterns in the rat hindlimb muscle during swimming Brain research. , 1985; 337(1): 175-8.Roy, RR Hirota, WK Kuehl, M Edgerton, VR Recruitment patterns in the rat hindlimb muscle during swimming Brain research. , 1985; 337(1): 175-8.Edgerton, VR Martin, TP Bodine, SC Roy, RR How flexible is the neural control of muscle properties? The Journal of experimental biology. , 1985; 115: 393-402.Edgerton, VR Martin, TP Bodine, SC Roy, RR How flexible is the neural control of muscle properties? The Journal of experimental biology. , 1985; 115: 393-402.Powell, PL Roy, RR Kanim, P Bello, MA Edgerton, VR Predictability of skeletal muscle tension from architectural determinations in guinea pig hindlimbs Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1984; 57(6): 1715-21.Powell, PL Roy, RR Kanim, P Bello, MA Edgerton, VR Predictability of skeletal muscle tension from architectural determinations in guinea pig hindlimbs Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1984; 57(6): 1715-21.Wickiewicz, TL Roy, RR Powell, PL Perrine, JJ Edgerton, VR Muscle architecture and force-velocity relationships in humans Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1984; 57(2): 435-43.Wickiewicz, TL Roy, RR Powell, PL Perrine, JJ Edgerton, VR Muscle architecture and force-velocity relationships in humans Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1984; 57(2): 435-43.Whiting, WC Gregor, RJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR A technique for estimating mechanical work of individual muscles in the cat during treadmill locomotion Journal of biomechanics. , 1984; 17(9): 685-94.Whiting, WC Gregor, RJ Roy, RR Edgerton, VR A technique for estimating mechanical work of individual muscles in the cat during treadmill locomotion Journal of biomechanics. , 1984; 17(9): 685-94.Castleman, K. R. Chui, L. A. Martin, T. P. Edgerton, V. R. Quantitative muscle biopsy analysis Monogr Clin Cytol, 1984; 9: 101-16.Castleman, K. R. Chui, L. A. Martin, T. P. Edgerton, V. R. Quantitative muscle biopsy analysis Monogr Clin Cytol, 1984; 9: 101-16.Alaimo, MA Smith, JL Roy, RR Edgerton, VR EMG activity of slow and fast ankle extensors following spinal cord transection Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1984; 56(6): 1608-13.Alaimo, MA Smith, JL Roy, RR Edgerton, VR EMG activity of slow and fast ankle extensors following spinal cord transection Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1984; 56(6): 1608-13.Roy, RR Sacks, RD Baldwin, KM Short, M Edgerton, VR Interrelationships of contraction time, Vmax, and myosin ATPase after spinal transection Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1984; 56(6): 1594-601.Roy, RR Sacks, RD Baldwin, KM Short, M Edgerton, VR Interrelationships of contraction time, Vmax, and myosin ATPase after spinal transection Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1984; 56(6): 1594-601.Baldwin, KM Roy, RR Sacks, RD Blanco, C Edgerton, VR Relative independence of metabolic enzymes and neuromuscular activity Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1984; 56(6): 1602-7.Baldwin, KM Roy, RR Sacks, RD Blanco, C Edgerton, VR Relative independence of metabolic enzymes and neuromuscular activity Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1984; 56(6): 1602-7.Sieck, GC Roy, RR Powell, P Blanco, C Edgerton, VR Harper, RM Muscle fiber type distribution and architecture of the cat diaphragm Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1983; 55(5): 1386-92.Sieck, GC Roy, RR Powell, P Blanco, C Edgerton, VR Harper, RM Muscle fiber type distribution and architecture of the cat diaphragm Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1983; 55(5): 1386-92.Roy, RR Gardiner, PF Simpson, DR Edgerton, VR Glucocorticoid-induced atrophy in different fibre types of selected rat jaw and hind-limb muscles Archives of oral biology. , 1983; 28(7): 639-43.Roy, RR Gardiner, PF