Ronald Harper, PhD
Research Professor
Department of Neurobiology
10833 Le Conte Avenue, Rm 73-210 CHS
(Campus Mail Code 176318)
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1763
The laboratory examines neural mechanisms underlying sleep state: control of breathing, somatomotor activity, and cardiovascular action in developing and adult small animal preparations. Neural mechanisms are examined through neurophysiologic techniques which include assessment of intrinsic optical changes in neural tissue, functional magnetic resonance imaging, and chronic single neuron recording; the optical imaging and cell recording studies are often combined with microdialysis techniques to determine neurochemical mechanisms underlying cell action. We found that a substantial portion of sleep effects on normal and disordered breathing result from rostral brain influences on pontine and medullary structures, that activity over wide areas of these structures can be visualized during ventilatory and pressor challenges in freely behaving animals, and that immature development of mechanisms controlling descending rostral brain influences on breathing can place the organism at risk.
Henderson LA, Macey KE, Macey PM, Woo MA, Yan-Go FL, Harper RM. Regional brain response patterns to Cheyne-Stokes breathing, Respir Physiol Neurobiol, ; 150(1): 87.
Kumar Rajesh, Chavez Alexa S, Macey Paul M, Woo Mary A, Harper Ronald M Brain axial and radial diffusivity changes with age and gender in healthy adults Brain research, 2013; 1512: 22-36.
Baron Nelson Mary, Compton Peggy, Patel Sunita K, Jacob Eufemia, Harper Ronald Central nervous system injury and neurobiobehavioral function in children with brain tumors: a review of the literature Cancer nursing, 2013; 36(2): E31-47.
Kumar Rajesh, Harper Ronald M Response Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2013; 1512
Harper Ronald M, Kumar Rajesh, Ogren Jennifer A, Macey Paul M Sleep-disordered breathing: Effects on brain structure and function Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 2013; 1512: .
Pan Alan, Kumar Rajesh, Macey Paul M, Fonarow Gregg C, Harper Ronald M, Woo Mary A Visual assessment of brain magnetic resonance imaging detects injury to cognitive regulatory sites in patients with heart failure Journal of cardiac failure, 2013; 19(2): 94-100.
Kumar Rajesh, Delshad Sean, Woo Mary A, Macey Paul M, Harper Ronald M Age-related regional brain T2-relaxation changes in healthy adults Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2012; 35(2): 300-8.
Kumar Rajesh, Chavez Alexa S, Macey Paul M, Woo Mary A, Yan-Go Frisca L, Harper Ronald M Altered global and regional brain mean diffusivity in patients with obstructive sleep apnea Journal of neuroscience research, 2012; 90(10): 2043-52.
Macey Paul M, Moiyadi Ammar S, Kumar Rajesh, Woo Mary A, Harper Ronald M Decreased cortical thickness in central hypoventilation syndrome Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 2012; 22(8): 1728-37.
Macey Paul M, Wu Paula, Kumar Rajesh, Ogren Jennifer A, Richardson Heidi L, Woo Mary A, Harper Ronald M Differential responses of the insular cortex gyri to autonomic challenges Autonomic neuroscience : basic & clinical, 2012; 168(1-2): 72-81.
Harper Ronald M, Kumar Rajesh, Macey Paul M, Ogren Jennifer A, Richardson Heidi L Functional neuroanatomy and sleep-disordered breathing: implications for autonomic regulation Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007), 2012; 295(9): 1385-95.
Ogren Jennifer A, Macey Paul M, Kumar Rajesh, Fonarow Gregg C, Hamilton Michele A, Harper Ronald M, Woo Mary A Impaired Cerebellar and Limbic Responses to the Valsalva Maneuver in Heart Failure Cerebellum (London, England), 2012; 168(1-2):
Kumar Rajesh, Woo Marlyn S, Macey Paul M, Woo Mary A, Harper Ronald M Progressive gray matter changes in patients with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome Pediatric research, 2012; 71(6): 701-6.
Kumar Rajesh, Nguyen Haidang D, Macey Paul M, Woo Mary A, Harper Ronald M Regional brain axial and radial diffusivity changes during development Journal of neuroscience research, 2012; 90(2): 346-55.
