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Nitya Loganda

Nitya Loganda

Research Administrator

Nitya Loganda Research Administrator in the UCLA Department of Neurobiology

Nubia Andrade

Nubia Andrade

Sr Financial Analyst

Sr Financial Analyst in the UCLA Department of Neurobiology

Nubia Andrade

Nubia Andrade

Sr. Financial Analyst

Sr. Financial Analyst in the UCLA Department of Neurobiology

Orkun Akin

Orkun Akin, PhD

Assistant Professor

Faculty member of the Computational Medicine’s Department of Neurobiology

P. Dean Bok, PhD

P. Dean Bok, PhD

Emeritus Professor

Emeriti Faculty member of the Computational Medicine’s Department of Neurobiology

Paul E Micevych

Paul E Micevych, PhD

Research Professor & Chair, Department of Neurobiology

Faculty member of the Computational Medicine’s Department of Neurobiology

Reggie Edgerton, PhD

Reggie Edgerton, PhD

Emeritus Professor

Emeriti Faculty member of the Computational Medicine’s Department of Neurobiology