Simpson, DR Edgerton, VR Glucocorticoid-induced atrophy in different fibre types of selected rat jaw and hind-limb muscles Archives of oral biology. , 1983; 28(7): 639-43.Fournier, M. Roy, R. R. Perham, H. Simard, C. P. Edgerton, V. R. Is limb immobilization a model of muscle disuse? Exp Neurol, 1983; 80(1): 147-56.Fournier, M. Roy, R. R. Perham, H. Simard, C. P. Edgerton, V. R. Is limb immobilization a model of muscle disuse? Exp Neurol, 1983; 80(1): 147-56.Wickiewicz, T. L. Roy, R. R. Powell, P. L. Edgerton, V. R. Muscle architecture of the human lower limb Clin Orthop, 1983; (179): 275-83.Wickiewicz, T. L. Roy, R. R. Powell, P. L. Edgerton, V. R. Muscle architecture of the human lower limb Clin Orthop, 1983; (179): 275-83.Smith, JL Edgerton, VR Eldred, E Zernicke, RF The chronic spinalized cat: a model for neuromuscular plasticity Birth defects original article series. , 1983; 19(4): 357-73.Smith, JL Edgerton, VR Eldred, E Zernicke, RF The chronic spinalized cat: a model for neuromuscular plasticity Birth defects original article series. , 1983; 19(4): 357-73.Cremer, SA Gregor, RJ Edgerton, VR Voluntarily induced differential alteration in force threshold of single motor units of the human vastus lateralis Electromyography and clinical neurophysiology. , 1983; 23(7): 627-41.Cremer, SA Gregor, RJ Edgerton, VR Voluntarily induced differential alteration in force threshold of single motor units of the human vastus lateralis Electromyography and clinical neurophysiology. , 1983; 23(7): 627-41.Ohira, Y Simpson, DR Edgerton, VR Gardner, GW Senewiratne, B Characteristics of blood gas in response to iron treatment and exercise in iron-deficient and anemic subjects Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology. , 1983; 29(2): 129-39.Ohira, Y Simpson, DR Edgerton, VR Gardner, GW Senewiratne, B Characteristics of blood gas in response to iron treatment and exercise in iron-deficient and anemic subjects Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology. , 1983; 29(2): 129-39.Koziol, BJ Ohira, Y Edgerton, VR Simpson, DR Changes in work tolerance associated with metabolic and physiological adjustment to moderate and severe iron deficiency anemia The American journal of clinical nutrition. , 1982; 36(5): 830-9.Koziol, BJ Ohira, Y Edgerton, VR Simpson, DR Changes in work tolerance associated with metabolic and physiological adjustment to moderate and severe iron deficiency anemia The American journal of clinical nutrition. , 1982; 36(5): 830-9.Chan, AK Edgerton, VR Goslow, GE Kurata, H Rasmussen, SA Spector, SA Histochemical and physiological properties of cat motor units after self-and cross-reinnervation The Journal of physiology. , 1982; 332: 343-61.Chan, AK Edgerton, VR Goslow, GE Kurata, H Rasmussen, SA Spector, SA Histochemical and physiological properties of cat motor units after self-and cross-reinnervation The Journal of physiology. , 1982; 332: 343-61.Simard, CP Spector, SA Edgerton, VR Contractile properties of rat hind limb muscles immobilized at different lengths Experimental neurology. , 1982; 77(3): 467-82.Simard, CP Spector, SA Edgerton, VR Contractile properties of rat hind limb muscles immobilized at different lengths Experimental neurology. , 1982; 77(3): 467-82.Bodine, SC Roy, RR Meadows, DA Zernicke, RF Sacks, RD Fournier, M Edgerton, VR Architectural, histochemical, and contractile characteristics of a unique biarticular muscle: the cat semitendinosus Journal of neurophysiology. , 1982; 48(1): 192-201.Bodine, SC Roy, RR Meadows, DA Zernicke, RF Sacks, RD Fournier, M Edgerton, VR Architectural, histochemical, and contractile characteristics of a unique biarticular muscle: the cat semitendinosus Journal of neurophysiology. , 1982; 48(1): 192-201.Johnson, DJ Smith, LA Eldred, E Edgerton, VR Exercise-induced changes of biochemical, histochemical and contractile properties of muscle in cordotomized kittens