Macey Paul M, Kumar Rajesh, Yan-Go Frisca L, Woo Mary A, Harper Ronald M Sex differences in white matter alterations accompanying obstructive sleep apnea Sleep, 2012; 35(12): 1603-13.
Kumar Rajesh, Woo Mary A, Macey Paul M, Fonarow Gregg C, Hamilton Michele A, Harper Ronald M Brain axonal and myelin evaluation in heart failure Journal of the neurological sciences, 2011; 307(1-2): 106-13.
Kumar Rajesh, Delshad Sean, Macey Paul M, Woo Mary A, Harper Ronald M Development of T2-relaxation values in regional brain sites during adolescence Magnetic resonance imaging, 2011; 29(2): 185-93.
Kumar Rajesh, Nguyen Haidang D, Ogren Jennifer A, Macey Paul M, Thompson Paul M, Fonarow Gregg C, Hamilton Michele A, Harper Ronald M, Woo Mary A Global and regional putamen volume loss in patients with heart failure European journal of heart failure, 2011; 13(6): 651-5. P
ae Eung-Kwon, Yoon Audrey J, Ahuja Bhoomika, Lau Gary W, Nguyen Daniel D, Kim Yong, Harper Ronald M Perinatal intermittent hypoxia alters γ-aminobutyric acid: a receptor levels in rat cerebellum International journal of developmental neuroscience : the official journal of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience, 2011; 29(8): 819-26.
Scorza Fulvio A, Terra Vera C, Arida Ricardo M, Sakamoto Américo C, Harper Ronald M Sudden death in a child with epilepsy: potential cerebellar mechanisms? Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria, 2011; 69(4): 707-10.
Menteer Jondavid, Macey Paul M, Woo Mary A, Panigrahy Ashok, Harper Ronald M Central nervous system changes in pediatric heart failure: a volumetric study Pediatric cardiology, 2010; 31(7): 969-76.
Patwari Pallavi P, Carroll Michael S, Rand Casey M, Kumar Rajesh, Harper Ronald, Weese-Mayer Debra E Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome and the PHOX2B gene: a model of respiratory and autonomic dysregulation Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 2010; 173(3): 322-35.
Macey Paul M, Kumar Rajesh, Ogren Jennifer A, Woo Mary A, Harper Ronald M Images in sleep medicine. Altered cerebral blood flow in a patient with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome Sleep medicine, 2010; 11(6): 589-90.
Harper Ronald M, Kinney Hannah C Potential Mechanisms of Failure in the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Current pediatric reviews, 2010; 6(1): 39-47.
DeGiorgio Christopher M, Miller Patrick, Meymandi Sheba, Chin Alex, Epps Jordan, Gordon Steven, Gornbein Jeffrey, Harper Ronald M RMSSD, a measure of vagus-mediated heart rate variability, is associated with risk factors for SUDEP: the SUDEP-7 Inventory Epilepsy & behavior : E&B, 2010; 19(1): 78-81.
Macey Paul M, Woo Mary A, Kumar Rajesh, Cross Rebecca L, Harper Ronald M Relationship between obstructive sleep apnea severity and sleep, depression and anxiety symptoms in newly-diagnosed patients PloS one, 2010; 5(4): e10211.
Kumar Rajesh, Macey Paul M, Woo Mary A, Harper Ronald M Rostral brain axonal injury in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome Journal of neuroscience research, 2010; 88(10): 2146-54.
Woo Mary A, Kumar Rajesh, Macey Paul M, Fonarow Gregg C, Harper Ronald M Brain injury in autonomic, emotional, and cognitive regulatory areas in patients with heart failure Journal of cardiac failure, 2009; 15(3): 214-23.
Kumar Rajesh, Nguyen Haidang D, Macey Paul M, Woo Mary A, Harper Ronald M Dilated basilar arteries in patients with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome Neuroscience letters, 2009; 467(2): 139-43.
Macey Paul M, Richard Christopher A, Kumar Rajesh, Woo Mary A, Ogren Jennifer A, Avedissian Christina, Thompson Paul M, Harper Ronald M Hippocampal volume reduction in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome PloS one, 2009; 4(7): e6436.
Kumar Rajesh, Woo Mary A, Birrer Bramley V X, Macey Paul M, Fonarow Gregg C, Hamilton Michele A, Harper Ronald M Mammillary bodies and fornix fibers are injured in heart failure Neurobiology of disease, 2009; 33(2): 236-42.
Kumar Rajesh, Lee Kwanoo, Macey Paul M, Woo Mary A, Harper Ronald M Mammillary body and fornix injury in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome Pediatric research, 2009; 66(4): 429-34.
Kumar Rajesh, Macey Paul M, Cross Rebecca L, Woo Mary A, Yan-Go Frisca L, Harper Ronald M Neural alterations associated with anxiety symptoms in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome Depression and anxiety, 2009; 26(5): 480-91.
Macey Paul M, Kumar Rajesh, Woo Mary A, Valladares Edwin M, Yan-Go Frisca L, Harper Ronald M Brain structural changes in obstructive sleep apnea Sleep, 2008; 31(7): 967-77.
Serber Stacy L, Kumar Rajesh, Woo Mary A, Macey Paul M, Fonarow Gregg C, Harper Ronald M Cognitive test performance and brain pathology Nursing research, 2008; 57(2): 75-83.
Kumar Rajesh, Macey Paul M, Woo Mary A, Alger Jeffry R, Harper Ronald M Diffusion tensor imaging demonstrates brainstem and cerebellar abnormalities in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome Pediatric research, 2008; 64(3): 275-80.
Cross Rebecca L, Kumar Rajesh, Macey Paul M, Doering Lynn V, Alger Jeffry R, Yan-Go Frisca L, Harper Ronald M Neural alterations and depressive symptoms in obstructive sleep apnea patients Sleep, 2008; 31(8): 1103-9.
Kumar Rajesh, Birrer Bramley V X, Macey Paul M, Woo Mary A, Gupta Rakesh K, Yan-Go Frisca L, Harper Ronald M Reduced mammillary body volume in patients with obstructive sleep apnea Neuroscience letters, 2008; 438(3): 330-4.
Woo Mary A, Macey Paul M, Keens Peter T, Kumar Rajesh, Fonarow Gregg C, Hamilton Michele A, Harper Ronald M Aberrant central nervous system responses to the Valsalva maneuver in heart failure Congestive heart failure (Greenwich, Conn.), 2007; 13(1): 29-35.
Martins N, Lopes I, Harper RM, Ross P, Ribeiro R. Differential resistance to copper and mine drainage in Daphnia longispina: relationship with allozyme genotypes, Environ Toxicol Chem, 2007; 26(9): 1904-9.
Macey Paul M, Woo Mary A, Harper Ronald M Hyperoxic brain effects are normalized by addition of CO2 PLoS medicine, 2007; 4(5): e173.
Rector DM, Richard CA, Harper RM. Cerebellar fastigial nuclei activity during blood pressure challenges, J Appl Physiol, 2006; 101(2): 549-55.
Kumar Rajesh, Macey Paul M, Woo Mary A, Alger Jeffry R, Harper Ronald M Elevated mean diffusivity in widespread brain regions in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 2006; 24(6): 1252-8.
Macey Katherine E, Macey Paul M, Woo Mary A, Henderson Luke A, Frysinger Robert C, Harper Rebecca K, Alger Jeffry R, Yan-Go Frisca, Harper Ronald M Inspiratory loading elicits aberrant fMRI signal changes in obstructive sleep apnea Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 2006; 151(1): 44-60.
Henderson Luke A, Macey Katherine E, Macey Paul M, Woo Mary A, Yan-Go Frisca L, Harper Ronald M Regional brain response patterns to Cheyne-Stokes breathing Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 2006; 150(1): 87-93.
Krakow Barry, Melendrez Dominic, Warner Teddy D, Clark Jimmy O, Sisley Brandy N, Dorin Richard, Harper Ronald M, Leahigh Lisa K, Lee Samuel A, Sklar David, Hollifield Michael Signs and symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing in trauma survivors: a matched comparison with classic sleep apnea patients The Journal of nervous and mental disease, 2006; 194(6): 433-9.
Macey Paul M, Macey Katherine E, Woo Mary A, Keens Thomas G, Harper Ronald M Aberrant neural responses to cold pressor challenges in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome Pediatric research, 2005; 57(4): 500-9.
Woo MA, Macey PM, Mackey KE, Keens TG, Woo MS, Harper RK, Harper RM. FMRI responses to hyperoxia in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome, Pediatr Res, 2005; 57(4): 510-8.