Experimental neurology. , 1982; 76(2): 414-27.Johnson, DJ Smith, LA Eldred, E Edgerton, VR Exercise-induced changes of biochemical, histochemical and contractile properties of muscle in cordotomized kittens Experimental neurology. , 1982; 76(2): 414-27.Spector, SA Simard, CP Fournier, M Sternlicht, E Edgerton, VR Architectural alterations of rat hind-limb skeletal muscles immobilized at different lengths Experimental neurology. , 1982; 76(1): 94-110.Spector, SA Simard, CP Fournier, M Sternlicht, E Edgerton, VR Architectural alterations of rat hind-limb skeletal muscles immobilized at different lengths Experimental neurology. , 1982; 76(1): 94-110.Roy, RR Meadows, ID Baldwin, KM Edgerton, VR Functional significance of compensatory overloaded rat fast muscle Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1982; 52(2): 473-8.Roy, RR Meadows, ID Baldwin, KM Edgerton, VR Functional significance of compensatory overloaded rat fast muscle Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1982; 52(2): 473-8.Gardiner, KR Gardiner, PF Edgerton, VR Guinea pig soleus and gastrocnemius electromyograms at varying speeds, grades, and loads Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1982; 52(2): 451-7.Gardiner, KR Gardiner, PF Edgerton, VR Guinea pig soleus and gastrocnemius electromyograms at varying speeds, grades, and loads Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1982; 52(2): 451-7.Caiozzo, VJ Perrine, JJ Edgerton, VR Training-induced alterations of the in vivo force-velocity relationship of human muscle Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1981; 51(3): 750-4.Caiozzo, VJ Perrine, JJ Edgerton, VR Training-induced alterations of the in vivo force-velocity relationship of human muscle Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1981; 51(3): 750-4.Edgerton, VR Ohira, Y Hettiarachchi, J Senewiratne, B Gardner, GW Barnard, RJ Elevation of hemoglobin and work tolerance in iron-deficient subjects Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology. , 1981; 27(2): 77-86.Edgerton, VR Ohira, Y Hettiarachchi, J Senewiratne, B Gardner, GW Barnard, RJ Elevation of hemoglobin and work tolerance in iron-deficient subjects Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology. , 1981; 27(2): 77-86.Gregor, RJ Edgerton, VR Rozenek, R Castleman, KR Skeletal muscle properties and performance in elite female track athletes European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology. , 1981; 47(4): 355-64.Gregor, RJ Edgerton, VR Rozenek, R Castleman, KR Skeletal muscle properties and performance in elite female track athletes European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology. , 1981; 47(4): 355-64.Ohira, Y. Edgerton, V. R. Gardner, G. W. Gunawardena, K. A. Senewiratne, B. Ikawa, S. Work capacity after iron treatment as a function of hemoglobin and iron deficiency J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo), 1981; 27(2): 87-96.Ohira, Y. Edgerton, V. R. Gardner, G. W. Gunawardena, K. A. Senewiratne, B. Ikawa, S. Work capacity after iron treatment as a function of hemoglobin and iron deficiency J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo), 1981; 27(2): 87-96.Botterman, BR Eldred, E Edgerton, VR Spindle discharge in glucocorticoid-induced muscle atrophy Experimental neurology. , 1981; 72(1): 25-40.Botterman, BR Eldred, E Edgerton, VR Spindle discharge in glucocorticoid-induced muscle atrophy Experimental neurology. , 1981; 72(1): 25-40.Ohira, Y Koziol, BJ Edgerton, VR Brooks, GA Oxygen consumption and work capacity in iron-deficient anemic rats The Journal of nutrition. , 1981; 111(1): 17-25.Ohira, Y Koziol, BJ Edgerton, VR Brooks, GA Oxygen consumption and work capacity in iron-deficient anemic rats The Journal of nutrition. , 1981; 111(1): 17-25.Spector, SA Gardiner, PF Zernicke, RF Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Muscle architecture