Woo Mary A, Macey Paul M, Macey Katherine E, Keens Thomas G, Woo Marlyn S, Harper Rebecca K, Harper Ronald M FMRI responses to hyperoxia in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome Pediatric research, 2005; 57(4): 510-8.
Woo Mary A, Macey Paul M, Keens Peter T, Kumar Rajesh, Fonarow Gregg C, Hamilton Michele A, Harper Ronald M Functional abnormalities in brain areas that mediate autonomic nervous system control in advanced heart failure Journal of cardiac failure, 2005; 11(6): 437-46.
Pae Eung-Kwon, Wu Jennifer, Nguyen Daniel, Monti Ryan, Harper Ronald M Geniohyoid muscle properties and myosin heavy chain composition are altered after short-term intermittent hypoxic exposure Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 2005; 98(3): 889-94.
Harper, RM Macey, PM Woo, MA Macey, KE Keens, TG Gozal, D Alger, JR Hypercapnic exposure in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome reveals CNS respiratory control mechanisms Journal of neurophysiology. , 2005; 93(3): 1647-58.
Pae Eung-Kwon, Chien Patricia, Harper Ronald M Intermittent hypoxia damages cerebellar cortex and deep nuclei Neuroscience letters, 2005; 375(2): 123-8.
Kumar Rajesh, Macey Paul M, Woo Mary A, Alger Jeffry R, Keens Thomas G, Harper Ronald M Neuroanatomic deficits in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome The Journal of comparative neurology, 2005; 487(4): 361-71.
Macey PM, Harper RM. OSA brain morphology differences: magnitude of loss approximates age-related effects, Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2005; 172(8): 1056-7.
Macey Paul M, Macey Katherine E, Kumar Rajesh, Harper Ronald M A method for removal of global effects from fMRI time series NeuroImage, 2004; 22(1): 360-6.
Kristensen Morten P, Rector David M, Poe Gina R, Harper Ronald M Activity changes of the cat paraventricular hypothalamus during stressor exposure Neuroreport, 2004; 15(1): 43-8.
Henderson LA, Macey PM, Richard CA, Runquist ML, Harper RM. Functional magnetic resonance imaging during hypotension in the developing animal, J Appl Physiol, 2004; 97(6): 2248-57.
Henderson Luke A, Macey Paul M, Richard Chris A, Runquist Matthew L, Harper Ronald M Functional magnetic resonance imaging during hypotension in the developing animal Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 2004; 97(6): 2248-57.
Henderson Luke A, Richard Chris A, Macey Paul M, Runquist Matthew L, Yu Pearl L, Galons Jean-Philippe, Harper Ronald M Functional magnetic resonance signal changes in neural structures to baroreceptor reflex activation Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 2004; 96(2): 693-703.
Pae EK, Wu J, Nguyen D, Monti R, Harper RM. Geniohyoid muscle properties and myosin heavy chain composition are altered after short-term intermittent hypoxic exposure, J Appl Physiol, 2004; 98(3): 889-94.
Macey PM, Woo MA, Macey KE, Keens TG, Saeed MM, Alger JR, Harper RM. Hypoxia reveals posterior thalamic, cerebellar, midbrain, and limbic deficits in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome, J Appl Physiol, 2004; 98(3): 958-69.
Tatematsu K, Kumagai S, Muto H, Sato A, Watahiki MK, Harper RM, Liscum E, Yamamoto KT. MASSUGU2 encodes Aux/IAA19, an auxin-regulated protein that functions together with the transcriptional activator NPH4/ARF7 to regulate differential growth responses of hypocotyl adn formation of lateral roots in Arabidopsis thaliana, Plant Cell, 2004; 16(2): 379-93.
Macey Paul M, Valderama Claire, Kim Amy H, Woo Mary A, Gozal David, Keens Thomas G, Harper Rebecca K, Harper Ronald M Temporal trends of cardiac and respiratory responses to ventilatory challenges in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome Pediatric research, 2004; 55(6): 953-9.
Macey, KE Macey, PM Woo, MA Harper, RK Alger, JR Keens, TG Harper, RM fMRI signal changes in response to forced expiratory loading in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2004; 97(5): 1897-907.