and force-velocity characteristics of cat soleus and medial gastrocnemius: implications for motor control Journal of neurophysiology. , 1980; 44(5): 951-60.Spector, SA Gardiner, PF Zernicke, RF Roy, RR Edgerton, VR Muscle architecture and force-velocity characteristics of cat soleus and medial gastrocnemius: implications for motor control Journal of neurophysiology. , 1980; 44(5): 951-60.Edgerton, VR Goslow, GE Rasmussen, SA Spector, SA Is resistance of a muscle to fatigue controlled by its motoneurones? Nature. , 1980; 285(5766): 589-90.Edgerton, VR Goslow, GE Rasmussen, SA Spector, SA Is resistance of a muscle to fatigue controlled by its motoneurones? Nature. , 1980; 285(5766): 589-90.Gardiner, P. F. Hibl, B. Simpson, D. R. Roy, R. Edgerton, V. R. Effects of a mild weight-lifting program on the progress of glucocorticoid-induced atrophy in rat hindlimb muscles Pflugers Arch, 1980; 385(2): 147-53.Gardiner, P. F. Hibl, B. Simpson, D. R. Roy, R. Edgerton, V. R. Effects of a mild weight-lifting program on the progress of glucocorticoid-induced atrophy in rat hindlimb muscles Pflugers Arch, 1980; 385(2): 147-53.Ohira, Y Edgerton, VR Gardner, GW Senewiratne, B Serum lipid levels in iron deficiency anemia and effects of various treatments Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology. , 1980; 26(4): 375-9.Ohira, Y Edgerton, VR Gardner, GW Senewiratne, B Serum lipid levels in iron deficiency anemia and effects of various treatments Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology. , 1980; 26(4): 375-9.Smith, JL Betts, B Edgerton, VR Zernicke, RF Rapid ankle extension during paw shakes: selective recruitment of fast ankle extensors Journal of neurophysiology. , 1980; 43(3): 612-20.Smith, JL Betts, B Edgerton, VR Zernicke, RF Rapid ankle extension during paw shakes: selective recruitment of fast ankle extensors Journal of neurophysiology. , 1980; 43(3): 612-20.Gardiner, PF Montanaro, G Simpson, DR Edgerton, VR Effects of glucocorticoid treatment and food restriction on rat hindlimb muscles The American journal of physiology. , 1980; 238(2): E124-30.Gardiner, PF Montanaro, G Simpson, DR Edgerton, VR Effects of glucocorticoid treatment and food restriction on rat hindlimb muscles The American journal of physiology. , 1980; 238(2): E124-30.Edgerton, VR Gardner, GW Ohira, Y Gunawardena, KA Senewiratne, B Iron-deficiency anaemia and its effect on worker productivity and activity patterns British medical journal. , 1979; 2(6204): 1546-9.Edgerton, VR Gardner, GW Ohira, Y Gunawardena, KA Senewiratne, B Iron-deficiency anaemia and its effect on worker productivity and activity patterns British medical journal. , 1979; 2(6204): 1546-9.Gregor, RJ Edgerton, VR Perrine, JJ Campion, DS DeBus, C Torque-velocity relationships and muscle fiber composition in elite female athletes Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1979; 47(2): 388-92.Gregor, RJ Edgerton, VR Perrine, JJ Campion, DS DeBus, C Torque-velocity relationships and muscle fiber composition in elite female athletes Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. , 1979; 47(2): 388-92.Gardiner, PF Edgerton, VR Contractile responses of rat fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscles to glucocorticoid treatment Muscle & nerve. , 1979; 2(4): 274-81.Gardiner, PF Edgerton, VR Contractile responses of rat fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscles to glucocorticoid treatment Muscle & nerve. , 1979; 2(4): 274-81.Ohira, Y Edgerton, VR Gardner, GW Senewiratne, B Barnard, RJ Simpson, DR Work capacity, heart rate and blood lactate responses to iron treatment British journal of haematology. , 1979; 41(3): 365-72.Ohira, Y Edgerton, VR Gardner, GW Senewiratne, B Barnard, RJ Simpson, DR Work capacity, heart rate and blood lactate responses to iron treatment British journal of haematology. , 1979; 41(3): 365-72.Gardiner, PF Botterman, BR