Macey, PM Macey, KE Henderson, LA Alger, JR Frysinger, RC Woo, MA Yan-Go, F Harper, RM Functional magnetic resonance imaging responses to expiratory loading in obstructive sleep apnea Respiratory physiology & neurobiology. , 2003; 138(2-3): 275-90.
Macey Paul M, Alger Jeffry R, Kumar Rajesh, Macey Katherine E, Woo Mary A, Harper Ronald M Global BOLD MRI changes to ventilatory challenges in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 2003; 139(1): 41-50.
Harper Ronald M Impaired arousals and sudden infant death syndrome: preexisting neural injury? American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 2003; 168(11): 1262-3. Richard Christopher A, Rector David M, Macey Paul M, Ali Noorjahan, Harper Ronald M Late-developing rostral ventrolateral medullary surface responses to cardiovascular challenges during sleep Brain research, 2003; 985(1): 65-77.
Henderson Luke A, Woo Mary A, Macey Paul M, Macey Katherine E, Frysinger Robert C, Alger Jeffry R, Yan-Go Frisca, Harper Ronald M Neural responses during Valsalva maneuvers in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 2003; 94(3): 1063-74.
Woo Mary A, Macey Paul M, Fonarow Gregg C, Hamilton Michele A, Harper Ronald M Regional brain gray matter loss in heart failure Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 2003; 95(2): 677-84.
Poe Gina R, Rector David M, Harper Ronald M State-dependent columnar organization of dorsal hippocampal activity in the freely-behaving cat Behavioural brain research, 2003; 138(1): 107-12.
Harper Ronald M, Macey Paul M, Henderson Luke A, Woo Mary A, Macey Katherine E, Frysinger Robert C, Alger Jeffry R, Nguyen Khanh P, Yan-Go Frisca L fMRI responses to cold pressor challenges in control and obstructive sleep apnea subjects Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 2003; 94(4): 1583-95.
Macey Paul M, Henderson Luke A, Macey Katherine E, Alger Jeffry R, Frysinger Robert C, Woo Mary A, Harper Rebecca K, Yan-Go Frisca L, Harper Ronald M Brain morphology associated with obstructive sleep apnea American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 2002; 166(10): 1382-7.
Henderson Luke A, Macey Paul M, Macey Katherine E, Frysinger Robert C, Woo Mary A, Harper Rebecca K, Alger Jeffry R, Yan-Go Frisca L, Harper Ronald M Brain responses associated with the Valsalva maneuver revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging Journal of neurophysiology, 2002; 88(6): 3477-86.
Kim AH, Macey PM, Woo MA, Yu PL, Keens TG, Alger JR, Gozal D, Harper RK, Harper RM Cardiac responses to pressor challenges in Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome, Somnology, 2002; 6(3): 109-115.
Henderson Luke A, Yu Pearl L, Frysinger Robert C, Galons Jean-Philippe, Bandler Richard, Harper Ronald M Neural responses to intravenous serotonin revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 2002; 92(1): 331-42.
Harper Ronald M, Richard Christopher A, Henderson Luke A, Macey Paul M, Macey Katherine E Structural mechanisms underlying autonomic reactions in pediatric arousal Sleep medicine, 2002; 3 Suppl 2(4): S53-6. Harper RM. The cerebellum and respiratory control, Cerebellum, 2002; 1(1): 1-2.
Krakow Barry, Melendrez Dominic, Warner Teddy D, Dorin Richard, Harper Ronald, Hollifield Michael To breathe, perchance to sleep: sleep-disordered breathing and chronic insomnia among trauma survivors Sleep & breathing = Schlaf & Atmung, 2002; 6(4): 189-202.
Henderson, LA Frysinger, RC Yu, PL Bandler, R Harper, RM A device for feline head positioning and stabilization during magnetic resonance imaging Magnetic resonance imaging. , 2001; 19(7): 1031-6. Harper RM. Autonomic control during sleep and risk for sudden death in infancy, Arch Ital Biol, 2001; 139(3): 185-94.
Rector DM, Rogers RF, Schwaber JS, Harper RM, George JS. Scattered-light imaging in vivo tracks fast and slow processes of neurophysiological activation, Neuroimage, 2001; 14(5): 977-94.
Harper RM. Visualization of neural activity associated with dyspnea, Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2001; 163(4): 805-6.