Eldred, E Simpson, DR Edgerton, VR Metabolic and contractile changes in fast and slow muscles of the cat after glucocorticoid-induced atrophy Experimental neurology. , 1978; 62(1): 241-55.Gardiner, PF Botterman, BR Eldred, E Simpson, DR Edgerton, VR Metabolic and contractile changes in fast and slow muscles of the cat after glucocorticoid-induced atrophy Experimental neurology. , 1978; 62(1): 241-55.Koziol, BJ Ohira, Y Simpson, DR Edgerton, VR Biochemical skeletal muscle and hematological profiles of moderate and severely iron deficient and anemic adult rats The Journal of nutrition. , 1978; 108(8): 1306-14.Koziol, BJ Ohira, Y Simpson, DR Edgerton, VR Biochemical skeletal muscle and hematological profiles of moderate and severely iron deficient and anemic adult rats The Journal of nutrition. , 1978; 108(8): 1306-14.Perrine, JJ Edgerton, VR Muscle force-velocity and power-velocity relationships under isokinetic loading Medicine and science in sports. , 1978; 10(3): 159-66.Perrine, JJ Edgerton, VR Muscle force-velocity and power-velocity relationships under isokinetic loading Medicine and science in sports. , 1978; 10(3): 159-66.Collatos, TC Edgerton, VR Smith, JL Botterman, BR Contractile properties and fiber type compositions of flexors and extensors of elbow joint in cat: implications for motor control Journal of neurophysiology. , 1977; 40(6): 1292-300.Collatos, TC Edgerton, VR Smith, JL Botterman, BR Contractile properties and fiber type compositions of flexors and extensors of elbow joint in cat: implications for motor control Journal of neurophysiology. , 1977; 40(6): 1292-300.Edgerton, VR Diamond, LB Olson, J Voluntary activity, cardiovascular and muscular responses to anemia in rats The Journal of nutrition. , 1977; 107(9): 1595-601.Edgerton, VR Diamond, LB Olson, J Voluntary activity, cardiovascular and muscular responses to anemia in rats The Journal of nutrition. , 1977; 107(9): 1595-601.Ochs, R. M. Smith, J. L. Edgerton, V. R. Fatigue characteristics of human gastrocnemius and soleus muscles Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol, 1977; 17(3-4): 297-306.Ochs, R. M. Smith, J. L. Edgerton, V. R. Fatigue characteristics of human gastrocnemius and soleus muscles Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol, 1977; 17(3-4): 297-306.Gardner, GW Edgerton, VR Senewiratne, B Barnard, RJ Ohira, Y Physical work capacity and metabolic stress in subjects with iron deficiency anemia The American journal of clinical nutrition. , 1977; 30(6): 910-7.Gardner, GW Edgerton, VR Senewiratne, B Barnard, RJ Ohira, Y Physical work capacity and metabolic stress in subjects with iron deficiency anemia The American journal of clinical nutrition. , 1977; 30(6): 910-7.Smith, JL Edgerton, VR Betts, B Collatos, TC EMG of slow and fast ankle extensors of cat during posture, locomotion, and jumping Journal of neurophysiology. , 1977; 40(3): 503-13.Smith, JL Edgerton, VR Betts, B Collatos, TC EMG of slow and fast ankle extensors of cat during posture, locomotion, and jumping Journal of neurophysiology. , 1977; 40(3): 503-13.Betts, B Smith, JL Edgerton, VR Collatos, TC Telemetered EMG of fast and slow muscles in cats Brain research. , 1976; 117(3): 529-33.Betts, B Smith, JL Edgerton, VR Collatos, TC Telemetered EMG of fast and slow muscles in cats Brain research. , 1976; 117(3): 529-33.Maier, A Crockett, JL Simpson, DR Saubert CW, IV Edgerton, VR Properties of immobilized guinea pig hindlimb muscles The American journal of physiology. , 1976; 231(5 Pt. 1): 1520-6.Maier, A Crockett, JL Simpson, DR Saubert CW, IV Edgerton, VR Properties of immobilized guinea pig hindlimb muscles The American journal of physiology. , 1976; 231(5 Pt. 1): 1520-6.Crockett, JL Edgerton, VR Max, SR Barnard, RJ The neuromuscular junction in response to endurance training Experimental neurology. , 1976; 51(1): 207-15.Crockett, JL Edgerton, VR Max, SR Barnard, RJ The neuromuscular junction in response to endurance training Experimental neurology. , 1976; 51(1): 207-15.Maier, A Simpson, DR Edgerton, VR Histological and histochemical comparisons of muscle spindles in three hind limb muscles of the guinea pig Journal of morphology. , 1976; 148(2): 185-92.Maier, A Simpson, DR Edgerton, VR Histological and histochemical comparisons of muscle spindles in three hind limb muscles of the guinea pig Journal of morphology. , 1976; 148(2): 185-92.Gerchman, LB Edgerton, VR Carrow, RE Effects of physical training on the histochemistry and morphology of ventral motor neurons Experimental neurology. , 1975; 49(3): 790-801.Gerchman, LB Edgerton, VR Carrow, RE Effects of physical training on the histochemistry and morphology of ventral motor neurons Experimental neurology. , 1975; 49(3): 790-801.Kark, RA Brown, WJ Edgerton, VR Reynolds, SF Gibson, G Experimental thiamine deficiency. Neuropathic and mitochondrial changes induced in rat muscle Archives of neurology. , 1975; 32(12): 818-25.Kark, RA Brown, WJ Edgerton, VR Reynolds, SF Gibson, G Experimental thiamine deficiency. Neuropathic and mitochondrial changes induced in rat muscle Archives of neurology. , 1975; 32(12): 818-25.Gardner, GW Edgerton, VR Barnard, RJ Bernauer, EM Cardiorespiratory, hematological and physical performance responses of anemic subjects to iron treatment The American journal of clinical nutrition. , 1975; 28(9): 982-8.Gardner, GW Edgerton, VR Barnard, RJ Bernauer, EM Cardiorespiratory, hematological and physical performance responses of anemic subjects to iron treatment The American journal of clinical nutrition. , 1975; 28(9): 982-8.Crockett, JL Edgerton, VR Exercise and restricted activity effects on reinnervated and cross-innervated skeletal muscles Journal of the neurological sciences. , 1975; 25(1): 1-9.Crockett, JL Edgerton, VR Exercise and restricted activity effects on reinnervated and cross-innervated skeletal muscles Journal of the neurological sciences. , 1975; 25(1): 1-9.Edgerton, VR Smith, JL Simpson, DR Muscle fibre type populations of human leg muscles The Histochemical journal. , 1975; 7(3): 259-66.Edgerton, VR Smith, JL Simpson, DR Muscle fibre type populations of human leg muscles The Histochemical journal. , 1975; 7(3): 259-66.Botterman, BR Edgerton, VR Histochemical profiles of rat soleus intrafusal fibres after chronic exercise The Histochemical journal. , 1975; 7(2): 151-64.Botterman, BR Edgerton, VR Histochemical profiles of rat soleus intrafusal fibres after chronic exercise The Histochemical journal. , 1975; 7(2): 151-64.Edgerton, VR Barnard, RJ Peter, JB Maier, PA Simpson, DR Properties of immobilized hind-limb muscles of the Galago senegalensis Experimental neurology. , 1975; 46(1): 115-31.Edgerton, VR Barnard, RJ Peter, JB Maier, PA Simpson, DR Properties of immobilized hind-limb muscles of the Galago senegalensis Experimental neurology. , 1975; 46(1): 115-31.Maier, A Simpson, DR Edgerton, VR Histochemical profiles of guinea-pig intrafusal fibres in normal muscles and afterdenervation, cordotomy and tenotomy The Histochemical journal. , 1974; 6(6): 665-77.Maier, A Simpson, DR Edgerton, VR Histochemical profiles of guinea-pig intrafusal fibres in normal muscles and afterdenervation, cordotomy and tenotomy The Histochemical journal. , 1974; 6(6): 665-77.Gillespie, CA Simpson, DR Edgerton, VR Motor unit recruitment as reflected by muscle fibre glycogen loss in a prosimian (bushbaby) after running and jumping Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry. , 1974; 37(7): 817-24.Gillespie, CA Simpson, DR Edgerton, VR Motor unit recruitment as reflected by muscle fibre glycogen loss in a prosimian (bushbaby) after running and jumping Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry. , 1974; 37(7): 817-24.Crockett, JL Edgerton, VR Responses of normally innervated soleus muscle