Richard CA, Rector D, Macey P, Harper RM Changes in vental medullary light reflectance during hypercapnia in awake and sleeping cats, Neurosci Lett, 2000; 286: 175-178.
Harper, RM Bandler, R Spriggs, D Alger, JR Lateralized and widespread brain activation during transient blood pressure elevation revealed by magnetic resonance imaging The Journal of comparative neurology. , 2000; 417(2): 195-204.
Rector, DM Richard, CA Staba, RJ Harper, RM Sleep states alter ventral medullary surface responses to blood pressure challenges American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology. , 2000; 278(4): R1090-8.
Macey, PM Richard, CA Rector, DM Harper, RK Harper, RM State influences on ventral medullary surface and physiological responses to sodium cyanide challenges Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 2000; 89(5): 1919-27.
Harper RM, Woo MA, Alger JR. Visualization of sleep influences on cerebellar and brainstem cardiac and respiratory control mechanisms, Brain Res Bull, 2000; 53(1): 125-31.
Richard, CA Rector, DM Harper, RK Harper, RM Optical imaging of the ventral medullary surface across sleep-wake states The American journal of physiology. , 1999; 277(4 Pt 2): R1239-45.
Harper, RM Richard, CA Rector, DM Physiological and ventral medullary surface activity during hypovolemia Neuroscience. , 1999; 94(2): 579-86.
Schechtman, VL Henslee, JA Harper, RM Developmental patterns of heart rate and variability in infants with persistent apnea of infancy Early human development. , 1998; 50(3): 251-62.
Harper, RM Gozal, D Bandler, R Spriggs, D Lee, J Alger, J Regional brain activation in humans during respiratory and blood pressure challenges Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology. , 1998; 25(6): 483-6.
Rector, DM Poe, GR Redgrave, P Harper, RM A miniature CCD video camera for high-sensitivity light measurements in freely behaving animals Journal of neuroscience methods. , 1997; 78(1-2): 85-91.
Kristensen, MP Poe, GR Rector, DM Harper, RM Activity changes of the cat paraventricular hypothalamus during phasic respiratory events Neuroscience. , 1997; 80(3): 811-9.
Henslee, JA Schechtman, VL Lee, MY Harper, RM Developmental patterns of heart rate and variability in prematurely-born infants with apnea of prematurity Early human development. , 1997; 47(1): 35-50.
Aljadeff, G Gozal, D Schechtman, VL Burrell, B Harper, RM Ward, SL Heart rate variability in children with obstructive sleep apnea Sleep. , 1997; 20(2): 151-7.
Rector DM, Poe GR, Kristensen MP, Harper RM Light scattering changes follow evoked potentials from hippocampal Schaeffer’s collateral stimulation, J Neurosci ethods, 1997; 78: 1707-1713.
Schechtman, VL Ni, H Glotzbach, SF Harper, RM Sleep state effects on nonpanting breathing during preoptic/anterior hypothalamic warming in cats and kittens Sleep. , 1997; 20(1): 1-10.
Mayhew JEW, Askew S, Zheng Y, Porrill J, Westby GWM, Redgrave P, Rector DM, Harper RM Cerebral vasomotion:0.1 Hz oscilation in reflected light imaging of neural activity, NeuroImage, 1996; 4: 183-193.
Poe, GR Nitz, DA Rector, DM Kristensen, MP Harper, RM Concurrent reflectance imaging and microdialysis in the freely behaving cat Journal of neuroscience methods. , 1996; 65(2): 143-9.
Colder, BW Frysinger, RC Wilson, CL Harper, RM Engel, J Decreased neuronal burst discharge near site of seizure onset in epileptic human temporal lobes Epilepsia. , 1996; 37(2): 113-21.
Schechtman, VL Lee, MY Wilson, AJ Harper, RM Dynamics of respiratory patterning in normal infants and infants who subsequently died of the sudden infant death syndrome Pediatric research. , 1996; 40(4): 571-7.
Gozal, D Omidvar, O Kirlew, KA Hathout, GM Lufkin, RB Harper, RM Functional magnetic resonance imaging reveals brain regions mediating the response to resistive expiratory loads in humans The Journal of clinical investigation. , 1996; 97(1): 47-53.