to supplementary nerve implantation Experimental neurology. , 1974; 43(1): 207-15.Crockett, JL Edgerton, VR Responses of normally innervated soleus muscle to supplementary nerve implantation Experimental neurology. , 1974; 43(1): 207-15.Ariano, MA Armstrong, RB Edgerton, VR Hindlimb muscle fiber populations of five mammals The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. , 1973; 21(1): 51-5.Ariano, MA Armstrong, RB Edgerton, VR Hindlimb muscle fiber populations of five mammals The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. , 1973; 21(1): 51-5.Edgerton, VR Barnard, RJ Peter, JB Gillespie, CA Simpson, DR Overloaded skeletal muscles of a nonhuman primate (Galago senegalensis) Experimental neurology. , 1972; 37(2): 322-39.Edgerton, VR Barnard, RJ Peter, JB Gillespie, CA Simpson, DR Overloaded skeletal muscles of a nonhuman primate (Galago senegalensis) Experimental neurology. , 1972; 37(2): 322-39.Maier, A Eldred, E Edgerton, VR The effects on spindles of muscle atrophy and hypertrophy Experimental neurology. , 1972; 37(1): 100-23.Maier, A Eldred, E Edgerton, VR The effects on spindles of muscle atrophy and hypertrophy Experimental neurology. , 1972; 37(1): 100-23.Peter, JB Barnard, RJ Edgerton, VR Gillespie, CA Stempel, KE [Beck’s drilling method as treatment of osteochondritis dissecans] Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde. , 1972; 116(31): 1372-3.Peter, JB Barnard, RJ Edgerton, VR Gillespie, CA Stempel, KE [Beck’s drilling method as treatment of osteochondritis dissecans] Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde. , 1972; 116(31): 1372-3.Peter, JB Barnard, RJ Edgerton, VR Gillespie, CA Stempel, KE Metabolic profiles of three fiber types of skeletal muscle in guinea pigs and rabbits Biochemistry. , 1972; 11(14): 2627-33.Peter, JB Barnard, RJ Edgerton, VR Gillespie, CA Stempel, KE Metabolic profiles of three fiber types of skeletal muscle in guinea pigs and rabbits Biochemistry. , 1972; 11(14): 2627-33.Peter, JB Kar, NC Barnard, RJ Pearson, CM Edgerton, VR Distribution of acid hydrolases in guinea pig skeletal muscle Biochemical medicine. , 1972; 6(3): 257-61.Peter, JB Kar, NC Barnard, RJ Pearson, CM Edgerton, VR Distribution of acid hydrolases in guinea pig skeletal muscle Biochemical medicine. , 1972; 6(3): 257-61.Maier, A Eldred, E Edgerton, VR Types of muscle fibers in the extraocular muscles of birds Experimental eye research. , 1972; 13(3): 255-65.Maier, A Eldred, E Edgerton, VR Types of muscle fibers in the extraocular muscles of birds Experimental eye research. , 1972; 13(3): 255-65.Edgerton, VR Bryant, SL Gillespie, CA Gardner, GW Iron deficiency anemia and physical performance and activity of rats The Journal of nutrition. , 1972; 102(3): 381-99.Edgerton, VR Bryant, SL Gillespie, CA Gardner, GW Iron deficiency anemia and physical performance and activity of rats The Journal of nutrition. , 1972; 102(3): 381-99.Peter, JB Sawaki, S Barnard, RJ Edgerton, VR Gillespie, CA Lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes: distribution in fast-twitch red, fast-twitch white, and slow-twitch intermediate fibers of guinea pig skeletal muscle Archives of biochemistry and biophysics. , 1971; 144(1): 304-7.Peter, JB Sawaki, S Barnard, RJ Edgerton, VR Gillespie, CA Lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes: distribution in fast-twitch red, fast-twitch white, and slow-twitch intermediate fibers of guinea pig skeletal muscle Archives of biochemistry and biophysics. , 1971; 144(1): 304-7.Edgerton, VR Simpson, DR Dynamic and metabolic relationships in the rat extensor digitorum longus muscle Experimental neurology. , 1971; 30(2): 374-6.Edgerton, VR Simpson, DR Dynamic and metabolic relationships in the rat extensor digitorum longus muscle Experimental neurology. , 1971; 30(2): 374-6.Barnard, RJ Edgerton, VR Furukawa, T Peter, JB Histochemical, biochemical, and