Poe, GR Kristensen, MP Rector, DM Harper, RM Hippocampal activity during transient respiratory events in the freely behaving cat Neuroscience. , 1996; 72(1): 39-48.
Harper, RM Gozal, D Forster, HV Ohtake, PJ Pan, LG Lowry, TF Rector, DM Imaging of VMS activity during blood pressure challenges in awake and anesthetized goats The American journal of physiology. , 1996; 270(1 Pt 2): R182-91.
Colder BW, Wilson CL, Frysinger RC, Harper RM, Engel J, Jr Inter-spike intervals during interictal periods in human temporal lobe epilepsy, Brain Res , 1996; 719: 96-103.
Colder, BW Wilson, CL Frysinger, RC Chao, LC Harper, RM Engel, J Neuronal synchrony in relation to burst discharge in epileptic human temporal lobes Journal of neurophysiology. , 1996; 75(6): 2496-508.
Gozal, D Dong, XW Rector, DM Harper, RK Harper, RM Optical imaging of the ventral medullary surface of developing kittens during ventilatory challenges Reproduction, fertility, and development. , 1996; 8(1): 87-95.
Ni, H Schechtman, VL Zhang, J Glotzbach, SF Harper, RM Respiratory responses to preoptic/anterior hypothalamic warming during sleep in kittens Reproduction, fertility, and development. , 1996; 8(1): 79-86.
Kristensen, MP Rector, DM Poe, GR Harper, RM State-dependent cellular activity patterns of the cat paraventricular hypothalamus measured by reflectance imaging Brain research. , 1996; 727(1-2): 107-17.
Carroll, JL Gozal, D Rector, DM Aljadeff, G Harper, RM Ventral medullary neuronal responses to peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation Neuroscience. , 1996; 73(4): 989-98.
Forster, HV Gozal, D Harper, RM Lowry, TF Ohtake, PJ Pan, LG Rector, DM Ventral medullary surface activity during hypoxia in awake and anesthetized goats Respiration physiology. , 1996; 103(1): 45-56.
Hathout, GM Gambhir, SS Gopi, RK Kirlew, KA Choi, Y So, G Gozal, D Harper, R Lufkin, RB Hawkins, R A quantitative physiologic model of blood oxygenation for functional magnetic resonance imaging Investigative radiology. , 1995; 30(11): 669-82.
Gozal, D Omidvar, O Kirlew, KA Hathout, GM Hamilton, R Lufkin, RB Harper, RM Identification of human brain regions underlying responses to resistive inspiratory loading with functional magnetic resonance imaging Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. , 1995; 92(14): 6607-11.
Rector DM, Poe GR, Kristensen MP, Harper RM Imaging the dorsal hippocampus: Light reflectance relationships to electro-encephalographic patterns during sleep, Brain Res, 1995; 696: 151-160.
Gozal, D Dong, XW Rector, DM Harper, RM Maturation of kitten ventral medullary surface activity during pressor challenges Developmental neuroscience. , 1995; 17(4): 236-45.
Harper, R.M., Gozal, D., Aljadeff, G., Carroll, J.L., Dong, X.W., Rector, D.M. Optical imaging of pressor-induced neural activation of the cat ventral medullary surface, Am J Physiol, 1995; 268: R324-R333.
Gozal, D Ohtake, PJ Rector, DM Lowry, TF Pan, LG Forster, HV Harper, RM Rostral ventral medullary surface activity during hypercapnic challenges in awake and anesthetized goats Neuroscience letters. , 1995; 192(2): 89-92.
Terreberry, RR Oguri, M Harper, RM State-dependent respiratory and cardiac relationships with neuronal discharge in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis Sleep. , 1995; 18(3): 139-44.
Gozal, D Arens, R Omlin, KJ Ben-Ari, JH Aljadeff, G Harper, RM Keens, TG Ventilatory response to consecutive short hypercapnic challenges in children with obstructive sleep apnea Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) , 1995; 79(5): 1608-14.
Aljadeff, G Gozal, D Carroll, JL Rector, DM Harper, RM Ventral medullary surface responses to hypoxic and hyperoxic transient ventilatory challenges in the cat Life sciences. , 1995; 57(4): 319-24.
Rector, D Harper, R Imaging of hippocampal neural activity in freely behaving animals Behavioural brain research. , 1991; 42(2): 143-9.