contractile properties of red, white, and intermediate fibers The American journal of physiology. , 1971; 220(2): 410-4.Barnard, RJ Edgerton, VR Furukawa, T Peter, JB Histochemical, biochemical, and contractile properties of red, white, and intermediate fibers The American journal of physiology. , 1971; 220(2): 410-4.Mai, JV Edgerton, VR Barnard, RJ Capillarity of red, white and intermediate muscle fibers in trained and untrained guinea pigs Experientia. , 1970; 26(11): 1222-3.Mai, JV Edgerton, VR Barnard, RJ Capillarity of red, white and intermediate muscle fibers in trained and untrained guinea pigs Experientia. , 1970; 26(11): 1222-3.Gillespie, CA Simpson, DR Edgerton, VR High glycogen content of red as opposed to white skeletal muscle fibers of guinea pigs The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. , 1970; 18(8): 552-8.Gillespie, CA Simpson, DR Edgerton, VR High glycogen content of red as opposed to white skeletal muscle fibers of guinea pigs The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. , 1970; 18(8): 552-8.Gillespie, C. A. Edgerton, V. R. The role of testosterone in exercise-induced glycogen supercompensation Horm Metab Res, 1970; 2(6): 364-6.Gillespie, C. A. Edgerton, V. R. The role of testosterone in exercise-induced glycogen supercompensation Horm Metab Res, 1970; 2(6): 364-6.Barnard, RJ Edgerton, VR Peter, JB Effect of exercise on skeletal muscle. I. Biochemical and histochemical properties Journal of applied physiology. , 1970; 28(6): 762-6.Barnard, RJ Edgerton, VR Peter, JB Effect of exercise on skeletal muscle. I. Biochemical and histochemical properties Journal of applied physiology. , 1970; 28(6): 762-6.Barnard, RJ Edgerton, VR Peter, JB Effect of exercise on skeletal muscle. II. Contractile properties Journal of applied physiology. , 1970; 28(6): 767-70.Barnard, RJ Edgerton, VR Peter, JB Effect of exercise on skeletal muscle. II. Contractile properties Journal of applied physiology. , 1970; 28(6): 767-70.Edgerton, VR Barnard, RJ Peter, JB Simpson, DR Gillespie, CA Response of muscle glycogen and phosphorylase to electrical stimulation in trained and nontrained guinea pigs Experimental neurology. , 1970; 27(1): 46-56.Edgerton, VR Barnard, RJ Peter, JB Simpson, DR Gillespie, CA Response of muscle glycogen and phosphorylase to electrical stimulation in trained and nontrained guinea pigs Experimental neurology. , 1970; 27(1): 46-56.Furukawa, T Edgerton, VR Barnard, RJ Peter, JB Troponin and myofibrillar adenosinetriphosphatase activities of slow and fast muscle Neurology. , 1970; 20(4): 413.Furukawa, T Edgerton, VR Barnard, RJ Peter, JB Troponin and myofibrillar adenosinetriphosphatase activities of slow and fast muscle Neurology. , 1970; 20(4): 413.Edgerton, VR Simpson, D Barnard, RJ Peter, JB Phosphorylase activity in acutely exercised muscle Nature. , 1970; 225(5235): 866-7.Edgerton, VR Simpson, D Barnard, RJ Peter, JB Phosphorylase activity in acutely exercised muscle Nature. , 1970; 225(5235): 866-7.Edgerton, VR Morphology and histochemistry of the soleus muscle from normal and exercised rats The American journal of anatomy. , 1970; 127(1): 81-7.Edgerton, VR Morphology and histochemistry of the soleus muscle from normal and exercised rats The American journal of anatomy. , 1970; 127(1): 81-7.Edgerton, VR Simpson, DR The intermediate muscle fiber of rats and guinea pigs The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. , 1969; 17(12): 828-38.Edgerton, VR Simpson, DR The intermediate muscle fiber of rats and guinea pigs The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. , 1969; 17(12): 828-38.Edgerton, VR Gerchman, L Carrow, R Histochemical changes in rat skeletal muscle after exercise Experimental neurology. , 1969; 24(1): 110-23.Edgerton, VR Gerchman, L Carrow, R Histochemical changes in rat skeletal muscle after exercise Experimental neurology. , 1969; 24(1): 110-23.